
xiǎo liàng
  • small amount;a little;bit;speck;tate
小量 [xiǎo liàng]
  • [a little] 少量

小量[xiǎo liàng]
  1. 同时,每天小量的学习对功课复习和记得新的事情也比较容易。

    Also , studying a little each day makes it easier to review what you 've learned and remember new things .

  2. 前2组给予小量肠淋巴液及输血后观察存活时间及血压,对照组以生理盐水代替肠淋巴液。

    After the administration with a little of intestinal lymph and blood infusion in the anterior two groups , the survival time and blood pressure were observed . The normal saline replaced the intestinal lymph in control group .

  3. 许多人都在小量地向证券市场投资。

    Many people are investing in a small way in the stock market .

  4. 信号能量在两点间测量出来的减小量。参阅signal。

    A decrease in signal power as measured between two points .

  5. 小量提取质粒DNA的简易方法

    A Simple Method Of Extracting Plasmid DNA On a Small Amount

  6. 快速小量提取小麦叶片DNA的一种简易方法

    A Simple and Quick Method of Extracting Genomic DNA from Wheat Leaf

  7. 甘蔗基因组DNA小量提取与大量提取方法研究

    Study on Mini and Mass-Extraction Methods of Sugarcane Genomic DNA

  8. CT检测35例小量脑出血的法医学鉴定分析

    Medical Jurisprudence Identification of CT Examining Tiny Bleeding of Brain

  9. 质粒DNA小量提取法的改进

    An improved method for miniprep of plasmid DNA

  10. 一种改良的质粒DNA小量提取法

    A Modified Method for Miniprep of Plasmid DNA

  11. 阳性克隆经过PCR鉴定以及DNA测序鉴定后,进行慢病毒小量包装。

    After PCR and sequencing identification , the positive clones were packaged into lentivirus .

  12. 以玉米的幼叶为实验材料,用小量快速法提取玉米总DNA。

    Genomic DNA from maize young leaves was extracted by a new small-scale and rapid isolating method .

  13. 结论:小量脑出血早期不易诊断,CT检查可避免误诊

    Conclusion : It is not easy to diagnose little cerebral hemorrhage early . CT can prevent from misdiagnosis

  14. 一种小量提取植物总RNA的有效方法

    An Effective Method for Plant Total RNA Isolation

  15. AlkalineLysis小量快速提取质粒DNA,凝胶电泳拍照;

    The plasmid DNA was extracted by Alkaline Lysis , and separated by electrophoresis on the gel .

  16. UDP协议一般用于一次传输小量的数据。

    UDP typically is used to transfer small amounts of data .

  17. 采用组合数学中典型的型分配问题的求解方法,得到求取分配数的实用递推公式,从而提出针对(n,k)码的兼容最大编码容量的小量模块编码容量计算方法。

    The maximal little-piece compatible-code capacity was calculated using the applied recursion fomula , which was derived from the solution for classic allocation in combinatorics .

  18. 结果:采用本研究室改进的SDS裂解法,可成功地小量提取满足扩增模板要求的大质粒;

    Results : The modified SDS lysis methods for extracting the big plasmids were effective .

  19. 硬膜外负荷小量吗啡在前列腺摘除术后PCEA中的平衡应用

    Balance application of small amount epidural morphine in PCEA after prostatectomy

  20. 在SCR反应器内部用较小量的含有无毒添加剂的水清洗催化剂。

    Washing a catalyst layer within the SCR reactor with water based regenerating solution containing minor amounts of non-toxic additives .

  21. 因此,标记与值的比例非常高,这就意味着提取相对较小量的可用数据将需要很多的XML解析。

    Hence , the ratio of markup to value is extremely high , which means that a lot of XML parsing may be required to extract a comparatively small amount of usable data .

  22. 经常需要对应用程序代码作小量改动以改变用于EJB查找的名称格式。

    A small number of changes to the application code is often required to change the format of names used for EJB lookups .

  23. 像Subversion这类的工具通常会利用最基本的和必要的特性来处理最小量的业务和开放需求。

    Tools such as Subversion address the minimum business and development requirements , with the most basic and essential features .

  24. 有时候把无穷小量dx和dy描述成正在消失的或者刚出现的量。

    The infinitely small " dx " and " dy " were sometimes described as vanishing or incipient quantities .

  25. 在偏心距为一级小量,内、外半径a∶b比1∶1.5条件下,近似解与所求理论值相对误差不超过0.3%。

    When the eccentric distance is first order and the ratio of the radii is 1:1.5 , the result is satisfactory with the relative error between the approximate value and the real value being no more than 3 % .

  26. 在剂量为1×10~3&5×10~3Gy(Si)范围内,零偏辐照的可动离子减少量随剂量增大而增加,但正偏辐照似乎在1×10~5Gy(Si)时,减小量就趋于饱和。

    At zero bias the density steadily decreases with the increasing irradiation dose , but at positive bias it is nearly invariable when dose is increased to over 1 × 103Gy ( Si ) .

  27. 本文主要探索利用Taylor公式对无穷小量的阶进行估计,从而有效地判断出二元函数极限的存在性。

    In this paper , Taylor 's formula is used to estimate the order of infinitesimal , so that the limit existence about some binary function is estimated effectively .

  28. 为探讨小量氯氮平(25mg)对精神分裂症患者脑电活动的影响与近期疗效之间的关系,对60例精神分裂症患者进行BEAM检测。

    BEAM detection were made in 60 schizophrenics to study the relationship between the effect of small dosage clozapine ( 25mg ) on brain electrical activities and short-term effect .

  29. 此作业只能在DataStage指导者节点上以序列模式运行,并且它适合于小量数据提取。

    This job can run only in sequential mode on the DataStage conductor node and it is suited for small data extraction .

  30. 方法耐药谱选用K&B法和MIC、AlkalineLysis小量快速提取质粒,0.7%琼脂糖凝胶电泳获得质粒DNA图谱。

    METHODS the K-B manner and MIC are used to obtain drug-fast spectrum and the alkaline lysis is to extract small quantity of plasmid is got from cataphoresis of 0.7 % agarose congelation .