- 网络Absorption edge;NEXAFS

With the content of Mg increased , absorption edge of the film blue shift and band gap increased .
The fundamental absorption edge is found to shift toward a lower energy side with increasing Mn composition .
The oscillating structures were up to 300 eV above the boron K-edge .
Study of the fundamental absorption edge of cd_ ( 1-x ) mn_xte
The optical transparence spectra showed that the optical absorption edge shifted to shorter wavelength when thickness of Si layer was decreased .
The coupling effect and quantum limiting effect between Mo and nanotube lead to red shift of absorption edge .
Cu-doped sample of the transmission rate is less affected , but doped will move absorption edge of the sample to the short wavelength .
A blue - shift of the optical absorption edge was observed from the UV-Vis transmission spectra .
The absorption edge of the AgI-SiO_2 composites is different from both pure constituents .
The transmission spectra show that the absorption edge of AZO films with increasing content of Al was shifted to longer wavelength , red shift .
Furthermore , the bandgap width Eg for the indirect transition and the phonon energy Ep are calculated by using this curve respectively .
UV-VIS analysis show that the absorption edge of ZnIn2S4 / carboxylic fluoropolymer fiber composites is at 510 nm within visible-light region .
Optical absorption red-shift of ZnFe_2O_4 nanoparticles capped with DBS surfactant
The detective sensitivity of the photothermal radiometry ( PTR ) spectrum technique is discussed and the absorption edges of Cu_2O and GaAs are measured .
With Al doping concentration and the annealing temperature increasing , the absorption edge of the transmission curve of the films moves toward short wavelength .
The absorption band of Gd ∶ PbWO 4 crystals shifts to ultraviolet , which improves the transmission and increases the luminescence efficiency .
As Mg concentration increases ,〈 111 〉 peak moves toward large angle , and blue shift of both the absorption edge and PL peak becomes increasingly pronounced , indicating the band-gap widening .
Study of the ultraviolet absorption edge of LiNbO_3 crystal solid-liquid congruent point composition
The transmission intensity of the spontaneous crystallization of Se thin film was lower than that of the amorphous Se thin film and the absorption edge was shifted to longer wavelength .
The great discrepancy between the absorption blue shifts from experiment and effective mass model as well as the formation and characteristics of photoluminescence spectra are explained .
In 1 % Ag-doped of the zinc oxide film on the UV transmittance of the minimum , and the absorption edge of doped zinc oxide thin films shifted to longer wavelengths .
The anomalous violet-shift of absorption edge of linbo_3 crystals of the solid-liquid congruent point composition
The absorption edge of S and N doped TiO2 also has red shifts because the band gap of TiO2 thin film decreased obviously and the visible light activity is remarkably improved , while that of F doped sample produces blue shift .
The band gaps of the two doped systems become smaller and the absorption edges shift obviously to the infared region compared with that of the pure CdSe system .
UV-visible spectroscopy shows that Co doped ZnS powder has red shift of absorption edge to achieve visible light response , so that its photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange solution is far superior to pure ZnS powder .
Seen from the UV-vis results , the edge of Ag-TiO2 photocatalysts has a red shift compared with P25 , indicating that Ag-doped photocatalysts favor the absorption of visible light .
The ultraviolet absorption edge of non-doped crystal was usually at 380 nm .
The blue shift is due to quantum size effect and the band tail is likely to be caused by the unsaturated dangling bonds on the AgI boundary .
When compared to unmodified TiO2 , the / TiO2 catalyst exhibited higher anatase content , smaller crystal size , higher specific surface area , centralized pore size distribution , and the blue - shifted band edge of Uv - vis adsorption spectra .
With the increase in carrier concentration , Burstein-Moss effect is observed with an obvious blue shift of the Absorption edge .