
  • 网络John;1 john
  1. 我们如何从这个过渡到约翰一书,有什么问题吗?

    Now how do we get from there to1 John ? Any questions about that ?

  2. 约翰一书中没有哪处讲到基督徒,应该爱团体之外的人。

    There 's nowhere that Christians in1 John are told to love people outside the community .

  3. 换句话说,我从约翰一书中读到的,就代表了一种激进的教派主义的团体。

    In other words , what I 'm reading in1 John is representing again a radical sectarian group .

  4. 现在看约翰一书,在新约的结尾部分。

    Okay look at1 John , the first letter of John , right toward the end of the New Testament .

  5. 带着这些问题,我们来看看,约翰一书中又是怎么说的。

    Now with all that going on let 's look at how this then plays itself out in the first letter of John .

  6. 根据约翰一书,这里讲到的爱,都是集中于这一群信徒的。

    According to the first letter of John , all this love that 's talked about is basically centered only on the community of believers .

  7. 约翰一书中有的是,神就是爱,但基督徒,约翰的追随者,不能爱世界。

    What you do have in the first letter of John is that God is love , but that Christians , the followers of John , must not love the world .

  8. 他的应许是原谅你并洗清你的罪(约翰一书1章9节)。然后你可以感谢他并且求他的能力保守我们远离罪恶。

    He promises He will forgive and cleanse you . ( I John 1 : 9 ) Then you can thank Him and ask for His power to keep you from that sin .

  9. 约翰一书中没有爱世界,爱所有人,爱全人类,在约翰一书中没有这样的东西。

    There 's nothing in1 John about loving the world , about loving humanity , about loving all humankind , all mankind , there 's nothing like that in the first letter of John .

  10. 约翰一书第4章第14节说:父差子作世人的救主。许久以前,当主耶稣被钉在十字架上的时候,他背负了世上所有的罪。

    I John 4 : 14 says , ... " the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world . " When Jesus was nailed to the cross long ago , He was taking all the sin of the world upon Him .

  11. 约翰一书第4章14节说:“父差子作世人的救主。”神的儿子主耶稣来到世上,经历了那么痛苦的死,不是因为他有罪,他从来没有犯过罪。

    I John 4 : 14 says , The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world . When the Lord Jesus Christ , God 's Son , came down and suffered that terrible death on the cross , it was not because of His sin , for Jesus never sinned .

  12. 小朋友们,这奇怪吗?这里不正是说明神爱世上那些穷苦,微小的人吗?约翰一书4:10说:“不是我们爱神,乃是神爱我们…”神爱你!

    Does this seem strange to you , boys and girls ? Doesn 't it prove to us that God loves the poor , unimportant people of the world ? I John 4 : 10 says , " Herein is love , not that we loved God , but that he loved us ... " God loves you !