
  • 网络nozzle efficiency
  1. 掌握喷管效率、绝热滞止概念及计算;

    Grasp the concept of nozzle efficiency , isentropic stagnation and their calculation .

  2. 凝聚相微粒尺寸分布对固体火箭发动机燃烧室效率和喷管效率有影响。

    The condensed phase particle size distribution affects the combustion chamber and nozzle efficiency of solid rocket motors to some extent .

  3. 塞式喷管效率高度特性分析

    Altitude Characteristics Analysis of Plug Nozzle

  4. 实验获得了集气室压强、发动机推力和环境压强等参数,得出了喷管效率的高度特性曲线。

    Chamber pressure , thrust and ambient pressure were acquired . Experimental efficiency altitude characteristics were illustrated .

  5. 影响发动机性能的因素主要是燃烧效率和喷管效率,而这两个参数都与发动机燃烧组织过程有直接或者间接的关系。

    Combustion efficiency and propulsive efficiency which mainly influence the performance of engine , have relations with process of organizing combustion .

  6. 三种不同的喷管效率计算方法对两种喷管的实验结果进行了处理,得到不同的性能曲线,分析比较两种喷管在不同高度下的效率。

    Three methods for the efficiency calculation of nozzles were shown , and the test results of two different kinds of nozzles were dealt with using this methods . Also three kinds of performance curves were obtained and efficiencies of two kinds of nozzles at different altitudes were analyzed .

  7. 本实验喷管设计点效率均超过99%,部分实验接近100%,高度补偿效果明显。

    The maximum nozzle efficiency of all of plug nozzle tested here are more than 99 % , some of them are nearly 100 % . It has good altitude compensation .

  8. 计算结果表明,塞式喷管在设计点效率为97.41%时,其真空效率为78.63%。

    The results show that vacuum efficiency of annular plug nozzles is 78.63 % when its efficiency of design point is 97.41 % .

  9. 热试和冷流实验发动机主喷管倾角为20°时,喷管效率最高。

    The nozzle efficiency was the biggest when slope angle of the test nozzle engine in the two kinds experiments was 20 ° .

  10. 概述了国外大型固体发动机喷管所用的主要材料及质量特性、喷管效率等性能。

    The main materials , the overall impulse-to - mass , performance and efficiency of the nozzles used in foreign large-scale solid rocket motors are stated .

  11. 研究表明,在喷管后端,由于圆管存在,会使喷管效率降低,表现为圆管出口的流体速度降低,压力增高。

    Results suggest that nozzle efficiency decreases because of round tube existing at the back of nozzle , and the speed of gas decreases and the pressure increases when gas spurt out from round tube .

  12. 对于轴对称喷管模型主要进行了喷管的推力特性测量,对于实施矢量偏转后的喷管模型除了给出了喷管推力特性外,还给出了喷管的偏转效率。

    The thrust characteristics of axis symmetry nozzle were mainly measured in test . For the nozzle having a vectoring angle , the deflection efficiency was measured too .