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  1. 科学家发现,观测到的X射线辐射要比吸积模型预言的少上30到50倍,这有效地将该模型排除了。

    The scientists found the observed X-ray emission was a factor of30 to50 times smaller than expected from the accretion scenario , effectively ruling it out .

  2. GRB060614伽马射线暴的潮汐瓦解吸积模型

    A Tidal Disruption Model for the Gamma-Ray Burst of GRB 060614

  3. 天体物理学家在研究黑洞的吸积模型时常常近似地假定吸积物质沿短程线运动,即研究黑洞附近的辐射沿类光短程线落入黑洞或传向远方观测者的规律。

    The accretion model of the black hole is often approximately to assume that the accreting matter moves along the geodesics . The radiation near the black hole falls into the black hole or propagates to infinite observers along the null geodesic .

  4. 矮新星ABDra中的吸积盘模型

    On the accretion disk in AB Draconis

  5. 黑洞-吸积盘模型很好的解决了AGN高光度、小尺度引起的困难和被吸积物质角动量向外转移的问题。

    The Black-Hole Disk Model makes it easier to explain the difficulty by high luminosity and small scale of AGN , while better to explain how the angle momentum moved to the outer .

  6. 类星体的有磁厚吸积盘模型

    A Model of Thick Accretion Disk of QSOs with Magnetic Field

  7. 具有类偶极磁场的厚吸积盘模型

    The thick accretion disk model with a QUASI-DIPOLE magnetic field

  8. 在双温度吸积盘模型中软光子能流的计算

    A calculation of soft photon flux in the two-temperature accretion disk model

  9. 磁中子星的一维吸积柱模型

    One-Dimensional Accretion Column Model ofa Magnetized Neutron Star

  10. 采用稳态标准吸积盘模型来描述盘中湍动粘滞;

    The standard α model is used to describe the viscosity in the optically thick protosolar accretion disc .

  11. 在中子星或黑洞伴星上发生吸积的模型,仍应看成是一个有价值的假说。

    The model comprising accretion onto a neutron star or black hole companion must still be considered a favored hypothesis .

  12. 本文从磁流体力学基本方程组出发,讨论了具有类偶极磁场的厚吸积盘模型。

    From the basic magnetohydrodynamics equations , the accretion disk model with a quasi-dipole magnetic field is discussed in this paper .

  13. 这些讨论表明,活动星系核的短时标光变特征对厚吸积盘模型提供了强有力的支持。

    The conclusion is : the short term variability behavior provides a strong support to the thick accretion disk model of AGN .

  14. 辐射压支持的流体厚吸积盘模型已经得到比较多的研究,看来存在一些难以解决的问题。

    The radiation pressure supported thick accretion disk model has been studied more extensively , and it seems to have some difficulties .

  15. 本文对类星体的各种厚吸积盘模型,紫外超现象的吸积盘模型及自引力吸积盘模型作了简扼评述。

    The different kinds of think accretion disk models , the accretion disk model for ultraviolet excess and the self-gravitating accretion disk model in QSOs axe briefly reviewed .

  16. 星风吸积双星演化模型下的外赋AGB星

    Extrinsic AGB Stars on Wind Accretion Binary Evolution Model

  17. 第三节综述了BLLac天体的某些理论与模型,着重讨论了吸积与喷流模型及利用光变时标对这两种模型的判别方法;

    In section 3 some theories and models for BL Lac objects are summarized , especially the accretion disk model and the beaming model and the criteria used for discrimination between these models on the basis of variability time-scale being discussed in more detail .

  18. 磁化黑洞吸积盘的统一模型及其放能效率

    A Unified Model of Black Hole Surrounded by Magnetized Accretion Disc and its Efficiency of Extracting Energy

  19. 用这方法简化难题,天文物理学家就能够建立吸积盘的理论模型,以便与实际圆盘的观测比较。

    By cutting the Gordian knot in this way , astrophysicists have been able to build theoretical models of accretion disks to compare with observations of actual disks .

  20. 类星体的厚吸积盘与自引力吸积盘模型

    The Thick Accretion Disk Model and Self-gravitating Accretion Disk Model of QSOs

  21. 包含我的研究群在内,天文学家正试著了解MRI如何作用在黑洞周边高热而不透明的吸积盘。在中子星或黑洞伴星上发生吸积的模型,仍应看成是一个有价值的假说。

    My group and others are trying to figure out how MRI works in hot , opaque accretion disks around black holes . The model comprising accretion onto a neutron star or black hole companion must still be considered a favored hypothesis .