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tài yánɡ nián
  • solar year
太阳年 [tài yáng nián]
  • (1) [year]∶地球环绕太阳公转一次所需的约365 1/4太阳日的周期,一般以太阳回到同一部分天区或季节循环来表示

  • (2) [solar year]∶依据太阳量度的年的长度

  1. 有额外的或者增加的时间来使日历的一年与太阳年一致。

    Added or having an addition to make the calender year correspond to the solar year .

  2. 他们从这里发展出对时间的计算,一部历法能够精确地量度太阳年到一分钟误差之内。

    From this came their reckoning of time , and a calendar that accurately measures the solar year to within minutes .

  3. 太阳年和太阴年的起始时间每13年重合一次。

    The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years .

  4. 【天】太阳年,回归年他们在艳阳下脱去衬衫。

    Tropical year They stripped off their shirts in the hot sun .

  5. 【天】太阳年,回归年27但心中甚想归回之地,必不得归回。

    Tropical year But to the land whereunto they desire to return , thither shall they not return .

  6. 太阳年(地球绕太阳旋转一周所需的时间,约365天)

    The solar year ( the time it takes the earth to go round the sun once , approximately 365 days )

  7. 太阳高年期间海南电离层扩展F出现的起始时间研究

    Research of Starting Time of Ionospheric Spread-F Observed in Hainan during High Solar Activity

  8. 本文介绍了在21周太阳峰年中,耀斑脉冲相期间高分辨率的地面射电微波和空间硬X射线的联合观测结果。

    This paper presents the simultaneous observational results with high resolution in hard X-ray and microwaves during the impulsive phase of solar flares in the maximum year of the 21st cycle of solar activity .

  9. 该层每天开始电离时的太阳高度年变化是没有规律的,而F层每天开始电离时的太阳高度却具有有规律的年变化。

    The annual variation of the solar height at the time of first ionization of the E2 layer is irregular , whereas this solar height of the F layer has a regular annual variation .

  10. 太阳峰年期间的黑子活动

    The Sunspot Activity During SMY Winter

  11. 会叫一个凝视太阳50年的人,也不得不眨眼。

    That a man who has been staring at the sun for50 years , will have to blink .

  12. 第21周太阳峰年期活动日场的统计分析及磁场位形分类

    Statistical Analysis and Configuration Classification of the Magnetic Fields of the Active Prominences on the Solar Limb During Cycle 21

  13. 在太阳峰年,一年内电子和质子的总流量均为约5.0×1015cm-2。

    The total fluences of electrons and protons during one year at solar maximum are both approximately 5.0 × 1015 cm-2 .

  14. 落实科学发展观打造太阳百年伟业&采访太阳纸业集团董事长李洪信

    To manage Sun Paper Group with the scientific view on development & An interview with LI Hong-xin , General Director of Sun Paper Group

  15. 陨石和彗星影响地球的概率是如此之低,以至于最危险的处境来自我们自己的星球,在太阳几十亿年之后。

    The probability of an impact of a meteorite or comet on Earth is so low that the most dangerous situation comes from our own star , the sun billions of years hence .

  16. 随着新一轮太阳活动年的日益临近,太阳射电观测越来越受到人们的关注,研究太阳的活动对电离层以及地球通讯影响已经成为科研领域的一个热门课题。

    Along with a new round of solar active years are increasingly closing , solar radio bursts will be given more and more attention . It becomes a focal problem that the study of the effects on ionosphere and earth form solar activities .

  17. 基于云南天文台射电频谱仪的频率设置,第23周太阳峰年期,我们作了下列观测研究选题:(1)质子耀斑的初始能量释放过程及粒子加速研究。

    In view of the frequency installation of radiospectrographs at Yunnan Observatory , the following radio subjects of observations and studies are suggested for the maximum phase of solar cycle 23 : ( 1 ) The study on releasing course of initial energy of proton flares and particle acceleration .

  18. 太阳活动低年南极中山站电离层F层的平均特性

    Overall properties of F region around solar minimum at Zhongshan station , Antarctica

  19. 太阳活动高年期间(19781981)耀斑-行星际激波传播的三维平均特性日本行星际闪烁(IPS)观测的初步分析

    Three Dimensional Propagation Characteristics of the Flare-Associated Interplanetary Shock Wave During 1978-1981 INTERPLANETARY INTERMEDIATE SHOCK

  20. 统计分析了23周太阳活动峰年期间(1998.12~2002.12)记录到的米波Ⅱ型爆发,与Hα耀斑和日冕物质抛射(CME)事件的关系。

    The statistical analyses of the metric type ⅱ bursts , Coronal mass ejection ( CME ) and H α flares duration the 23rd solar cycle are carried out in this paper .

  21. 结果表明,本文的板厚模式预报的结果在太阳活动高年较国际参考电离层(IRI)和中国参考电离层(CRI)大为改善。

    Comparisons with IRI and CRI models show that the slab thickness model can give more precise results than the IRI and the CRI at higher solar activity .

  22. 分析还表明,平流层夏季50hPaQBO纬向风强度自身的演变也存在显著的跃变过程,在太阳活动11年周期单周内东风平均强度较双周显著增强。

    The evolution of QBO intensity at 59 hPa is analyzed , which shows the marked sudden change processes , andin the odd-numbered 11-year solar cycle the intensity of east zonal wind is stronger than that in the even-numbered cycles .

  23. 太阳活动低年太阳风的空间结构

    Spatial structure of solar wind during minimum phase of solar activity

  24. 太阳在一年的这个时候升起得比较晚。

    The sun rises later at this time of the year .

  25. 太阳活动千年尺度的准周期性波动

    Quasi-periodic fluctuations of solar activity in scale of thousand years

  26. 太阳活动百年尺度的跃变与气候跃变的相关分析

    Correlation analysis of solar activity and climatic jump in century time scale

  27. 在这一天,木星将会与太阳进行一年一次的相会。

    On that day Jupiter will schedule his annual meeting with the Sun .

  28. 本文还给出了由视速求真实速度的方法,在接近太阳活动低年的1985年夏季仅在三亚看到电离层汽泡。

    Since the minimum of solar activity is approaching bubbles appeared only at Sanya in summer .

  29. 北半球海平面气压对太阳黑子11年周期的响应

    The response of sea - level pressure to the sunspot cycle for last one hundred years

  30. 太阳活动高年上电离层中O~+&H~+离子过渡高度的特征

    The height of o + - h + transition in the topside ionosphere at solar maximum