
  • 网络mud gas separator
  1. 在地面处理系统中必须安装一个U形管,可增加液气分离器的水封高度,防止气体从液气分离器排液口间歇喷出。

    Installing an " U " style pipe in surface treating system can increase the " water seal " level of the liquid-gas separator to prevent the intermittently ejecting of gas from fluid outlets .

  2. 井下液气分离器分离原理及结构改进

    Working principle and configuration improvements of liquid / gas separator in oil well

  3. 充氧车液气分离器燃爆事故分析

    Analysis of a burn and explosion accident in liquid-gas separator for oxygen-charging vehicle

  4. 文章重点论述了液气分离器的分离原理和结构上的改进之处。

    We present the working principle and these new configuration improvements in this paper .

  5. 液气分离器分离出的液体进入循环罐后继续使用;

    The liquid separated flows into the circulating tank to be reused , and the poisonous gas is drained out of the rig site .

  6. 该钻井液气分离器为卧式结构、升降式底座,容积大、液气处理量大、工作压力高,陆地钻井和海上钻井平台钻井都适用。

    It has large volume , huge liquid-gas treating volume , high working pressure and it is feasible for onshore and offshore drilling . The Qi ( vital energy )

  7. 经模拟试验和现场应用情况表明,研制的液气分离器脱气效果良好,能满足欠平衡钻井需要。

    The simulation test and field use show that , the new separator has good performance in separating gas from drilling fluid , it can meet the demand of underbalanced drilling .

  8. 液气分离器就是充分利用电泵机组的高转速、气体和液体之间悬殊的密度差异进行液气离心分离。

    To separate the liquid and gas phase , the separator makes use of the difference in density between them , and takes advantage of ESP high speed rotating , which used to power a separating device .