
xīng guāng
  • starlight;starshine
星光 [xīng guāng]
  • [starlight] 星的光辉

  • 星光闪烁

星光[xīng guāng]
  1. 我们借着星光走回家。

    We walked home by starlight .

  2. 他停下脚步试着让眼睛适应微弱的星光。

    He stopped to try to adjust his vision to the faint starlight

  3. 星光闪烁。

    The stars were shining bright .

  4. 火星星光暗淡,位置低悬,难以看见。

    Mars is too faint and too low in the sky to be observable .

  5. 天空一片深蓝色,其间星光闪烁。

    The sky was deep blue and starry

  6. 夜幕现在已经降临,晴朗的天空里月影婆娑,星光朦胧。

    Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky .

  7. 星光辉映。

    The stars are keenly shining .

  8. 一星光花足以点燃莉丽的全部想象力。

    A small spark was enough to kindle lily 's imagination .

  9. 和渐升的月亮相比,星光看上去要黯淡得多。

    See how the stars pale before the growing light of the moon .

  10. 星光明灭。

    The stars twinkled in the sky .

  11. 生活在我们制造的眩光中,我们已经将自己与我们的进化过程中留下的遗产和文化遗产——星光和昼夜——隔绝了。

    Living in a glare of our making , we have cut ourselves off from our evolutionary and cultural heritage — the light of the stars and the rhythms of day and night .

  12. 我们已经适应了这层橙色的雾霾,以至于无人体验过、也无人再记得,那些黑暗到可以投出金星阴影的无灯黑夜里曾布满着原始的星光。

    We've grown so used to this orange haze that the original glory of an unlit night—dark enough for the planet Venus to throw shadows on Earth—is wholly beyond our experience, beyond memory almost .

  13. 如果人类在月光和星光下能够自如地行动,那我们就可以愉快地走进黑暗之中了。就如这个星球上数量众多的夜行动物一样,我们能够把午夜时分的世界看得一清二楚。

    If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars , we would go in darkness happily , the midnight world as visible to us as it is to the vast number of nocturnal species on this planet .

  14. 看着看着,就累了,星光也暗了;

    look , then be tired , and the starlight becomes dark ;

  15. 如果我们喝点葡萄酒,我们就能从茫茫黑夜中看到梦想的星光。——

    If we sip4 the wine , we find dreams coming upon us out of the imminent5 night . —

  16. 虽然暗物质不可见,但这台仪器可以通过暗物质扭曲星光的方式来探测到它。

    It can 't be seen ­– but this instrument can detect dark matter by the way it distorts starlight .

  17. 用面阵CCD模拟测定星光漂移的方案研究

    The study of simulation experiment using plane CCD to measure the micro move of stars

  18. Series7的铝金属款有5种新颜色,午夜色、星光色、绿色、蓝色和红色。

    Series 7 will be available in five new aluminum colors , Midnight , Starlight , Green , Blue , and PRODUCT ( RED ) .

  19. 让我们为还没看过的读者解释一下,这位男士在台湾选秀节目“超级星光大道”上高歌“我永远爱你”(IWillAlwaysLoveYou)的视频吸引众多眼球有以下几个原因。

    In case you haven 't already seen it , this video of a man singing'I Will Always Love You'on the Taiwanese talent show'Super Star Avenue'is outstanding for a few reasons .

  20. 《权力的游戏》的制片人克里斯托弗•纽曼已经与星光传媒和K.

    Christopher Newman , the brain behind Game , has signed a deal with Starlight Media and K.

  21. CCD相关跟踪器被应用在恒星光干涉仪中,实现了干涉仪两相干光束平行性的高精度探测与控制。

    The highly accurate test and control of parallel of the two coherent beams of the stellar interferometer by CCD correlation tracker have been achieved .

  22. 针对基于MEMS(微机电系统)陀螺和CMOSAPS星敏感器的集成惯性/星光姿态确定系统的低精度特点,研究了适用于该定姿系统的基于矢量观测的定姿算法。

    The low precision characters of the integrated inertial / stellar attitude determination system consists of MEMS ( micro electromechanical systems ) gyros and CMOS APS star sensor .

  23. 该组合导航系统将捷联星光跟踪仪的姿态信息、高动态GPS的位置、速度信息与捷联惯导进行组合滤波,全面提高导航的姿态、速度和位置精度。

    In this system the attitude of the strapdown star tracker ( SST ), the position and velocity of GPS , and the correspondence information of SINS are filtered to improve navigation precision of attitude , velocity and position .

  24. 而且,我相信虽然Newton失败了,它的星光在20年后仍引领我们来到当今智能手机和平板电脑的爆炸式增长。

    And I believe that , despite the failure of Newton , it lit the spark that led us , 20 years later , to the current explosion of smartphones and tablets .

  25. 在晴朗星光条件下,识别100m以内活动人物目标,150m以内道路、车辆和景物等。

    Under the condition of unclouded starlight , the moving person targets within 100m and road , vehicle , scenery within 150m can be identified .

  26. 用UD分解改进EKF粒子滤波算法,并将其应用于基于星光仰角测量的探测器自主导航方案。

    Using UD decomposing to modify EKF Particle filter was imported into the navigation scheme based on the measurement of elevation angle of star .

  27. 作为好莱坞星光大道留名的第2487个明星,这位44岁的澳洲演员欢乐的和妻子摆着POSE,他在《悲惨世界》中的合作演员安妮海瑟薇和阿曼达赛弗雷德也双双到场祝贺。

    After the unveiling of the 2487th star on the Walk of Fame star , the 44-year-old actor happily posed with wife Deborra-Lee Furness and his Les Miserables co-stars Anne Hathaway and Amanda Seyfried on Hollywood Boulevard .

  28. 以Kalman滤波为基础,将所得到的星光坐标角度值和姿态角速度进行数据融合,估计出组合导航系统的误差状态量,进而修正捷联惯导系统的位置、速度和姿态角参数。

    Then the starlight vector and the rate of attitude are fused , using the Kalman filter , to estimate the error estimation of integrated navigation system which can be used to correct the aircraft 's position , velocity and attitude .

  29. 但这个理论的确预言了光的弯曲。柏林天文台(BerlinObservatory)的天文学家埃尔温·弗罗因德利希(ErwinFreundlich)动身前往克里米亚,去观测日食期间星光的折射幅度。

    But it did predict light bending , and Erwin Freundlich , an astronomer at the Berlin Observatory , set off to measure the deflection of starlight during a solar eclipse in the Crimea .

  30. 不过,她的被迫退役确实使得WTA巡回赛的星光又黯淡了一些,也令女子网坛再次失去了弥补其最大缺失的机会:WTA始终未能在最高层次上创造出棋逢对手的局面。

    But her forced retirement does once again deprive the WTA Tour of more star power and the opportunity to create what it sorely lacks : a genuine rivalry at the top .