
  • 网络Flue gas desulfurization;FGD
  1. 酸性溶液中Fe(Ⅲ)离子浓度对烟道气脱硫的影响

    Effect of Fe (ⅲ) Concentrations on Desulphurization in Acidic Solution

  2. 本文探讨了利用电炉炼钢粉尘进行型煤燃烧固硫和烟道气脱硫的可能性,实验测定和理论计算了典型的电炉粉尘的硫容量约为5.5mmol/g;

    The possibility of utilizing EAF dust as sul-fur sorbent in coal combustion was investigated . The sulfur capacity of the typical EAF dust is about 5 . 5 mmol / g.

  3. 介绍控制SO2对大气污染的重要性和主要途径;阐述最有效的烟道气脱硫技术的几种常用方法。

    The author describes the importance and main approaches in SO_2 control to prevent air from pollution , and introduces several commonly used but most effective approaches for flue gas desulfurization .

  4. 废水生化处理出水用于烟道气脱硫研究

    Study on Desulfuration from Flue Gas with Wastewater Effluent after Biological Treatment

  5. 稀土型烟道气脱硫剂脱硫作用的研究

    Study on Desulphurization of Chimney Gases by Rare Earth Desulphurizer

  6. 锅炉烟道气脱硫除尘设备防腐的研究

    Study on the Anticorrosion of Flue Gas Desulfurization Equipment

  7. 炉渣在锅炉烟道气脱硫中的应用研究和技术分析

    The Research and Technology Analysis of Coal-burning Slag in Boiler Flue Gas Desulfurization

  8. 以焦化氨为碱源用于锅炉烟道气脱硫的探讨

    Desulfurization of Boiler Flue Gas By Using Coking Ammonia as the Source of Alkali

  9. 阐述海水吸收烟道气脱硫新工艺。

    This work describes the new desulfurization process of flue gas absorption by sea water .

  10. 烟道气脱硫设计综述

    Summarization of Flue Gas Desulfurization Design

  11. 当其作为烟道气脱硫剂时,脱硫率可达95%以上,反应活性很高。

    As the sulfur sorbent for flue gas desulfurization , the sulfur removal was over 95 % .

  12. 利用污水生化处理过程中产生的碱度化学吸收二氧化硫,是烟道气脱硫和污水回用的新思路。

    It is a new way of FGD and wastewater reuse to absorb SO 2 by the alkalinity produced in the process of wastewater biochemical treatment .

  13. 利用硫酸盐还原菌烟道气生物脱硫技术

    Microbial Desulfurization from Flue Gas Using Sulfate Reducing Bacteria

  14. 烟道气的辐射脱硫和脱硝也正在开发利用中。

    Radiation sterilization of disposable medical products , radiation desulphurization and denitration are also being developed in China .