
  • 网络State and Freedom;Land and Freedom
  1. 社群主义的国家观与自由主义是具有较大差异的。

    View of the state of communitarianism and liberalism is quite different .

  2. 韩国国家安全与表达自由案例研究

    Probing into the Judicial Cases Involving National Security and Freedom of Expression in South Korea

  3. 在整个30年代,国家统制主义与自由主义的经济思想此消彼长,最后统制经济思想盛行。

    Throughout the 1930s , the state-govern and liberalistic economic thought surf the surge , with governing economic thought prevailing ultimately .

  4. 现代市场经济理论认为,国家干预与经济自由都是调节经济的手段。

    The modern market economy theory believes that the state intervention and the economic freedom are all the methods of adjusting the economy .

  5. 但他仍然向往国家权力与精神自由的和谐,希望德国的古典文化能重整旗鼓,这样就能使德国获得新生,并能融入世界做出她独一无二的贡献。

    But he still yearned for the harmony of state power and spiritual freedom , and hoped the classical culture of Germany could regroup .

  6. 发达国家与发展中国家围绕自由贸易与环境保护所产生的矛盾和冲突,已经成为国际政治与经济的焦点问题,如何解决这一矛盾是国际社会面临的艰巨任务。

    Therefore , the contradictions and conflict between the developed countries and the developing countries around the free trade and environmental protection has become the focus of international political and economic problems .

  7. 如何认定强制性规范对合同效力的影响是一个司法上必须面对的问题,国家强制与合同自由的边界需要慎重的对待。

    While violating the validity of a contract in mandatory law involves the integration of law , how to recognize the effect of compulsory rules on the validity of a contract is a must to jurisdiction , so coercion and the freedom of contract should be taken seriously .

  8. 国家与婚姻:婚姻自由的宪法之维

    Marriage and State : Constitutional Respect on the Freedom of the Marriage

  9. 从这个意义上讲,这些抗议者只不过是漫漫长路上需要通过的第一个关卡。本刊立场坚定地支持国家的开放化与自由化。

    To the extent that the protests are the first blast in a much longer , broader battle , this newspaper is firmly on the side of openness and freedom .

  10. 国家的刑事政策与自由、平等、法治等宪政理念紧密相连,其目的在于个人自由之保护,而不是警察国家模式所追求的刑事政策的惩罚性。

    Criminal policy is connected with liberty , equality and rule by law , the purpose of which is to guarantee in-dividual liberty , not to pursue punishment in model of police state .

  11. 由于宣称资本主义就本质而言加剧了不平等,《21世纪资本论》(2013年首先出版法文版,八个月后英文版面世)在大西洋两岸引起了轰动,在国家干预的支持者与自由市场的信徒之间点燃了争论。

    With its claim that capitalism , by its nature , worsens inequality , Capital in the Twenty-First Century ( first published in French in 2013 and then in English eight months later ) caused a transatlantic furore , pitting proponents of state intervention against believers in the free market .

  12. 对正处于社会转型期的国家而言,努力实现国家能力与公民自由间的平衡是达致善治的关键。

    For a country experiencing the social transformation , the balance between country power and civil liberty is the key to good governance .