
  • 网络Spray tower;spraying column
  1. 以300MW机组湿法烟气脱硫喷淋塔为研究对象,利用计算流体力学通用软件对其内部两相流场进行模拟。

    A two-dimension computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ) study of the two-phase flow in a wet flue gas desulfurization ( FGD ) spray tower is presented .

  2. 烟气脱硫喷淋塔本体设计与分析

    Design and analysis of the spray tower proper for flue gas desulphurization

  3. 运行和设计经验表明,一般喷淋塔的容积吸收率为(5.5~6.5)kg/(m3·h)。

    It was shown that the volume absorption efficiency of spray absorber range within ( 5.5 ~ 6.5 ) kg / ( m ~ 3 · h ) .

  4. 在目前已有的设计、运行经验基础上,根据烟气的SO2进口浓度、要求的吸收效率等来确定喷淋塔容积。

    According to the design and operation experiences , the volume of a spray scrubber can be decided by SO_2 concentration at the entrance and the needed absorbing efficiency when the volume absorbing load is chosen in a recommended range .

  5. 通过对南京工程学院湿法烟气脱硫系统喷淋塔的数值模拟,分析了液体分布环(LDR)对塔内烟气流场的影响。

    The influence of liquid distributed ring ( LDR ) on flow field in spray scrubber of Nanjing Institute of Technology project has been analyzed by means of numerical simulation .

  6. 结果表明,在WFGD系统筛板式喷淋塔中必须保证足够大的孔径与塔径比。

    The results show that the ratio of pore diameter to the diameter of scrubber must be ensured big enough for spray scrubber with sieve tray in WFGD system .

  7. 本文以目前常见的石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫工艺中采用的烟气脱硫喷淋塔为研究对象,在对喷淋塔进行简化建模的基础上,使用Gambit软件对该模型采用非结构化四面体网格进行网格划分。

    In this paper , the spray which is used in the limestone-gypsum wet flue gas desulphurization has been studied . Unstructured tetrahedral mesh has been adopted through the software of Gambit based on the simplify model of the absorption tower .

  8. 托盘式烟气脱硫喷淋塔空塔冷态流场数值模拟

    Cold Flow Field Simulation for FGD Spray Scrubber with a Tray

  9. 本文对喷淋塔水雾除尘机理进行了研究。

    The article researched the collecting theory of spraying tower .

  10. 大型湿法脱硫喷淋塔空塔流场数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation for Hollow-spraying-tower Flow Field of large-scale Wet Desulphurisation Spraying Tower

  11. 规定脱碳率的脱碳层厚度喷淋塔、鼓泡塔烟气脱硫技术的比较

    Comparison between Spray Tower and Jet Bubbling Reactor Flue Gas Desulfurization Techniques

  12. 湿式烟气脱硫喷淋塔内部流场数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of wet flue gas desulfurization spray tower

  13. 颗粒轨道模型用于烟气脱硫喷淋塔两相流数值模拟

    Particle Trajectory Model Used in Numerical Simulation of Flue Gas Desulfurization Spray Tower

  14. 烟气脱硫喷淋塔的容积负荷与本体设计

    The volume absorbing load and design of a spray scrubber for wet FGD

  15. 入口位置对喷淋塔流场影响的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Influence of Inlet Location on Flow Field in Spray Tower

  16. 一种喷淋塔除尘器结构改进的性能研究

    The Research on One Improving Structure of Spraying Tower

  17. 烟气脱硫喷淋塔流体力学特性研究

    Study on aerodynamic characteristics of FGD spray scrubber

  18. 烟气脱硫喷淋塔实时仿真模型研究

    Study on Real-time Simulation Model of Spray Scrubber

  19. 鼓泡塔与喷淋塔在大型火力发电机组上运行的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Bubbling Tower and Spray Tower Operating for Large-capacity Thermal Power Generating Units

  20. 讨论了容积吸收率不同角度的定义,给出了采用容积吸收率进行喷淋塔本体设计的步骤。

    The deferent definitions of the volume-absorbing load are given , and the design steps of a spray scrubber body are described .

  21. 阐述沉降室、旋风除尘器、布袋除尘器、喷淋塔及文丘里洗涤器等除尘器的原理、构造及其在有机硅装置中的优化组合,并列举文丘里管除尘设备的工艺计算。

    , summarizes the optimized application of dust removal in organic silicon plant , enumerate the process calculation of Venturi tube dedust equipment .

  22. 采用水-空气作为介质对湿法烟气脱硫筛板式喷淋塔阻力特性进行了实验研究。

    Experimental study on pressure drop characteristic of wet flue gas desulfurization spray scrubber with sieve tray was carried out by water and air .

  23. 湿法脱硫喷淋塔单层喷淋雾化性能试验二次旋喷在砂土地层旋喷桩施工中的应用

    The atomization characteristics of wet flue gas desulfurization spray tower under single layer spraying Application of Secondary Jet-grouted method on Jet-grouted Pile Construction in Sand Soil Stratum

  24. 本实用新型涉及废气处理设备技术领域,特指废气喷淋塔上的除雾装置。

    The utility model relates to the technical field of waste gas treatment equipment , in particular to a defogging device on a waste gas spray tower .

  25. 喷淋塔是湿法脱硫系统的核心设备,它的优化设计时于提高脱硫效率至关重要。

    Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization ( WFGD ) is a widely used process for flue gas desulfurization technique and a spray scrubber is a key device in WFGD system .

  26. 基于机理分析法的脱单塔装置建模研究湿法脱硫喷淋塔单层喷淋雾化性能试验

    Study on the Model of Monomer Recovery Distillation Column Based on the Mechanism Analytic Method ; The atomization characteristics of wet flue gas desulfurization spray tower under single layer spraying

  27. 提出在烟气脱硫喷淋塔烟气进口设置导流板或采用切向进口,使烟气在塔内螺旋流动,以延长停留时间,加强气液湍动接触,并可改善系统的负荷调节适应能力。

    The spiral flow created by baffles or tangent entrance is developed for a spray absorber of flue gas desulfurization , in order to prolong the gas residence time in the absorber , enhance the turbulent contact between gas and liquid , and improve the capability of gas flow regulation .

  28. 超临界流体喷淋萃取塔流体力学特性和质量传递性能

    Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer Performance of Spray Column in Supercritical Extraction

  29. 湿法脱硫喷淋空塔流场数值分析

    Numerical study on flow field of FGD spray scrubber

  30. 采用喷淋空塔对海水及海水淡化浓盐水的脱硫效率进行了研究。

    The desulfurization efficiency of seawater and desalinating byproduct brine were studied by using a spray empty absorption tower .