
  • 网络Ohisama
  1. 风先生和太阳公公都很强壮。

    Mr wind and Mr Sun are both very strong .

  2. 小鸡说:“太阳公公在睡懒觉吧。”

    Chicken says ," The sun is sleeping late . "

  3. 太阳公公,这是什么颜色?

    What colour is this , Mr Sun ?

  4. 太阳公公戴上了云帽子,天一下子变得凉快了。

    When Grandfather Sun put on the hat of cloud , it suddenly becomes cool .

  5. 我能见到太阳公公吗?

    Can I reach the sun ?

  6. 生日是环游太阳公公365天之旅的第一天,旅途愉快哟!

    A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun . Enjoy the trip .

  7. 雨姐姐走了,太阳公公露出了笑脸,抚摸着它的头,让它茁壮成长。

    Yu sister passed away , his father-in-law of the smiling sun , stroked its head and let it grow .

  8. 春天正式报到了,大自然母亲一定知道我希望太阳公公早点出来见人。

    Today is the first day of spring , but Mother Nature must have known that I needed the sun to come out a bit early .