
  • 网络Perinephric abscess;perinephretic abscess;perirenal abscess
  1. 我院1965~1984年2月期间,收治肾周围脓肿24例。

    Since 1965 to Feb. 1984 , 24 cases of perinephric abscess were treated .

  2. 我院1954年至1996年共收治肾周围脓肿病人49例,误诊14例,占28%。

    We reviewed 49 consecutive patient with perinephric abscesses , who were treated between 1954 and 1996 in our hospital , of these 14 had been misdiagnosis ( 29 % ) at initial presentation .

  3. 肾周围炎和肾周围脓肿是同一疾病的不同阶段。

    All round kidney phlogistic with the different level that abscess is same disease all round kidney .