
  • 网络the clean air act;CAA
  1. “大烟雾”之后,英国连续出台了多部法律,高潮则是1956年出台的《清洁空气法》(cleanairact)。

    The great smog was followed by a succession of laws , which culminated in the 1956 clean air act .

  2. 非营利卫生组织美国肺脏协会(AmericanLungAssociation)为维护《清洁空气法》发起了宣传运动。

    The American Lung Association , a health nonprofit organization , is defending the Clean Air Act with an advertising campaign .

  3. 但是,在道路上行驶时,这种排放控制系统并不会充分启动,汽车排放的氮氧化物会比《清洁空气法》(CleanAirAct)要求的水平高至多40倍。

    But those emissions controls were not fully engaged on the road , where its cars spewed nitrogen oxides at up to 40 times the levels allowed under the Clean Air Act .

  4. 但也是在1970年,环保运动人士第一次举行了“世界地球日”(EarthDay)。而且在45年前的9月,国会通过了颇具影响力的新《清洁空气法》(CleanAirAct)。

    But 1970 was also the year the environmental movement held the first Earth Day and when , 45 years ago this month , Congress passed a powerful update of the Clean Air Act .

  5. 美国国家矿业协会会长哈尔·奎因(HalQuinn)说,《清洁空气法》是一个直接的威胁。

    The Clean Air Act is a direct threat , said Hal Quinn , president of the National Mining Association .

  6. 美国司法部环境和自然资源司负责人约翰克鲁登(JohnCruden)表示:“美国将寻求对大众采取所有适当的法律补救手段,纠正违反我国清洁空气法的行为。”

    John Cruden , head of the justice department 's environment and natural resources division , said : " The United States will pursue all appropriate remedies against Volkswagen to redress the violations of our nation 's clean air laws . "

  7. 根据《清洁空气法》(CleanAirAct),大众公司每辆安装了非法软件的2升柴油车(约49.9万辆)的罚款可达3.25万美元,每辆3升柴油车(约8.5万辆)的罚款可达3.7万美元。

    Under the Clean Air Act , the company could be fined up to $ 32500 for each 2-liter diesel vehicle with the illegal software ( about 499000 autos ) and up to $ 37000 for each 3-liter vehicle with the software ( about 85000 ) .

  8. 本届年会的中心议题是清洁空气法修正案(CAAA)对炼油工业的影响。

    The impact of Clean Air Act Amendments ( CAAA ) on petroleum refining industry was the main subject under discussion in the90th NPRA annual meeting .

  9. 以《清洁空气法》为例简析美国环境管理体系

    US Environmental Management System : an Example about the Clean Air Act

  10. 实现这些改变不能仅仅归功于《清洁空气法》的实施。

    Not all of these benefits came from Clean Air Act regulations .

  11. 美国《清洁空气法》中有关淘汰甲基溴的条款

    Clause of Phasing out Methyl Bromide in Clean Air Act of USA

  12. 但《清洁空气法》的确是主要原因。

    But the Clean Air Act was a primary cause .

  13. 从那个时候开始,《清洁空气法》就反复受到挑战,它被认为成本高且不必要。

    Since that time , the Clean Air Act has repeatedly been challenged as costly and unnecessary .

  14. 但是,奥巴马是第一位用《清洁空气法》来对付全球变暖的总统。

    Mr. Obama , however , is the first president to use the law to fight global warming .

  15. 1990年,《清洁空气法》经修订后,成为全世界为控制空气污染制定的意义最为深远的法律之一。

    As amended in1990 , the law is one of the most far-reaching pieces of air pollution control legislation in the world .

  16. 达成和解时,奥巴马政府已经利用《清洁空气法》制定并实施了一些新的监管措施,旨在控制导致全球变暖的污染。

    The settlement comes as the Obama administration has used the Clean Air Act to create and enforce new regulations aimed at reining in planet-warming pollution .

  17. 有许多研究发现,《清洁空气法》大幅提高了空气质量,让数以万计的人免于因心脏和呼吸道疾病而提早死亡。

    Numerous studies have found that the Clean Air Act has substantially improved air quality and averted tens of thousands of premature deaths from heart and respiratory disease .

  18. 尼克松则通过了标志性的立法,如《清洁空气法》和《清洁水法》,并成立了美国国家环境保护署。

    Nixon garnered support for his passage of landmark legislation like the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts as well as the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency .

  19. 1990年版的《清洁空气法》还包括了要求环保局发布并定期更新限制例如臭氧和汞等污染物的规定。

    The 1990 iteration of the Clean Air Act also included requirements that the E.P.A. issue , and periodically update , regulations on pollutants such as ozone and mercury .

  20. 在推动国会通过一项新的气候变化法律以限制温室气体排放的尝试以失败告终之后,总统回到了《清洁空气法》。

    After trying and failing to push a new climate-change law through Congress aimed at curbing greenhouse gas pollution , the president went back to the Clean Air Act .

  21. 理论上这项标准是数十年来自1990年颁布《清洁空气法》修正案后最高值。尽管这会引来更多的诉讼。

    In theory that marked the culmination of a decades-long , on-again-off-again process first initiated by amendments to the Clean Air Act in 1990 - although further lawsuits seem inevitable .

  22. 《清洁空气法》的历史和影响,可以为正在努力解决我们也曾面临过的严重污染问题的那些国家,提供有价值的研究案例。

    The history and impact of the Clean Air Act can serve as a valuable case study for countries that are struggling today with the extraordinary pollution that we once faced .

  23. 奥巴马取而代之的做法是,充分利用1970年通过的《清洁空气法》,一些法律专家称之为世界上最强大的环境法律。

    Instead , Mr. Obama has turned to the vast reach of the Clean Air Act of 1970 , which some legal experts call the most powerful environmental law in the world .

  24. 例如美国20世纪70年代颁布的《清洁空气法》、《清洁水法》等法律中对公众参与制度做出了详细的规定。

    Take for example , the American Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act and other laws which were promulgated in the 1970s have made the detailed stipulations to the system of the public participation .

  25. 美国炼油工业面临着更加严格的环境污染控制,为了达到联邦法规(如清洁空气法修正案、石油污染法、国家大气质量标准等)的要求。

    The petroleum refining industry is facing the problem of more stringent environmental pollution control in USA. To meet the requirements of federal regulations , such as Clear Air Act Amendment , Oil Pollution Act , National Air Quality Standard etc. , a large amount of capital investment is needed .