
  • 网络guitar;Acoustic Guitar;blues
  1. 小贩们到处兜售烤鸡和冷饮,两个年轻女人在舞台上弹着木吉他,朗诵充满焦虑的诗歌。

    As vendors hawked grilled chicken and cold drinks , two young women took to the stage to recite angst-ridden poetry to the chords of an acoustic guitar .

  2. 英国工党的议员和贵族们送给即将离任的首相一把钢弦木吉他作为告别礼物。

    Labour MPs and peers have given outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair a steel-string acoustic guitar as a leaving present .

  3. 我会再召集一些人的今晚将上演Rufus木吉他演奏会

    Rufus : I 'm bringing a couple of the guys . It 'll be Rufus unplugged .

  4. 不错,甚至还比较轻的桃花心木吉他比起其他桃花心木健全吉他。

    Yes , even the mahogany guitar is still relatively light compared to other mahogany bodied guitars .

  5. 歌曲从一开始的木吉他轻声的打节奏,到进唱,随着情绪的扩展,少年维特式的烦恼在若隐若现中飘荡。

    Songs from the beginning of the wood softly playing rhythm guitar , into singing , with the expansion of emotion , the problem of juvenile Witt in the looming in Drifting .

  6. 实际上90%的巴西玫瑰木做的吉他早晚会裂掉。

    Practically 90 % of Brazilian rosewood guitars , sooner or later they are split .