
  • 网络Fay Grim
  1. 该安全认证体系符合IEC61850标准体系,密码计算采用国家密码管理委员会办公室指定的密码技术。

    The security authentication system is in conformity with the IEC 61850 standard system and the cryptography technique designated by the National Cipher Management Committee Office is adopted in cryptography computation .

  2. 密码计算采用国家密码管理委员会办公室指定的密码技术。

    The cryptographic computation adopts the cryptographic technique designated by the National Cipher Management Committee Office .

  3. 国家密码管理委员会

    State Secret code Regulatory Commission

  4. 报废、销售商用密码产品,应当向国家密码管理机构备案。

    To disuse or destroy the commercial password products shall be submitted to the State Password Administration Institution for records .

  5. 商用密码产品发生故障,必须由国家密码管理机构指定的单位维修。

    The malfunction of the commercial password products shall be repaired by the units designated by the State Password Administration Institution .

  6. 经审查合格的单位,由国家密码管理机构发给《商用密码产品销售许可证》。

    The units examined to be qualified shall be issued with a Selling License of the Commercial Password products by the State Password Administration Institution .

  7. 在传输方面,采用已通过国家密码管理委员会认证的硬件芯片加密算法的数据加密传输技术实现硬件加密。

    The data encryption transmission technology realized by hardware chip was adopted to realize hardware encryption , which was authenticated by the national cryptogram management committee .

  8. 采用经过国家密码管理部门检测的商密芯片,产品的安全性和可靠性得到有效保障。

    Adopt commercial cipher chips , which have passed the detection by national cipher management department , to effectively ensure security and reliability of the product .

  9. 擅自转让商用密码产品或者不到国家密码管理机构指定的单位维修商用密码产品的。

    To presumptuously transfer the commercial password products or not to repair the commercial password products in the units designated by the State Password Administration Institution .

  10. 国光公司的电子支付密码器系统通过了国家密码管理委员会的技术鉴定,通过了中国人民银行总行组织的系统通用性测试,并为许多商业银行所接受。

    The SZM19-A system has passed the technology appraisal of the Committee of National Cipher Management , and also has passed the general test that was organized by the People 's Bank of China .

  11. 2006年,中国成立了负责监督和认证加密类产品及其供应商的国家商用密码管理办公室(oscca)。

    Since 2006 Beijing has put in place the office of security Commercial Code Administration ( oscca ) , responsible for supervising and certifying encryption-related products and their suppliers .