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  1. 攀爬之乐&新概念楼梯

    New Concept Stairs : Joys of Ups and Downs

  2. 我终于遇到对手了,昨天象棋具乐部新来的家伙把我打败了。

    I 'm glad that someone has beaten Roger at tennis . It 's about time he met his match .

  3. 葡萄树回答说:'我岂肯止住使神和人喜乐的新酒,飘摇在众树之上呢?'

    But the vine answered , 'Should I give up my wine , which cheers both gods and men , to hold sway over the trees ? '

  4. 大家好,我是学而思乐加乐的新老师林叶。

    Hello , everyone . I 'm Blane , a new teacher in Xueersi .

  5. 这支单曲由一个名为“电视流行乐”的新组合演唱,如今它在好几个流行榜上都有名。

    The tune by a new group called Telepop Music is now on several billboard playlists .

  6. 《诗经》乐歌配乐的过程有四:一是词、乐均为新制,同时产生;

    The background music dubbing had four ways : the first , newly-made poem and music were created simultaneously ;

  7. 里德从未像鲍勃·迪伦、披头士乐队那样取得商业成功,但是他和他的乐队——地下丝绒乐队为摇滚乐注入了新的维度,自上世纪60年代开始他就影响了一代又一代的歌手。

    Reed never gain the commercial success of Bob Dylan , or the Beatles , but he and his band , the Velvet Underground , introduced new dimensions into rock music and he 's influenced other artists since the 1960s .

  8. 另一家主要的运营商T-Mobile也表示将暂停销售和更换盖乐世Note7新机。

    Another major carrier , T-Mobile , also said it was temporarily halting sales and exchanges of new Galaxy Note 7s .

  9. 今年,受巴塞尔艺术展委托,曹斐将展示大型视频装置作品《乐旧·图新》(SameOld,BrandNew)。它将在香港最高的建筑118层的环球贸易广场的外立面上展示。

    For this year 's fair , she will present " Same Old , Brand New , " a large-scale video installation commissioned by Art Basel that will be shown across the fa ç ade of the 118-story International Commerce Centre , the tallest building in Hong Kong .

  10. 这个音乐的形式导致了称雷鬼摇摆乐加勒比音乐的新形式。

    This form of music led to the new form of Caribbean music which was called the reggae .

  11. 动物园的饲养员特意为南方来客“喜乐”配备了全套取暖设施,“喜乐”的新家设施齐全,除了馆内四周的暖气片以外,还配置了地暖,以帮助她适应北方的寒冷气候。

    The room is fully equipped with heating system installed under the ground . And heating system within the room . Zoo keeps did these for keeping a comfortable temperature for her because the winter here is much colder than it in Sichuan . So they particularly provided them for her based on the seasonal change .