
  • 网络Jupiter's atmosphere;Atmosphere of Jupiter
  1. 木星大气层的构成成分。

    The composition of jupiter 's atmosphere .

  2. 正如我以前所说,在1995年年底,“伽利略”探测器终于进入木星大气层。

    As I mentioned before , at the end of 1995 , the Galileo probe finally entered Jupiter 's atmosphere .

  3. 朱诺探测船会在接下来的20个月里研究这颗离太阳距离排行第五、体积最大的行星,帮助科学家探索太阳系的起源,寻找木星大气层底下是否存在固体表面的证据。

    The probe will spend the next 20 months studying the fifth - and biggest - planet in our solar system , to help scientists determine the foundations of our solar system , and to search for signs of a solid surface beneath its cloud-covered atmosphere .

  4. 研究木星的大气层结构与天气系统。

    Studies of Jupiter 's atmospheric structure and storm behavior .

  5. 某种生命形式似乎完全可能已在木星的大气层中进化了。

    It seems entirely possible that some form of life has evolved in Jupiter 's atmosphere .

  6. 这颗行星属于太阳系之外的热木星,大气层温度超过摄氏700度。

    It belongs to a classification of planets outside our solar system known as ' hot Jupiters ' and has an atmospheric temperature of more than 700 degrees Celsius .

  7. 木星外部有气状大气层和一层液氢及液氮。

    Specialized the planet Jupiter has a gaseous atmosphere and a mantle of liquid hydrogen and helium .

  8. 然后,木星强大的磁场促使粒子加速进入木星的大气层。

    Jupiter 's powerful magnetic fields then accelerate the particles into the planet 's atmosphere .