
  • 网络juvenile diabetes
  1. 它患有小儿糖尿病、贫血症、皮肤感染,以及其他许多连希尔也无法全部回忆起来的并发症。

    He had juvenile diabetes , anemia , a skin infection , and so many other complications that Hill can 't even recall them all .

  2. 小儿糖尿病血胰岛细胞抗体与胰岛素自身抗体

    Islet Cell Cytoplasmic Antibody and Insulin Autoantibody in Children with Diabetes Mellitus

  3. 抢救小儿糖尿病酮症酸中毒的输液管理

    Transfusion Supervising in the Management of Children with Diabetic Ketoacidosis

  4. 结论加强小儿糖尿病管理力度非常重要。

    Conclusion It is important to strengthen the management of children with diabetes .

  5. 这项研究预定刊载于十二月号的小儿糖尿病(季刊)。

    The study is scheduled for publication in the December issue of Pediatric Diabetes .

  6. 小儿糖尿病87例分析

    Analysis of 87 cases of juvenile IDDM

  7. 目的旨在了解小儿Ⅰ型糖尿病酮症酸中毒(DKA)时血乳酸水平的变化。

    Objective To explore the lactic acid metabolism in DKA patients .

  8. 现代临床用于慢性泄泻,溃疡性结肠炎,过敏性紫癜,急性菌痢,小儿秋季腹泻和糖尿病等疾病。

    Modern clinical uses it to treat chronic diarrhea , ulcerative colitis , allergic purpura , acute bacillary dysentery , diarrhea in children autumn diseases and diabetes .