
  • 网络nicotinic acids;Niacin;nicotinic acid niacin
  1. 本研究为急性冠脉综合征联合使用他汀类药物及烟酸类药物预防主要心血管事件的发生提供了重要的理论依据。

    This study of patients with acute coronary syndrome provided an important theoretical basis to prevent the occurrence of major cardiovascular events , which combined statins with nicotinic acid drugs .

  2. 结合以上特点,烟酸与他汀类药物合用,理论上将可以对于易损斑块产生更好的稳定作用。

    According to the above features , the combination of niacin and statins theoretically can make the vulnerable plague more stable .

  3. 本课题用兔的动脉粥样硬化模型为研究对象,给予烟酸及他汀类药物干预,随后探讨其对于动脉粥样硬化斑块病理组织结构等方面的影响,并与单独应用他汀类降脂药比较。

    This dissertation uses the rabbits ' atheromatous plaque as research object , intervenes them with niacin and statins , explores the effect of niacin and statins on the pathological organization of the atheromatous plaque , and at last compares the effect that is only used statins .

  4. 烟酸属维生素B类,它能抑制脂肪组织中游离脂肪酸的释放,从而减少到达肝脏的用于合成甘油三酯的游离脂肪酸总量;

    Nicotinic acid belongs to vitamin B , it can inhibit the release of free fat acid in the fat tissue , so it can reduce the total amount of free fat acid arriving liver utilized to synthesize the triglyceride ;