
  • 网络Hydraulic Bearing;Hydraulic
  1. 本文介绍控制液压轴承车床的可编程控制器的软硬件。

    The paper introduces the hardware and the software of PC for hydraulic bearing lathe .

  2. 本文利用细化FFT分析和包络检测原理,检测蕴含于振动响应中的液压泵轴承故障特征。

    Envelope Analysis based on ZOOM-FFT is investigated in detail for extracting weak frequency information of the bearing so as to develop an applicable algorithm of bearing fault diagnostics .

  3. 液压球轴承平衡转轮新工艺

    A New Technique of Balancing Runner by Using of Hydraulic Ball Bearing

  4. 液压泵轴承故障的诊断方法

    The fault diagnosis of bearing failure to hydraulic pump

  5. 利用倒谱包络方法解决液压泵轴承故障特征提取和故障诊断的问题。

    The cepstrum envelope analysis is applied to solve the problem of the diagnosis of bearing failure to hydraulic pump .

  6. 与液压滑动轴承形成对照,球面滑动轴承不能通过形成润滑膜将滑动面完全分离。

    In contrast to , say , hydrodynamic plain bearings , no lubricant film can form to fully separate the sliding surfaces .

  7. 本文介绍了液压球轴承平衡机的结构、原理,叙述了使用液压球轴承平衡大型转轮的工艺过程、灵敏度检验及残余不平衡力矩的检测方法。

    The structure and principle of the balancer with hydraulic ball bearing are introduced in this paper . the technology process of balancing large runner , sensitive test and detection method of remains unbalance moment when using hydraulic ball bearing are described .

  8. YZ-1型液压动载轴承试验台的试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of YZ - 1 Hydrodynamic Bearing Test Stand

  9. 液压动载轴承试验台的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of the Test Bench of Hydraulic Dynamically Loaded Bearing

  10. 液压泵的轴承特征信号提取及故障诊断

    Bearing Signature Extraction for Hydraulic Pump Diagnostics

  11. 针对大型通风机轴承因启动时润滑不良而造成磨损及损坏的实际问题,指出了采用液压技术改进轴承润滑的方法。

    Against the actual problem of wear & damage caused by poor lubrication of large fan bearing , the method of improving bearing lubrication by using hydraulics is put forward .

  12. 超高频液压振动器及静压轴承机理的研究

    The Research on Mechanism of the Super-Frequency Hydraulic Vibrator and Static Press Bearing