
  1. 知识产权是一种通过智力成果创造出来的无体财产权,它的发展可以推动整个国民经济素质和国际竞争力的提高。

    Intellectual property is a non-physical property rights which are created by intellectual production , it can promote the development of national-economy quality and international competitiveness .

  2. 当前,在深化经济体制改革,实现两个根本性转变过程中,经济结构不合理的问题已经突出地影响了国民经济素质和效益的提高。

    At present , in the course of deepening economic restructuring and realizing two essential transformations , the problem of irrational economic structure has noticeably influenced the improvement of national economic quality and its benefit .

  3. 企业从事跨国经营,不仅是一国涉外经济迈向高层次的重要标志,而且是优化一国国内产业结构,提高国民经济素质的重要途径。

    The transnational operation of enterprise is not only the important symbol of a state 's opening-economy stepping forward to advanced stage but also the important ways in improving a state domestic industrial structure and national economy quality .

  4. 发展服务业特别是现代服务业是提升国民经济素质和运行质量的战略举措,是实现经济社会的协调、可持续发展的必然选择。

    The development of service industry , especially the modern service industry , is the strategic act to promote quality and quantity of the national economy , is the inevitable choice to achieve the coordination and continual development of economy society .

  5. 招投标已经成为集团商品和工程采购的重要方式,招投标制度在提高社会经济效益、推进体制机制改革、建立市场体系乃至提高整个国民经济素质等方面发挥了极其重要的作用。

    Bidding has become the most important way of procurement , bidding system plays a big role in improve social and economical benefits , promoting the reform of mechanism , building the market system , also enhance the quality and performance of the national economy .

  6. 加快提高城镇化水平,带动全省国民经济整体素质的提高;

    To raise the urbanization level and improve the of the entire province ;

  7. 国民经济整体素质不高,国际竞争力不强;

    Low overall quality of the national economy and weak competitiveness in the international market ;

  8. 在市场经济条件下,必须加强中小学经济教育以提高国民的经济素质。

    Under market economic circumstances , in order to raise national quality in economy , primary and middle school education in economy should be reinforced .

  9. 国民经济整体素质和效益不高,经济结构不合理的矛盾仍然比较突出。

    The quality and performance of the national economy as a whole remains poor , and unsound aspects of the economic structure are still conspicuous .

  10. 面对这种新形势,外资工作要着眼于提高国民经济整体素质,增强国际竞争力和抗风险能力。

    In this context , our efforts in attracting foreign investment should be focused on improving the overall quality of the national economy , enhancing international competitiveness and the capability to withstand risks .

  11. 现今我国经济获得了飞速发展,但同时各地区之间经济发展的差距日趋扩大,这已严重影响我国国民经济整体素质的提高和国民经济的协调发展。

    But at the same time the continuing enlarging distance of economic development between regions has done harm to the progress of the whole national economy and the harmonious development of the national economy .

  12. 城市化问题是当前我国经济和社会发展研究的一个热点,它对于协调城乡关系,提高国民经济整体素质,具有重大而又深远的意义。

    The problem of urbanization is the focus of studying in the present economy and social development . It has great and far-reaching meanings for coordinating the relation in urban and rural areas and improving the whole quality of national economy .

  13. 这是提高国民经济的整体素质,扩大国内需求,增强国际竞争力的根本性措施。

    This is a fundamental measure for raising the national economy , expanding domestic demand and enhancing international competitiveness .

  14. 相应地,我们应积极推进经济体制和经济增长方式的两个根本性转变,努力提高国民经济的整体素质。

    Meanwhile , we should actively propel the ultimate conversion of the economic system and economic increase mode , and endeavor to improve the quality of the national economy as a whole .

  15. 现时期我国经济结构的调整是发展中的调整,以提高国民经济的整体素质为目标,打破地区之间的差异,实现国民经济系统全面发展。

    The adjustment in new century is the one in the process of development . Adjustment is with enhancing the whole quality of national economy as object , to break the difference existing in different areas , and realize the systematic and comprehensive development of national economy .