
Sài lè tè
  • Seroxat
  1. 目的调查心血管疾病患者中抑郁症的患病率及应用选择性5羟色胺再摄取抑制剂帕罗西汀(赛乐特)的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of depression in patients with cardiovascular diseases and the effect of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor ( Seroxat ) .

  2. 干预组在常规治疗的基础上,口服赛乐特20mg/QD,共4周;佳静安定0.2mg/QN,需要时投用。

    On the base of conventional therapy , patients of intervention group have taked orally with Seroxat ( 20mg / QD ) and Alprazolanic ( 0.2mg / QN , p.r.n ) .

  3. 目的探讨焦点解决短期治疗(SFBT)合用帕罗西汀(赛乐特)对社交恐惧症的临床疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of solution-focused brief therapy ( SFBT ) combined with paroxetine in treatment of social phobia .

  4. 赛乐特治疗考前焦虑对成绩的影响研究

    Paroxetine Hydrochloride Tablets in the Treatment of Pre-examination Anxiety

  5. 赛乐特治疗性病后前列腺炎42例疗效观察

    Effect observation on 42 cases of chronic prostatitis after STD treated with Paroxetine

  6. 一舒(丁螺环酮)合并赛乐特治疗抑郁症的随机对照研究

    A random and controlled study on the united treatment with buspirone and paroxetine for depression

  7. 抗抑郁剂对照组单纯给予常规抗抑郁药物帕罗西汀片剂(中美史克天津药业公司生产,批号0401351,商品名赛乐特)进行治疗,20mg/片,20~40mg/d。

    The patients in the antidepressant drug group were only given routine antidepressant drug Paroxetine 20 mg per pallet , 20-40 mg daily ( produced by the Tianjin Sino-America Squibb Pharmaceutics Co. , Ltd. No. 0401351 ) .