
yuè tán
  • Music world;music circle
乐坛 [yuè tán]
  • [music circle] 从事音乐的人形成的圈子,音乐界

乐坛[yuè tán]
  1. 在当今的世界乐坛上,占统治地位的,还是以西方的各个时期的音乐形式、技法、以及作品。

    In present music circles throughout the world , it is the western musical arts and works that dominate .

  2. 他们的到来,活跃了海外中国民族乐坛,促进、加强了中西音乐文化交流。

    They pour some flesh vigor to the oversea Chinese national music circles and also promotes and reinforces the exchange between Chinese and the west .

  3. 她在乐坛上另创一番新事业。

    She forged a new career in the music business .

  4. 他被吹捧为流行乐坛最有意思的家伙。

    He was being touted as the most interesting thing in pop

  5. BEYOND被公认为华语乐坛上最成功和最有影响力的乐队!

    BEYOND Chinese music scene is recognized as the most successful and most influential band !

  6. 三年前,身为创作型歌手的艾德•希兰携处女单曲TheATeam(书名号只能用于中文)空降流行乐坛就大获成功;

    It 's been just three years since UK singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran broke through into the pop world with his debut single The A Team .

  7. BEYOND在中国乐坛上可以说是一个奇迹,BEYOND的音乐至今对中国组乐队的后辈影响都非常大!

    BEYOND music in China can be said to be a miracle , BEYOND music group the band has been on the younger generation in China is very big impact !

  8. 沪江英乐讯MTV电视台即将播出一部长达90分钟的纪录片,以庆祝“小甜甜”布兰妮重返流行乐坛。

    MTV will air a90-minute documentary about Britney Spears 's return to the pop-music spotlight .

  9. 时至今日他还是认为AlB.Sure(歌手)会重返乐坛

    To this day , he still thinks Al B. Sure 's gonna make a comeback .

  10. 罗伯特·舒曼(RobertSchumann)是19世纪上半叶欧洲浪漫乐派的重要代表人物之一,是德国乐坛上最伟大的音乐诗人之一。

    Robert Schumann was one of the most important representatives of romantic pianists in the first half of 19th Century in Europe .

  11. 陶喆是金曲奖得主,还因创建交叉体裁的R&B而著名,硬摇滚曲调已经成为他的签名风格,他使R&B音乐曲调在华语乐坛得以闻名。

    Tao is a Golden Melody Award-winner and is well known for creating a crossover genre of R & B and hard rock tunes which has now become his signature style and for having popularized R & B in the Mandopop industry .

  12. 在过去的两年中,宝儿重新将工作重心搬回韩国乐坛。2012年7月,她发行了近两年来首张个人韩语大碟——《OnlyOne》。2013年1月到4月,她举办了自己的首场韩国巡回演唱会。

    ore than 1 million albums in Japan . Over the past two years , BoA has refocused her career in K-pop . In July 2012 , she released Only One , her first Korean album in two years . And from January to April 2013 , she went on her first tour of South Korea .

  13. 乐坛天后珍妮·杰克逊已经与男友——商业翘楚WissamAlMana定下婚约,爱情修成正果,即将步入婚姻殿堂。而传闻女主角珍妮在采访中则对这一消息一笑置之,并称两人的关系相当“私密”。

    Janet Jackson is not engaged , but the singer and actress did confirm that she and rumored boyfriend Wissam Al Mana are in a " private " relationship .

  14. 埃克托尔·柏辽兹HectorBerlioz(1803-1869)是19世纪浪漫主义时期法国著名的作曲家、指挥家和音乐理论家,在西方乐坛享有盛誉。

    Hector Berlioz ( 1803-1869 ) is a French famous composer , conductor and theorists in western music with great reputation during the Romantic period in the 19 century .

  15. 作为中国当代流行乐坛知名度最高的歌手,王菲受到苏格兰双生鸟乐团(CocteauTwins)的影响,并将其另类风格与中国传统的抒情歌谣相结合。

    As the most famous singer on China ` s contemporary pop scene , Wong combines alternative styles , influenced by the Scottish group Cocteau Twins , with more traditional Chinese lyrical ballads .

  16. 《1989》中的第二首单曲《OutoftheWoods》也于两周前发布。从目前发布的两首新单中已经可以听出,这位乡村巨星正在大步迈向流行乐坛,就像她改变自己在杂志和红毯上的形象一样卖力。

    Based on the first two released songs - the second single Out of the Woods was released two weeks ago - the country superstar is striding into pop with the same degree of effortlessness as her recent image change in magazines and on red carpets .

  17. 美国流行乐坛天后麦当娜55岁不服老,星期三在图片分享应用Instagram上上传一张在健身中心的劈叉照片,展示自己的柔韧性不减当年。

    Even at 55 , Madonna 's still got it ! The superstar posted yet another photo of her fit physique on her Instagram account on Wednesday showing off she is just as flexible as her Danceteria days .

  18. 现在,你转动头部将会非常顺畅。由于头部受到撞击造成颈部不可挽回的损伤,重金属乐队Metallica的低音歌手经历14年的生涯终于退出乐坛。

    You 'll be turning heads in no time . The bassist from the heavy metal band Metallica quit after 14 years , citing irreparable neck damage from head-banging .

  19. 然而乐坛上又出现了另一支男孩乐队。

    Yet another boy band has appeared on the music scene .

  20. 我们总是在寻找具有影响力的人物,尤其是在乐坛。

    We 're always looking for influence , especially with music .

  21. 现在看来,她正计划重返乐坛。

    Now , it seems , she is planning a comeback .

  22. 他们一直是摇滚乐坛最刺激的现场表演者之一。

    They remain one of rock music 's most exciting live acts .

  23. 安迪太了解流行乐坛了。

    Andy is really plugged into the popular music scene .

  24. 她是19世纪后期在法国乐坛上名噪一时的艺术家。

    She was a popular French music-hall artiste in the late19th century .

  25. 从此一个普通的女孩开始走进流行乐坛,给人们带来惊喜。

    This normal Norwegian girl began to bring surprises to the world .

  26. 她在乐坛上另创一番新事业。

    Example : She forged a new career in the music business .

  27. 他一飞冲天成为广东歌乐坛的新天王。

    He skyrocketed as a new Prince of Canton-pop .

  28. 在乐坛举足轻重的这三个男人,在梅姑生命中都占了一席之位。

    The3 famous man of the music industry are important to Mui Koo .

  29. 他们是华语乐坛的一大不可超越的奇迹!

    They are one of Chinese music can not go beyond a miracle !

  30. 贝多芬是乐坛向一个新时代过渡的桥梁。

    Beethoven was the link with a nev period .