
  • 网络renal atrophy;atrophy of kidney
  1. 如此高的复发率不但增加了患者的痛苦及经济负担,多次的ESWL及手术治疗导致继发高血压、肾萎缩、及肾脏功能损害等并发症的发生率显著提高。

    Such a high rate of recurrence will increase both the suffering and economic burden of patients . It will lead to a significant increasing of incidence to many complications , such as secondary hypertension , renal atrophy , renal dysfunction , etc. after numbers of ESWL and surgeries .

  2. 硝酸银组出现1例休克,1例左肾萎缩,1例左输尿管上段狭窄并发症;

    Complications were observed in patients treated with silver nitrate ( renal atrophy ; 1 case , left ureterostenosis in superior segment ; 1 case , and shock ; 1 case ) .

  3. 左肾萎缩伴双肾结石梗阻致肾功能不全1例ph.1.【医】心肌梗塞;冠状动脉栓塞

    A case of renal failure caused by left kidney atrophy combined with bilateral calculi obstruction

  4. 这包括肾萎缩引起的高血压,逐渐是肾衰竭,最终需要透析治疗。

    That includes high blood pressure caused by scarred kidneys , slowly failing kidneys , even end-stage kidney failure that requires dialysis .

  5. 在肾脏理改变上,肾小管萎缩、轻微病变的差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The renal pathological investigation showed the differences between tubular atroph and mild changes was significant ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 肾小管萎缩和肾间质纤维化(TCI);

    Tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis ( TCI ) .

  7. 多因素逻辑回归分析显示年龄和肾小管萎缩是影响IgA肾病预后的主要因素。

    Age and renal tubule atrophy were the important factors which affected the patients prognosis by the analysis of logistic regression method .

  8. 8w时肾脏出现减小的趋势,病理出现肾小球硬化、间质纤维化和肾小管萎缩。

    At 8w post-injection , the renal size had a decreasing trend and pathological studies showed glomerular sclerosis , renal interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy .

  9. 14d后肾小管萎缩,间质纤维增生,间质面积增宽,伴随肾皮质中羟脯氨酸含量升高及TGFβ1mRNA表达增多。后者的峰值出现先于羟脯氨酸峰值及间质面积增宽。

    On day 14 , tubule atrophy , interstitial proliferative fibrosis and area enlarged , hydroxyproline content , TGF β 1 mRNA expression increased , the peak value of the latter occurred early than that of hydroxyproline peak value and interstitial area enlargement .

  10. 结论:细胞凋亡参与肾小球硬化、肾小管萎缩及间质纤维化的过程,肾间质炎细胞的浸润更促进残肾凋亡的发生。

    The renal interstitial inflammation may promote the apoptosis in the remnant kidney .

  11. 肾小管萎缩是预测肾功能的独立因素(P<0.01)。

    The tubular atrophy was the factor predicting the renal functions ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  12. 尿路梗阻最重要的并发症为反压所致的肾实质萎缩。

    The most important complication of urinary tract obstruction is renal parenchymal atrophy as a result of back pressure .

  13. 病变随病程加重,第7周时可见部分大鼠有肾小球局灶性节段性硬化伴肾小管萎缩。

    In the seventh week , the focal segmental glomerular sclerosis with tubular atrophy was seen in some rats ;

  14. 引起肾小球的损伤;认为肾脏缺血及肾小球破溃出血是肾实质萎缩的重要原因。

    Our study indicated that renal ischemia and glomerular destruction and bleeding were important factors leading to renal atrophy .

  15. 全球硬化、间质纤维化、间质炎细胞浸润、肾小管萎缩、血管病变等各项积分随年龄增加升高,系膜增殖、节段硬化、球囊粘连及新月体积分在各年龄组之间无统计学差异。

    The pathological grades and the scores of lesions of global glomerulosclerosis , interstitial fibrosis , interstitial inflammatory infiltration , tubular atrophy and vascular injury were all increased with ageing .

  16. 此外,病理切片以严重的输尿管膨胀、肾小管萎缩、大量间质细胞和浸润单核细胞细胞间隙变大为特征。

    Besides this , the sections were characterized with severe tubular dilatation , tubular atrophy , widened interstitial space with a greater number of interstitial cells and infiltrating mononuclear cells .

  17. 医生们同意对较老化、功能较萎缩的肾脏进行移植手术。尿路梗阻最重要的并发症为反压所致的肾实质萎缩。

    Doctors are allowing older and more sluggish kidneys to be transplanted . The most important complication of urinary tract obstruction is renal parenchymal atrophy as a result of back pressure .

  18. 两组间质炎性细胞浸润、球性硬化、间质纤维化、肾小管萎缩、血管透明变的Katafuchi半定量积分差异有显著性意义(P<0.05或<0.01);

    The pathological scores about inflammatory infiltration in interstitium , glomerular sclerosis , interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy of C-IgAN group were significantly higher than those of NC-IgAN group ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 慢性化指标包括纤维性新月体占肾小球面积、局灶性节段性硬化占肾小球面积、肾小管萎缩占肾小管间质面积、间质纤维化程度占肾小管间质面积4项。

    Chronic indexes included 4 items such as area percentage of fibrosis glomerular crescent , focal segmental sclerosis of the whole glomerulum , atrophia tubules of the whole tubulointerstitium , and interstitial fibrotic fields of the whole tubulointerstitium .

  20. 以持久的高血压为病因,可直接造成肾脏的损害,引起肾小球动脉硬化、肾单位萎缩,并出现肾功能减退的一系列临床症状,病变重者还可出现肾功能衰竭。

    The persistent hypertension as an etiology can lead to the kidney damage directly and cause the glomerular atherosclerosis , the nephron atrophy , a serious clinical symptoms of the impaired renal function , as well as the severe cases may occur in renal failure .

  21. 结果表明,各实验组高血压发生率为80%,左肾仅轻度萎缩。

    Results : The incidence of hypertension in the experimental group was80 % with mild atrophy of left kidney .

  22. 85例术后随诊3~6个月,彩超探查肾局部缺血萎缩3例,出现肾血管性高血压1例。

    85 cases were followed up for 3 to 6 months , 3 patients were founded partial renal blood flow insufficiency and atrophy by color Doppler ultrasound scanning and 1 patient was diagnosed renovascular hypertension .

  23. 结果(1)HE染色及Masson染色可见中度梗阻者肾小管扩张或萎缩,间质容积扩大,大量炎症细胞浸润;

    SEM . Results ( 1 ) HE and Masson stains showed expanded or slightly atrophic cortical tubules , enlarged interstitial space and a great amount of inflammation cells infiltration in moderate hydronephrosis .

  24. 方法本组18例18个肾脏均采用原位低温阻断肾动静脉非萎缩性切开肾实质取出结石,同时静脉注射肌苷2.0g。

    Methods In situ hypothermia and occlusion of kidney pedicle in nephrolithotomy were performed in 18 cases of renal staghorn calculi .

  25. 总结了作者在行PTRA中遇上的肾动脉狭窄伴肾萎缩,肾动脉闭塞,肾动脉狭窄伴动脉瘤形成,球囊破裂及肾内动脉分枝损伤等情况的处理,并结合文献加以分析。

    The treatment for the renal artery stenosis with renal atrophy , the occlusion of renal artery , the renal artery stenosis with aneurysm , the balloon rupture and the injures of renal artery branches in authors ' operations of PTRA were summed up and analyzed with literatures .

  26. 结果血管造影诊断为肾动脉狭窄性肾萎缩12例,表现为肾动脉主干及其分支狭窄或闭塞;

    Results Twelve cases of renal atrophy due to RAS were diagnosed by angiography , which demonstrated renal artery stenoses or occlusions .

  27. 3例肾结核,一侧肾萎缩、钙化,对侧输尿管积水扭曲。

    Of 3 cases with renal tuberculosis , the kidney presented atrophy and calcification in one side , and ureter appeared dropsy and torsion in opposite side .

  28. 结果35例中MRI显示33例患侧输尿管有不同程度积水,1例无异常发现,1例仅显示肾移植术后原肾萎缩改变。

    Results MRI showed ureteral dilatation in 33 of 35 cases , no abnormal appearance in 1 case , and only primary kidney atrophy post renal transplantation in 1 case .

  29. 结论肾动脉造影在肾动脉狭窄性肾萎缩、肾性肾萎缩和肾发育不全的鉴别诊断中具有较大价值。

    Conclusion Renal artery angiography is of important values in the differential diagnosis between renal atrophy due to RAS , nephrogenic renal atrophy and non-renovascular renal atrophy , and renal hypoplasia .

  30. 梗阻肾组织中bcl-xl表达与细胞凋亡指数和肾萎缩之间密切相关(P0.05),但与肾纤维化之间相关无显著性(P0.05)。

    Bcl-xl expression in obstructive kidneys were close association with apoptosis and renal atrophy ( P 0.05 ), while no significantly association with degree of renal fibrosis ( P 0.05 ) .