
  1. 城乡二元经济结构的理论探析与破解

    The Theoretical Analysis of Urban-rural Dualistic Economic Structure and its Solutions

  2. 城乡二元经济结构转型的制度分析

    An Institutional Analysis of Urban and Rural Dual Economy Structure Transition

  3. 中国城乡二元经济结构的实证考察

    Empirical Research on the Dual Structure in Chinese Urban and Rural Economy

  4. 宁夏城乡二元经济结构转换的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Dual Structure between Urban and Rural Economy in Ningxia Province

  5. 改变城乡二元经济结构与全面建设小康社会

    Changing Dual Economic Structure of Town and Country and Building a Comfortably-off Society All-sidedly

  6. 城乡二元经济结构的历史发展及当前的障碍作用

    The Historical Development of Dual-economic-structure in Urban and Rural Areas and Present Obstacle Function

  7. 社会主义新农村建设与消除城乡二元经济结构

    On Socialist New Rural Construction and Eliminating Dual Economic Structure in Urban and Rural Areas

  8. 其中,城乡二元经济结构的强化又是导致这一变化的最主要因素。

    In which , the strengthening of the dual-economic structure is the most main factor .

  9. 城乡二元经济体制抑制了城市就业增长;

    Existence of two economic systems in one urbanizing area restrains the growth of city employment ;

  10. 贵州城乡二元经济结构下的生活福利差异分析

    The discussion of life and welfare disparity in town and countryside under dual economic structure in Guizhou

  11. 在我国存在城乡二元经济结构和经济发展区域差异的条件下,城市的劳动力供给是相对充足的。

    Supply of labors is unlimited to cities , under dual structure and regional gaps of development .

  12. 第三部分从构成财政支出的几个方面逐一分析财政支出与我国城乡二元经济结构之间的效应关系。

    Next part writes the effect relationship of each several aspect of financial expenditure and dual economic structure .

  13. 转型时期制约财政政策的最主要因素,是城乡二元经济结构、体制内的非均衡和制度间的非均衡。

    Double-Economic structure and institution disequilibrium have an important effect on expansive financial policy during social transition period .

  14. 但随着经济的快速增长,中国的城乡二元经济问题日益突出。

    However , with the rapid economic growth , China ' surban-rural dual economic problems have become increasingly prominent .

  15. 重庆市具有典型的城乡二元经济结构,是全国首个统筹城乡发展的实验区。

    Chongqing has a typical urban-rural dual economic structure , and it is the only municipality in west China .

  16. 城乡二元经济结构,是发展中国家在经济发展过程中遇到的普遍现象。

    Urban-rural dual economic structure , economic development in developing countries encounter in the course of a common phenomenon .

  17. 发展中国家的现代化进程,很大程度上取决于城乡二元经济结构向现代经济结构的转换。

    The modernization drive of developing countries , depend on a great extent between city and country to dual economic structure .

  18. 农民工作为我国城乡二元经济社会结构下的特定产物,有其存在的意义与价值。

    As a specific phenomenon of Chinese urban-rural economic and social structure , migrant workers exist with special meaning and value .

  19. 城乡二元经济结构,严重阻碍了城市化的进一步发展以及农村经济水平的提高。

    The structure of Urban-rural dual economic has seriously hindered the further development of urbanization and the improvement of rural economy .

  20. 造成这些滞后现象的根本原因在于城乡二元经济、社会结构的非均衡发展路线。

    The root reason behind these phenomena lies in the non-balanced development route of the urban-rural dual economic and social structures .

  21. 第(?)调整发展政策:逐步消除城乡二元经济结构;加快中西部地区发展脚步,缩小区域间经济发展差距。

    Third , development policy adjustment : elimination of urban-rural dual economic structure ; accelerate the development of central and western regions .

  22. 广东省城乡二元经济结构现状、成因及对策分析遵义市城乡二元经济结构现状及其转换研究

    Analysis of the Present Status of the Dual Economy Structure of the Urban and Rural Areas and Its Transformation in ZunYi City

  23. 我国城乡二元经济结构的形成具有深刻的历史、社会、经济原因,主要是由于体制性和政策性矛盾造成的。

    Chinese urban-rural economic structure forms due to profound historical , social and economic reasons and are mainly caused by institutional and policy contradictions .

  24. 由于长期城乡二元经济、政治结构的影响,我国的社会救助制度走的也是一条城乡分治的道路。

    Because of the economic , political , and long-term urban-rural dual structure , the social assistance system in China is dual partition too .

  25. 我国总体上已进入破除城乡二元经济结构、建设社会主义新农村的关键时期。

    China has generally entered a critical period of exploding the dual structure of urban and rural economy and building a new socialist countryside .

  26. 农村文化在长期的城乡二元经济结构影响下,既有着自身独特的发展优势,也存在着诸多不足。

    Countryside culture under long-term city and countryside dual economic structure influence , also has own unique development superiority , also has many insufficiencies .

  27. 这表明,实现城乡二元经济结构向现代工业经济的结构转换将成为我国新阶段经济社会发展的主题。

    This shows that the transition from dual economy structure to modern industrial economic structure has becomes the mainstream in the primary stage of socialism .

  28. 在对我国城乡二元经济结构转型的分析中,制度因素是一个必须考虑在内的重要变量。

    In analysis of China 's urban and rural dual economy structure transition , institutional factor is an important variable to be taken into consideration .

  29. 城乡二元经济政策是形成我国城乡教育发展不平衡问题的隐性基础,“分级办学”体制则直接导致我国城乡教育发展不平衡。

    The dual economic policy formed the hidden fundation of the problem , while the system of running a school by stages caused the problem directly .

  30. 改变城乡二元经济结构的现状,需要财政政策的不断扶持,加大实施财政支出的力度。

    To change the status of urban-rural dual economic structure , we should continue to increase fiscal spending and expand public finance coverage in rural areas .