
yuē lüè
  • approximate;roughly;rough
约略 [yuē lüè]
  • [roughly;approximate] 大概;大略

  • 约略估计

约略[yuē lüè]
  1. 据他约略估算,饭厅里将近有五十个人。

    There were close to fifty in the common room by his rough count .

  2. 因此,本文的旨趣在于应用约略集理论,从而探测知识管理与公司绩效之间的重要特徵。

    This paper aims to explore the critical patterns between KM and corporate performances by using the rough set approach .

  3. 这件事我约略知道一些。

    I know something about the matter .

  4. 这些信件使我们对他在海外的生活约略有所了解。

    The letter give us a snapshot of his life abroad .

  5. 她约略讲述了为提供救济正采取些什么措施。

    She outlined what was being done to provide relief .

  6. 这约略相当于两个中等大小的冰块。

    This is roughly equivalent to two medium-size ice cubes .

  7. 你腹案中有个约略的发票价格吗?

    Have you an approximate invoicing price in mind ?

  8. 参加示威的人数,约略有10万人。

    Approximately a hundred thousand people attended the demonstration .

  9. 他向警察约略地补充这事件。

    He sketched in the affair to the police .

  10. 从诗歌里可以约略知道。

    We can pick up some outlines of this activity in the poetry .

  11. 多层次规则挖掘的约略集方法

    Rough Set Approach to Multiple Level Rules Mining

  12. 本文约略论述了摄影的文化在历史发展中的一些价值体现。

    This article briefly expounds the value of photographing culture during the historical development .

  13. 该数约略估计为500。

    The number was estimated roundly at 500 .

  14. 我们约略了解到正义为何。

    We find out presumably what justice is .

  15. 这个数量是我们约略估计出来的。

    We estimated the quantity by guess .

  16. 且书中引用的几位西方文化偶像来约略比一比异同。

    Let 's examine the way the book cites a few idols of Western culture .

  17. 我们现在所看见的一切,都是人工智能演进的约略写照。

    All that we see now is a snapshot in the evolution of artificial intelligence .

  18. 林德任博士同意,该估计对没有云的大气层是约略正确的。

    C.Dr Lindzen agrees that for parts of the atmosphere without clouds this is probably about right .

  19. 垂直式风格:英格兰晚期哥德式建筑的一个阶段,在时间上约略与法国的火焰式风格相平行。

    Perpendicular style : Phase of late Gothic architecture in England roughly parallel in time to the French Flamboyant style .

  20. 请注意,环绕阴囊的那片约略圆形区域的皮肤稍后将作为阴道植皮之用。

    Note the roughly circular area of scrotal skin ; this will be harvested for use as a vaginal graft .

  21. 探讨重点在于专利权与著作权,但也会约略介绍商业秘密与商标。

    S.intellectual property law , with emphasis on patents and copyrights and a briefer look at trade secrets and trademarks .

  22. 失智症,在老年人之间更加普遍,在约略超过十年期间就会恶化且会致命。

    Alzheimer 's disease , more common in the elderly , worsens over roughly a10 - year period and is fatal .

  23. 地球上有两组大小约略相同、位置相对或者说相距最为遥远的双岛。

    There are two double islands , roughly the same size , positioned at each other 's antipodes , or farthest-distant point .

  24. 这个三维宇宙起自二维宇宙的物理,约略类似于三维的全像影像其实来自于二维的全像图。

    The three-dimensional universe would emerge from the physics of the two-dimensional universe somewhat like a holographic image arising from a hologram .

  25. 我要表达的是:金牛座的特性:诚实,温和,可靠和细心可以约略可以勾勒出我给他人的整体印象。

    The characteristic of Taurus-honest , gentle , reliable and attentive could roughly describe the general impression of me in others 's eyes .

  26. 约略集理论是一种能处理数据中不确定和噪音的有效数学工具,是数据挖掘的重要方法。

    As an important method of data mining , rough set theory is a powerful mathematical tool to deal with uncertainty and noise .

  27. 中国的近代化过程也可以约略概括为从“朝代国家”向“民族国家”过渡的历程。

    The process of Chinese modernization can be generalized as a transitional process from " the dynastynation " to " national state " .

  28. 在他的书中,他只约略地提到新政府面对的困境,就往下谈这个国家的历史。

    In his book he only glances at the difficulties of the new government before passing on to the history of the country .

  29. 这条线索约略显示出中国文学界接受马克思主义文论在中国传播的一幅侧影。

    Such a clue vaguely displays a profile of the Chinese literary world 's acceptance of Marxist literary theory and its spread in China .

  30. 从模糊限制语的模糊连续性出发,提出了用空模糊限制语来代替约略的设想。

    Then it hypotheses that we could use empty hedge instead of approximation , for the sake of the continuum of fuzziness of hedge .