
  1. 太完美了!这个发型正是我想要的。

    That 's perfect ! This hair style is just what I wanted .

  2. 这项计划看起来太完美了,其中必有蹊跷。

    The plan seems too good , and there must be a catch in it .

  3. 他给我买的礼物真是太完美了!

    The presents he buys for me are just perfect !

  4. Terry让我告诉你你穿着这衣服配上这些景色你看起来太完美了。

    Terry wanted me to tell you how perfect you looked with these now .

  5. 我是说,你的小孩成长得太完美了,只要不算上Andrew,

    I mean your kids turned out perfect , as long as you don 't count Andrew .

  6. 而且正好赶上abigail回来,太完美了。

    And this works perfectly with Abigail being back in town .

  7. 什么,你太完美了不可能撞到任何人?

    What , you 're too perfect to bump into anybody ?

  8. 这一台电脑真是太完美了,它小但性能非常棒。

    This one is perfect . It 's small and powerful .

  9. 他的表演岂止是好,真是太完美了。

    His performance was more than good ; it was perfect .

  10. 太完美了,我们都是天秤座。

    It 's just so perfect that we 're both Libras .

  11. 而且,邓肯的退役仪式实在是太完美了。

    Also , Duncan 's retirement ceremony was pretty much flawless .

  12. 他们也看得出来,这里的环境对我而言太完美了。

    They can see it is an absolute ideal environment for me .

  13. 对于我们当时的业务阶段,他太完美了。

    He was perfect for that stage of our business .

  14. 但是一个东西太完美了。

    But that 's what happens when anything 's perfect .

  15. 那一刻太完美了。我感觉自己仿佛置身天堂。

    It was perfect . I felt like I was in heaven .

  16. 太完美了我们叫她艾莉吧

    She is perfect . I thike we should call her Ellie .

  17. 源真核生物的假说似乎太完美了,有些不现实。

    The Archezoa hypothesis proved too good to be true .

  18. 简:噢,天哪,他太完美了。

    Jane : Oh , my god ! He 's so perfect .

  19. 太完美了,真谢谢�

    Oh , it is sooo perfect . Thank you so much .

  20. 宁静而美丽,简直太完美了。

    It was perfect , so still and beautiful .

  21. 昨天晚上你穿的那件黑貂皮大衣实在是太完美了。

    Last night you looked so fabulous in that wonderful full-length sable coat .

  22. 有一次他伪造的太完美了。

    One time he made such a good fake .

  23. perfect:完美的,极好的太完美了。

    Eleanor : Yes . It 's perfect . -

  24. 看看日落,太完美了。

    Look at that sunset . lt 's perfect .

  25. 我觉得你说的一切都太完美了。

    I thought you said everything just about perfectly .

  26. 还有他的厨房,太完美了。

    And his kitchen is , it 's perfect .

  27. 失踪的儿子回来了这真是太完美了

    The pathetical son returns . This is perfect .

  28. 麦克斯,你这身约会装扮太完美了

    Max , you look perfect for your date .

  29. 这里所有的都太完美了,并且我很喜欢你儿子。

    Absolutely adored everything and I love your son .

  30. 这太完美了,我等的就是这个时刻。

    It is the perfect thing . I 've been waiting for this .