
  • 网络magnetic field;Interplanetary Magnetic Fields;interstellar magnetic field
  1. 行星际磁场By分量对地球磁层顶场向电流调制

    Influence of interplanetary magnetic field b_y on the field-aligned current in the magnetopause

  2. 离子通量的变化大体上是无色散的。离子主要受南向行星际磁场(IMF)所引起的对流电场的驱动注入到环电流区域。

    Ions are injected from the magnetotail to the ring current region in a dispersionless mode most probably by enhanced convective electric field that driven by steady southward interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) .

  3. MD型行星际磁场螺旋扇形过渡区中的不稳定性

    Instabilities in the MD Type Spiral Sector Transition Region of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field

  4. 本文采用六层模式,讨论了MD型行星际磁场螺旋扇形过渡区的稳定性。

    By using a six-layer model , the stabilities of MD type spiral sector transition region in the interplanetary magnetic field are discussed .

  5. 异常SSC事件上升时间与行星际磁场方向关系不明显.L上的关系(?)

    There is no explicit relation between the rise time of the anomalous SSC events and the interplanetary field direction .

  6. 我国北极黄河站全天空极光观测显示了北极极区电离层对磁层顶磁重联有很好的响应,并且发现极光增亮的区域与行星际磁场(IMF)时钟角有很强的依赖关系。

    The optical aurora measurements showed that the observational ionospheric region was good response to the magnetopause reconnections . The regions of the aurora brightening were much dependent on the IMF clock angle .

  7. 分析说明,当行星际磁场Bz分量出现南向扰动和太阳风速度增大超过500km/s时,地球磁层中常常发生磁暴/亚暴活动。

    The analysis shows that geomagnetic storms / substorms can occur when the component B_z of the IMF is southward and the velocity of the solar wind increases to above 500 km / s.

  8. 本文采用球坐标下2.5维理想MHD模型,对日球子午面内方位磁场扰动的传播进行数值模拟,重点分析它对行星际磁场螺旋角的影响。

    A 2.5 dimensional , ideal MHD model in spherical coordinates is used to numerically simulate the propagation of azimuthal magnetic field disturbances with emphasis upon its influence on the spiral angle of the interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ) .

  9. 行星际磁场扇形结构对中低纬地磁场的影响

    IMF sector effect on geomagnetic field at mid and low latitudes

  10. 日面方位磁场扰动和行星际磁场螺旋结构

    Azimuthal magnetic field disturbances and spiral structure of the interplanetary magnetic field

  11. 行星际磁场北向分量触发磁层扰动的可能性

    Possibility of Triggering the Geomagnetic Disturbances by the IMF Northward Bz Component

  12. 行星际磁场的螺旋扇形过渡区

    The spiral sector transition regions in the interplanetary magnetic fields

  13. 场向电流更容易发生在行星际磁场南向且数值较大的情况下。

    FACs are easier to exist under strong southward IMF .

  14. 行星际磁场扇形边界与地磁扰动

    The Sector Boundary of IMF and the Geomagnetic Disturbance

  15. 太阳耀斑和行星际磁场南向分量之间的相关分析

    Cross-correlation analysis between the solar flares and the southward components of interplanetary magnetic fields

  16. 因而,星际磁场的观测和推算具有重要意义。

    Therefore the study and estimate of the intersteller magnetic field are of great significance .

  17. 南极中山站电离层漂移特性及其对行星际磁场的响应

    Ionospheric drift properties and its response to the IMF conditions at Zhongshan station , antarctica

  18. 日冕中的Ⅲ型爆发源与行星际磁场线的比较

    Type ⅲ burst sources in the corona and comparisons with the interplanetary magnetic field lines

  19. 再者可以研究Be星的存在与星际磁场或湍流的星际介质是否有关;

    Third , it may study the relation of the existence of Be stars with stellar magnetic fields in the interstellar median ;

  20. 建立全球磁层三维模型后,用建立好的模型来研究行星际磁场的改变对磁层中各个物理量的改变。

    After creating the magnetosphere model . We change the interplanetary magnetic field near the earth , and observe the physical quantities in the magnetosphere .

  21. 本文用典型事件和统计分析论证了行星际磁场北向分量触发地磁扰动的可能性。

    The possibility of triggering the geomagnetic disturbances by the northward Bz component of the IMF is discussed using some typical events and statistical analyses .

  22. 携带着行星际磁场的太阳风被地球磁层所减速产生了弓激波以及磁鞘区。

    The solar wind , carrying the plasma and IMF , is slowed down by the magnetosphere , produce the bow shock region and the magnetosheath .

  23. 主要结果是:(1)行星际磁场起伏的强度和各向异性在磁鞘中被显著放大;

    The main results are : ( 1 ) the fluctuation intensity and fluctuation anisotropy of the interplanetary magnetic field are amplified obviously in the magnetosheath region ;

  24. 不同于磁层顶的磁场重联,磁鞘重联仅仅会导致行星际磁场的结构位形发生变化以及磁鞘区的等离子加热以及加速。

    Unlike the magnetopause reconnection , the magnetosheath reconnection can only lead to the topology change of IMF and the acceleration and heating of the magnetosheath plasma .

  25. 结果说明当出现高密度结构时行星际磁场相对于黄道面的倾角约增大10°。

    The results obtained show that an average increase of about 10 degrees is observed in the inclination angle of the interplanetary magnetic field vector from the ecliptic plane .

  26. 在特定的行星际磁场强度下,从表面反射出来的质子有机会进入月球的夜侧半球,这是个以往被认为缺乏太阳风质子的空腔区域。

    Under certain condition of the interplanetary magnetic field , a portion of them can reach the shadow region which is usually considered to be devoid of solar wind protons .

  27. 在17个事件中有14个事件可准确预测出行星际磁场南北分量的方向,准确率为82%。

    Seventeen events of CME between 1978 and 1981 are examined , for 14 events of which ( 82 % ) the kinematic code correctly predicts the direction of perturbation of the north-south component of IMF .

  28. 进入/撤回事件的统计结果显示,这类事件较易发生在南向行星际磁场期间,并且发生此类事件时的平均地磁活动指数比所有的磁尾电流片拍动事件要大一些。

    The Enter / Retreat events show a correlation with southward interplanetary magnetic field ( IMF ), and the averaged geomagnetic index show that these events occurred under a larger value than that of the magnetotail current sheet .

  29. 近年来,许多学者的工作表明,星际磁场在星际云的形成与演化及恒星形成过程中起着重要作用。

    Recently , the work of many authors in the field of astronomy has shown that intersteller magnetic field plays an important role in the formation and evolution of intersteller clouds as well as in the formation of stars .

  30. 行星际磁场方向对磁场起伏特性在磁鞘中的分布有强烈的控制作用,早晨侧响应灵敏,黄昏侧反响不大.相对地讲,黄昏侧的磁活动较之早晨侧稳定;

    The distribution characteristics are controled strongly by the directions of the interplanetary magnetic field , the dawn-side more sensitive than the dusk-side , relatively speaking , the magnetic activity of the dusk-side is more stable than the dawn-side ;