
  • 网络Lottie;Letty;Betty Loh
  1. 嗨乐蒂如果我们加一点krump的元素进去

    Hey , Leti , if we added some of this krumping ,

  2. 夏乐蒂:但别忘记这对你的身材有多大好处。

    Charlotte : But think what it 'll do for your figure .

  3. 美乐蒂面前手持蜡烛攀爬黑暗的楼梯。

    Melody held the candle before her and ascended the dark staircase .

  4. 嗨,我是乐蒂老师,天秤座女生。

    Hi ! I am Teacher Lovely and my star sign is Libra .

  5. 我明天要拿给梅乐蒂。

    I 'm gonna give it to Meredith tomorrow .

  6. 克里斯很难隐藏自己对美乐蒂的爱恋。

    Chris could barely conceal his attraction to Melody .

  7. 你是指梅乐蒂吗?

    You 're talking about meredith , right ?

  8. 乐蒂这可以帮助我们胜利

    Leti , this could help us win .

  9. 这是可莉莎泰森乐蒂杰西还有这是卡蜜儿

    This is Kirresha , Tyson , Leti , Jesse and this is Camille .

  10. 我叫乐蒂是啊

    My name is Leti Yeah

  11. 唷乐蒂卡蜜儿根本不在这里如果归你管那就表现一下

    Yo , Leti . Camille ain 't even here . If you 're in charge , act like it .