
  • 网络National Museum;Rijksmuseum;Rijksmuseum Amsterdam;Nationalmuseum
  1. 时任美国驻荷兰大使J•威廉•米登多夫将这块石头赠送给了德雷斯,1988年德雷斯去世之后,这块石头就被捐献给了荷兰国立博物馆。

    J.William Middendorf , the former American ambassador to the Netherlands , made the presentation to Mr Drees and the rock was then donated to the Rijksmuseum after his death in1988 .

  2. 卢浮宫、乌菲齐博物馆、梵蒂冈博物馆、阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆(Rijksmuseum)和马德里的普拉多博物馆(Prado)都销售限时门票,让游客可以免于排队。

    The Louvre , Uffizi , Vatican , Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and Prado in Madrid all offer timed tickets for sale , allowing visitors to avoid lines .

  3. 我们的起点是在爱丁堡的苏格兰国立博物馆(NationalMuseumofScotland)。

    We began at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh .

  4. 宝格丽在东京国立博物馆(TokyoNationalMuseum)举办了“宝格丽的艺术展”(ArtofBulgarishow),展出了自己推出的首个纪念币系列、镶嵌多颗宝石的项饰以及其它上世纪70年代的各款首饰。

    And Bulgari is showcasing its first coin collections , multi-gem sautoirs and other 1970s pieces in its Art of Bulgari show at the Tokyo National Museum .

  5. 伦敦发展署(londondevelopmentagency)报告发现,与其它所有对手相比,伦敦拥有更多的国立博物馆、更多的音乐演出和音乐场所、更多的公共美术馆以及更多的大型剧场。

    It has more national museums , more musical performances and venues , more public art galleries and more major theatres than all its competitors , the report by the London Development Agency has found .

  6. 如果你的时间只够逛一家博物馆,那就去东京国立博物馆(TokyoNationalMuseum),这座宏伟的建筑群中有一些令人印象深刻的专题系列馆藏(门票620日元)。

    When there 's time to visit only one museum , make it the Tokyo National Museum , a vast complex housing impressive thematic collections ( admission , 620 yen ) .

  7. 夏威夷大学人类学家克里斯汀·R·矢野(ChristineR.Yano)正在为全美日裔国立博物馆的凯蒂猫艺术回顾展撰写文字说明,《洛杉矶时报》引述了她的考证。

    The Times quotes Christine R. Yano , an anthropologist from the University of Hawaii , who was preparing the written text for a retrospective of Hello Kitty art at the Japanese American National Museum .

  8. 发言人Aggy勒罗勒只是说,麦当劳的到来与否并非由博物馆决定,因为卡鲁塞尔是由一家私人公司而非国立博物馆经营。

    Spokeswoman Aggy Lerolle said only that it is not up to the museum veto McDonald 's arrival since the Carrousel is run by a private company rather than the state-run museum .

  9. 日前,库克在阿姆斯特丹举办的Start-UpFest大会上表示,他最近在阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆寻找伦勃朗绘画作品的时候,一件艺术品深深地吸引了他的注意力--那即是荷兰画家彼得·德·霍赫的《门厅里的男子将信交给女子》。

    Speaking in an interview at Start-Up Fest in Amsterdamon , Cook said that he was recently touring Amsterdam 's Rijksmuseum looking for Rembrandt paintings . But he was struck by another piece of art , known as Man Hands a Letter to a Woman in a Hall by Pieter de Hooch , that caught his eye .

  10. 国立博物馆讲述了王子和他的国家的故事。

    The national museum tells the story of the prince and his country .

  11. 京晶:是啊,如果我们都起得早,那我们早餐后就去美国国立博物馆吧!

    If we both get up early , let 's hit the Smithsonian after breakfast .

  12. 佩吉.基德韦尔是美国国立博物馆数学馆的馆长。

    Peggy Kidwell is the Curator of Mathematics at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History .

  13. 国立博物馆「政法人化」能解决专业人员晋用的老问题?

    Can the Problems of Professionals ' Employment be Resolved by the Administrative Corporation in National Museums ?

  14. 在10日到12世纪拜占庭的希腊火的手榴弹就在雅典国立博物馆展出。

    Byzantine hand grenades with Greek fire in the10th to12th centuries are on display in the National Museum at Athens .

  15. 拥有近百万件藏品的阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆是荷兰最大的艺术和历史博物馆。

    Holding almost one million objects , Amsterdam 's Rijksmuseum is the largest museum of art and history in the Netherlands .

  16. 如果我们确定要去国立博物馆的话,我们至少得留足4个小时。京晶:好的。

    If we 're going to the Smithsonian at all , we 'd have to give it four hours at least .

  17. 穿过一片樱花,我来到东京市中心的上野,观看在东京国立博物馆展示的阿修罗像。

    Walking beneath cherry blossoms , I went to Ueno in central Tokyo for a public viewing of an image of Ashura that opened at the Tokyo National Museum .

  18. 位于阿姆斯特丹的荷兰国立博物馆是荷兰最大的博物馆,宫殿式建筑气势恢宏,藏有大量世界知名的艺术珍品。

    Housed in a strikingly palatial building , Amsterdam 's famed Rijksmuseum is the largest museum in the Netherlands and home to a world-renowned collection of art and artefacts .

  19. 具有历史意义的华盛顿国家大教堂伯利恒教堂,以及美国国立博物馆总部外的一个雕像也同样被人泼了绿漆。

    Green paint was again discovered in the Washington National Cathedral 's historic Bethlehem Chapel and was also found on a statue outside the headquarters of the Smithsonian Institution .

  20. 这幅巧妙的图片适合它的较小的主题,那国立博物馆,和它的纪念碑一起收藏了17世纪荷兰的主要的,包括伦布兰特,维梅尔和弗兰的作品。

    This artful photo befits its smaller subject , the Rijksmuseum , with its monumental collection of17th-century Dutch masters , including works by Rembrandt , Vermeer , and Frans Hals .

  21. 这是新建的漂亮的国立博物馆。这是非裔美国人对我们文化,社会和历史做出杰出贡献的闪亮榜样。

    It 's a new , beautiful Smithsonian museum that serves as a shining example of African Americans ' incredible contributions to our culture , our society , and our history .

  22. 综合型博物馆包括世界性综合博物馆(如大英博物馆)和国家与地方性综合博物馆(如韩国国立博物馆)。

    The comprehensive museums include the international comprehensive museums ( such as the British Museum ) and many national and local comprehensive museums ( such as the National Museum of Korea ) .

  23. 你说要不,去完国立博物馆以后,我们就直奔白宫,然后某处吃点东西,如果白宫太挤就去国会大厦。

    What about , after the Smithsonian , we head toward the White House , eat somewhere , and go on to the Capitol Building if the White House is too packed .

  24. 由在阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆日公布的这张照片,2009年8月27日,据说石头从月球带回来,并指出在当时被认为是美国大使。

    In this photo released by the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam on Thursday , Aug.27,2009 , a rock supposedly brought back from the moon , and a note from the then-U.S.ambassador is seen .

  25. 这块石头现保存在阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆,每年吸引数十万游客。该馆馆长发现,这块价值号称30.8万英镑的“月亮石”实际上是块石化木。

    Curators at Amsterdam 's Rijksmuseum , where the rock has attracted tens of thousands of visitors each year , discovered that the " lunar rock ", valued at ? 308,000 , was in fact petrified wood .

  26. 通过对空间综合建筑事务所大楼、京东长老会教堂、清州国立博物馆三个韩国优秀建筑实例的现场考察和介绍,探讨了韩国现代建筑中保持的东方神韵,对现代建筑的设计具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Through locale review and introduction of the three Korea excellent construction examples of space group of Korea building , kyongdong Presbyterian church , Cheongju national museum , it discusses the Oriental verve preserved in Korea modern construction , gives a use for reference to the design of modern construction .

  27. 国立故宫博物馆位于台湾的台北。

    The National Palace Museum is situated in Taipei , Taiwan .

  28. 南朝鲜国立中央博物馆魏晋南北朝道教哲学

    National Museum of Korea Taoist philosophy of the Wei , Jin , and North and South dynasties

  29. 如今,这包口香糖在美国国立历史博物馆中展出。

    Today , that pack of gum is on display at the National Museum of American History .

  30. 蒙古国立中央博物馆

    State Central Museum , Mongolia