
qīng yè
  • clear liquid;liquor;clear solution
清液[qīng yè]
  1. 对含泥沙水样消解后不用滤膜过滤而改为直接定容于50mL比色管中,经钼酸盐、抗坏血酸试剂显色后离心,取清液测定。

    A water sample containing sediments is solved directly in a comparision tube of 50 mL after its resolution without film filtering , and then is centrifuged after color development by molybdate and ascorbic acid reagent , and finally its clear liquor is determined .

  2. 上部圆筒为清液区、中部倒圆台为反应细晶区,下部圆筒为大结晶颗粒沉降分级区。

    The upside of cylinder is liquor field , the middle is reaction thin crystalline region and the lower part is the precipitating and separating field .

  3. 取上层清液用于LC/MS/MS分析。

    The supernatant was evaporated to for LC / MS / MS analysis .

  4. 糖蜜以硫酸调节pH至2.3,同时添加适量的澄清剂,经离心获得的糖蜜清液适于制造澄清度极好的焦糖色素。

    The pH of molasses adjusted to 2.3 with sulfate acid and added some clarifier , the supernatant of molasses after centrifugation was used to produce caramel color .

  5. 工厂现场试验结果表明,采用磷矿浆吸收净化硫酸尾气,SO2脱除率≥80%的反应时间可达到653min,矿浆过滤后澄清液中的P2O5质量百分含量可达1.20%。

    Absorption efficiency of exhaust gas of sulphuric acid equipment could maintain 80 % within 653 min and P2O5 % mass concentration attained 1.2 % in the pulp .

  6. 叙述了透明质酸(HA)发酵液经5种不同预处理方法处理后,所获得清液在超滤过程中通量J的变化规律。

    It was described that the change regularity of membrane permeation flux during the ultrafiltration of filtrate treated by five kind of different pretreatment process .

  7. 通过Zeta电位的测定、颗粒粒度分析、FT-IR和UV-vis光谱等研究方法对胆石病人胆汁及离心后的上层清液进行了研究。

    The patient bile and its centrifugate were studied by particle size analysis and zeta potential determination , FTIR spectra , UV-vis spectra .

  8. 将清液层高度的CFD结果和经验公式的结果进行了对比,变化趋势基本一致,验证了所建模型的正确性。

    The clear liquid height of the CFD results were in good agreement with the results of empirical formula , and the validity of the CFD model for double-pass flow was proved .

  9. 在雨季等情况下对废清液的治理措施是,将其两次兑海水,使其各项指标(NH3-N、pH、SS和COD等)达到国家排放标准。

    In rainy season the waste liquor is diluted with seawater by two times to make its all indexes ( NH 3 N , pH , SS , and COD ) meeting the national standards .

  10. 而菱锌矿溶解Zn2+使孔雀石在菱锌矿澄清液中的浮选受到抑制。

    On the other hand . the flotation of malachite in smithsonite supernatant is depressed due to the bulk precipitation of xanthate with dissolved Zn2 + .

  11. LLC-Tray的液体提升量随气速的增大而减小;随清液层高度的增大而增多。

    The liquid lift-up of LLC-Tray decreases with the hole-air-speed and increases with the clear liquid height .

  12. 为验证CFD模拟结果的可靠性,用空气-水为系统研究了空塔气速、液流强度和堰高与塔板上的清液层高度的关系。

    To verify the reliability of CFD simulation results , the hydraulics experiments were carried out with the air-water system to research the changing of clear liquid height with different empty tower gas velocities , liquid flow intensities and weir heights .

  13. 当板上液体自F1浮阀区流向CTST区时,平均清液层高度较高,液层梯度较小。

    In the condition of the liquid flowing from F1 floating valve area to CTST area , the mean clear liquid height is higher , and gradient of liquid level is smaller .

  14. LBW工艺及低温液化糖化工艺(液化温度85~95℃),酒糟清液可全回流使用。

    LBW tech nique and with liquefaction and saccharification at low tem-perature ( liquefact ion temperature at85 ~ 95 ℃), the clear liquid could be completely used for reflux flow .

  15. LLC-Tray板上清液层高度随液体流量的增加而增加,随堰高的增加而增大,气速对清液层高度的影响很小。

    The clear liquid height of LLC-Tray increases with the increase of liquid flow and the height of weir but hardly varies with the gas speed .

  16. 清液利用超滤、纳滤和反渗透的组合工艺,把污水的盐分进一步浓缩,浓水继续通过电渗析再次浓缩后,进入MVR蒸发器进行蒸发结晶。

    The supernatant by ultrafiltration , nanofiltration and reverse osmosis combination process , the sewage of salt further concentration , concentration of water by electrodialysis concentrated continue again , enter the MVR evaporator for evaporation crystallization .

  17. 在相同气速和清液层高度下,CTST-F1复合塔板的板压降大于CTST的,小于F1浮阀塔板的。

    With similar gas rate and mean clear liquid height , pressure drop of the CTST-F1 combination tray is higher than that of CTST , and lower than that of F1 floating valve tray .

  18. 当莴苣汁和大葱清液体积比为1∶2、反应时间为5min、反应温度为50℃时,大葱液对莴苣中的亚硝酸盐的消除作用最好。

    When the volume ratio of lettuce to scallion is 1 ∶ 2 , the reacting time of scallion juice was 5 minutes , and the temperature is 50 ℃, the eliminating rate of nitrite was highest .

  19. 选育出的H19734菌株能适应以淀粉的酶水解液、豆饼碱水解液和无机盐组成的清液发酵培养基和发酵过程中不补料的工艺。

    H_ ( 19-7-34 ) strain can suit to a cleaned fermentation medium containing enzymatic hydrolysate of starch , alkaline hydrolysate of soybean cake , corn steep liquor and mineral salts and without complement medium in the fermentation process .

  20. 离心清液回配数学模型建立的探讨

    Investigation on the Establishment of Centrifugal Clear Liquid Reflux Mathematical Model

  21. 浮阀塔板清液高度测量方法的研究

    Experimental study on measurement of clear liquid height on valve tray

  22. 小麦粉清液生产酒精的工艺研究

    Study on the Technology of Alcohol Production by Wheat Flour Clear Liquid

  23. 溶剂萃取法从发酵清液中提取纯柠檬酸

    Purify Citric Acid from Fermentation Aqueous Solution by Solvent Extraction

  24. 从薯粉发酵清液中提取柠檬酸的动力学

    Study on Kinetics of Citric Acid Extraction with Solvent from Fermentation Aqueous Solution

  25. 然后用珠球荧光法测定清液中铀。

    Then trace uranium in the clear solutions is determined by fused-pellet fluorometry .

  26. 玉米酒糟清液回用量的探讨

    Study on the Reflux Flow Quantity of Clear Liquid of Waste for Corn Alcohol

  27. 漂白粉澄清液有效氯稳定性的研究

    Study on the stability of the available chlorine content in supernatant of bleaching powder suspension

  28. 乙炔法聚氯乙烯生产中电石渣清液的利用以粉煤灰和电石渣为催化剂的聚丙烯裂解模型研究

    Study on the model of polypropylene pyrolysis using coal fly ash and carbide lime as catalyst

  29. 评述了浮阀塔板清液高度的测量方法及存在的问题,设计了挡流帽式测压结构。

    Several methods for measuring clear liquid height on valve tray and their shortcomings are reviewed .

  30. 其中,三聚氰胺在上层清液和下层沈淀中都有较高的含量。

    Both of the upper clear liquid and lower sediment have a higher content of melamines .