
  • 网络kidney governs water;the kidney controlling water metabolism;The kidney matches the water;The kidney is concerned with water metabolism
  1. 内肾主水,相当于西医解剖学中的泌尿系统;

    The former is responsible for controlling water and corresponds with the urinary system in anatomy of western medicine ;

  2. 肾主水是体内水液代谢、泌尿功能的概括;

    That the Kidney controls the water means that the Kidney controls the metabolism of fluid and the urological function ;

  3. 古代哲学精水合一的思想是构建肾藏象理论肾藏精与肾主水理论的哲学基础。

    Ancient philosophy , the essence water one idea is to build the renal phenomenological theory " kidney essence " and the philosophical basis of the theory of the kidney water .

  4. 肾系水肿是指因肾系疾病及肾虚、肾主水功能异常所导致的一类以水肿为主要表现的疾病。

    Renal edema a kind of disease whose characteristic clinical manifestation is edema caused by the kidney disease or kidney deficiency or kidney loosing control the water .