
  • 网络spraying;spray method;spray process
  1. 基材喷射法进行岩石边坡绿化的应用

    Application of Base Material Spray Method to the Afforestation of Rock Side Slope

  2. 激光喷射法的喷流现象

    Jet Phenomena of Laser Spraying Method

  3. 用直流等离子喷射法,以甲烷、氢和氩气的混合气体为原料,在钼基体上合成了较高质量的CVD金刚石薄膜。

    CVD diamond films made from methane-hydrogen-argon gas mixture have been synthesized on molybdenum substrate by direct current plasma jet apparatus .

  4. 本文研究了用直流电弧等离子体喷射法快速沉积的金刚石薄膜的生长特性,并与用热解CVD法沉积的金刚石薄膜生长特性做了比较。

    The growth characteristics of diamond films deposited by DC arc plasma jet method were studied and compared with that of diamond films deposited by thermal CVD method .

  5. 本文对比研究了用喷射法加入CeO2弥散质点的低碳钢(含C0.20%wt)在空气中550~650℃恒温与循环氧化。

    In this work , isothermal and cyclic oxidation of carbon steel ( containing 0.20 % wt C ) with and without CeO_2 dispersion added by jet injection are investigated at 550 °、 600 ° and 650 ℃ in air .

  6. 氟里昂喷射法检漏机理研究

    Study of the Mechanism of Leak Hunting by Freon Spurting

  7. 离心铸造喷射法复合轧辊材料的研究

    The Research on Compound Roller by Centrifugally Cast Spraying

  8. 以干吸着剂喷射法同时脱除SO2和NO的实验研究

    Simultaneous so_2 / no removal with dry sorbent injection

  9. 实际胶质测定仪(空气-蒸气喷射法)

    The Measuring Meter of Exact Colloid ( Method of Air and Steam Spouting )

  10. 电弧等离子体喷射法直接制备金属有机聚合物

    Preparation of Organometallic Polymers With Arc Plasma Spray

  11. 综述了直流电弧等离子体喷射法的原理、进展状况、工艺上的改进和建立机理模型上的努力。

    The priniples , developments of the technique , improvements on technology , works on modeling are reviewed .

  12. 利用直流等离子体喷射法在复合衬底上制备了不同厚度无裂纹的自支撑金刚石膜。

    Crack-free freestanding diamond films with different thicknesses can be deposited on composite substrates by DC plasma jet .

  13. 微囊化的具体制备方法有乳液法、相分离法、喷雾干燥法、静电喷射法等。

    The common processing methods of microspheres incorporate emulsion , phase separation , spray drying , electrospraying and so on .

  14. 本文设计了用直流电弧等离子体喷射法快速生长金刚石薄膜的装置,并对其工作性能进行了研究。

    The present paper covers the apparatus for high-rate diamond film deposition by DC arc plasma jet method and its working-property .

  15. 喷射法由于改善了球化反应动力学条件,稀土和镁一样是优良的球化剂。

    Rare earths are as excellent nodularizers as magnesium , since the injection method has improved the kinetic conditions of the nodularizing reaction .

  16. 介绍了高压喷射法,空气挡板辅助截断气流法,气体内冷却法,径向射流冲击强化换热法磨削液供给系统的特点;

    High pressure jet , scraper plate-aiding-stop air flow , grinding wheel inner cooling and radial jet impact grinding fluid supply systems are introduced .

  17. 技术比较先进并有发展前景的加热升温方法是火焰喷射法、电子束法、等离子法和激光法。

    It is considered heating systems that such as forced flame , electronic beam , plasma arc and laser beam are more advanced technically and more perspective heating systems .

  18. 介绍了高压水流喷射法、碱溶法、超声波法、臭氧氧化法、γ-辐照法以及高能电子束辐照等污泥预处理方法的基本原理、特点及应用前景。

    Description was given to the basic principle and current application of sludge pretreatment methods , such as water jetting at high pressure , alkali solubilization , ultrasonic , ozonation ,γ - ray irradiation , and high-energy electronic beam irradiation , etc.

  19. 高压喷射注浆法与人工成孔夯扩桩(DDC)法在组合型复合地基工程中的应用

    The Application of DDC and the High Pressure Jet Grouting in Combined Composite Foundation Construction

  20. 双级串联喷射吸收法生产Na2SO3的新工艺

    Producing Sodium Sulphite by Two-stage Series Jet Absorbing Process

  21. 喷射等离子体法洗消表面CEES的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Surface Decontamination of CEES by plasma

  22. 评述了近年来在亚共晶Al-Si合金的净化、变质和晶粒细化等熔体处理领域所取得的进展,指出将喷射熔剂法用于整个熔体处理过程是今后的发展趋势。

    Progress of the melt treatment of hypoeutectic Al Si alloys , including purification , modification and grain refinement has been reviewed . It is pointed out that applying the flux injection process to the whole melt treatment is the orientation in the future .

  23. ACCUSTRIP喷射清理法&一种全新概念的清洗方法

    A new cleaning method & ACCUSTRIP jet cleaning

  24. 浅谈水泥粉体喷射搅拌法在公路施工中的应用

    The Application of Cement Powder Spraying Mixing Method to Highway Construction

  25. 高压喷射注浆法处理复杂工程的实践

    Practice in Application of High-pressure Injection Grouting Method to Handle Complicated Projects

  26. 温泉水库利用高压喷射灌浆法加固大坝坝基

    Consolidation of dam foundation with jet grouting method for hot spring reservoir

  27. 轻质及重质馏出燃料中胶质含量测定法-喷射蒸发法

    Gum content of light and middle distillate fuels-jet evaporation method

  28. 对蒸汽喷射热压法的不同方式进行了介绍和比较;

    The different ways of handling the processes are introduced and compared .

  29. 高压喷射灌浆法在钱塘江海塘的应用

    Application of High-pressure Injection Grouting Method in Qiantang River Seawall

  30. 水泥土搅拌法分深层搅拌法(湿法)和粉体喷射搅拌法(干法)。

    Cement mixing method involves deep mixing method and powder-jetting mixing method .