
  • 网络Man of Tai Chi
  1. 不过,上周末,由基努·里维斯(KeanuReeves)主演的中美合拍影片《太极侠》(ManofTaiChi)表现不佳,突显出此类混合制品存在营销困难。

    Still , the difficulty of marketing such hybrids was underscored last weekend by the modest performance of Man of Tai Chi , a Chinese-American co-production that starred Keanu Reeves .

  2. 演员基努•里维斯在电影节第九天也将出席,推广他的处女作《太极侠》。

    Actor Keanu Reeves is also due to attend during the nine-day festival to promote his directorial debut Man of Tai Chi .

  3. 别再只想着扎克·斯奈德的《超人:钢铁之躯》或是基努·里维斯的《太极侠》了。

    Forget Zach Snyder 's Man of Steel or Keanu Reeves ' Man of Tai Chi .