
  • 【电子】microwave absorbing material
  1. EMC中的电磁波吸收材料技术

    Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Materials Technology in EMC

  2. 本文综述了EMC技术的几个方面,对各类电磁波吸收材料研究现状及其发展趋势作了阐述,并对吸收体的类型作了分析。

    The current status and developing tendency of electromagnetic wave absorbing materials technology in EMC are reviewed .

  3. GHz铁氧体电磁波吸收材料的研究

    Ferrite Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers in GHz Range

  4. 应用时域有限差分方法(FDTD)分析涂敷了吸收材料的一种突防弹头的雷达散射截面(RCS)。

    Using FDTD method , the RCS of a missile head coated with absorbing material is analyzed .

  5. 微波吸收材料测量的Rv方法的一点注释

    A note on the RV method for testing the performance of the microwave absorber material

  6. 对生物可吸收材料p(3HB-co-3HH)/PU共聚多聚体的生物相容性进行评估。

    Objective To evaluate the biocompatibility of p ( 3HB-co-3HH ) / PU-A new biodegradable co-polymer scaffold .

  7. 目的探讨新型生物可吸收材料聚乳酸凝胶(polyacticacidglue,PLA-G)预防椎板切除术后硬膜外瘢痕粘连的作用。

    Objective To determine the ability of the polyactic acid glue ( PLA G ) in preventing epidural adhesion after laminectomy .

  8. 计算结果显示在目标的特定部位进行吸收材料涂敷可以显著地降低目标的RCS。

    The results show the RCS can be greatly reduced when we coat the absorbing material at some special parts of the object .

  9. 随着对CO2脱除技术的深入研究,结合应用反馈,采用固态胺高分子树脂作为吸收材料进行新型CO2脱除机的设计和研发。

    According to the deep research of the CO2 elimination technology and the customer feedback , the New Type CO2 Elimination Device adopts the solid state macromolecule resin as sobbing material .

  10. 此外,由于其在微波频段C波段和Ku波段可以保持高的复磁导率实部和虚部,可以用作微波吸收材料。

    In addition , it can be used as microwave absorbing material because of it can keep high real and imaginary parts of complex permeability in C-band and Ku-band of microwave .

  11. UV-Vis、FL、TGA、DSC测试结果表明方酸菁高分子是一种具有窄带隙、良好热稳定性的光学吸收材料。

    The UV-Vis , FL , DSC and TGA results show that the squaraine-based macromolecule is a low bandgap , good optical absorbing material with high thermal stability .

  12. 研究了微波光子晶体在雷达吸收材料上的应用,提出了一种应用PBG的新型雷达吸收材料。

    The application of microwave photonic crystals in radar absorbing materials ( RAM ) was studied and a new RAM using PBG was introduced .

  13. 通过分析MAM厚度与反射系数的关系,初步得出了微波吸收材料存在最佳吸收厚度的结论。

    By analyzing the relationship between thickness and reflectance of MAM , the optimum absorption thickness of MAM is proven to be in existence .

  14. 作为隐身技术发展的关键,微波吸收材料(RAM)的研究越来越受到世界各国的高度重视,在海湾战争之后更成为国防科技领域的热点。

    As the key of stealthy technology , radar-absorbing material ( RAM ) has been paid more and more attention all over the world , it has being the hotpot in national defense field after the gulf-war .

  15. 以Q开关红宝石脉冲激光瞬态加热压电陶瓷表面上的银膜,研究了激光在吸收材料中产生冲击波的物理机理。

    Using a Q-switched ruby laser pulse to cause a transient heating of silver film on the surface of a piezoelectric ceramic sheet , the investigation on the physical mechanism of laser generated shock wave in absorbing materials has been performed .

  16. 研究了如何利用金属周期性频率选择表面(FSS)的频率特性来改善微波吸收材料S波段的吸波性能。

    In this paper , improving the S-band performance of the microwave absorbing material is reported by utilizing frequency selective surface ( FSS ) with periodic metallic unit cell .

  17. 考虑到纯石英是电磁波良好的透过材料,所以MWCNTS/石英复合有望成为一种很好的电磁波吸收材料。

    Considering the pure silica is a transparent material for electromagnetic wave , MWCNTs / silica composites may be designed as a potential electromagnetic wave absorption material .

  18. Fe-N薄膜因其具有高饱和磁化强度、低矫顽力,有望获得较高的微波磁导率,而在集成化微磁器件、抗电磁干扰以及新型雷达波吸收材料研究中受到广泛和高度的重视。

    Because of the high saturation magnetization , low coercive force and potential values in microwave applications , Fe-N thin films have attracted much attention recently .

  19. 报导了等效天线的设计原理,提出了用金红石陶瓷和SW-26型高功率吸收材料组成吸收体吸收微波功率的设计方案。

    To apply SW-26 material of absorbable high power energy cause microwave power absorbed along transmission direction of equivalent antenna in the same length is equal .

  20. m1/2,在8~12GHz(X带)具有明显的微波衰减特性,在10GHz处的最大衰减值达7dB,可用作微波吸收材料。

    The composite displays microwave attenuation at 8 & 12 GHz ( generally called the X-band ) . The peak value of the transmission attenuation reaches 7 dB at 10 GHz , indicating that the composites have a potential application in electromagnetic adsorption .

  21. 将几种铁砂基复合吸收材料制成双层结构电波吸收体,A最大达40dB,匹配厚度d为1mm,频带增宽。

    When some iron sand based EM absorption materials be formed in a double layer structure , the absorption rate A will reach as high as 40 dB the matching thickness will reduce to 1 mm and the frequency bandwidth will increase .

  22. 在工业应用领域,IVB族过渡金属氮化物多作为切割材料、超耐磨材料、太阳能选择性吸收材料、热障涂层等,并在基础研究和技术研究中占有重要的地位。

    These compounds have attracted considerable attention among researchers . In the field of industrial application , IVB transition metal nitrides mostly serve as cutting materials , ultra-wear-resistant materials , solar absorbing selectively absorbing layer and thermal barrier coating .

  23. 由天然尖晶石铁氧体(铁砂)为基制备的复合电波吸收材料,在7~12GHz,吸收率A为12~27dB,匹配厚度d为1.4mm。

    Of natural spinel ferrite ( iron sand ) based compound EM wave absorption material , the absorption rate A is 15 ~ 17 dB at 7 ~ 12 GHz , and the matching thickness 1.4 mm .

  24. 且对应地单层吸波体的厚度较小(1.3-2.3mm),反映出羰基铁与氧化锌的复合物是一种良好的微波吸收材料,可望在实践中得到广泛的应用。

    At this point , matched microwave absorption thickness of the absorber is very small ( 1.3-2.3mm ), which reflects that the carbonyl iron and zinc oxide composite is a good microwave absorbing material . It was expected to be widely used in practical applications .

  25. 单涂层微波吸收材料参量的匹配机制分析

    The Matching Relations of Electromagnetic Parameters for Single layer Radar Absorber

  26. 吸收材料对超导高频腔高次模抑制的实验研究

    Suppression of HOM 's on a Prototype Superconducting Cavity by Absorbers

  27. 双光子吸收材料二苯乙烯衍生物的合成及光谱性质

    Synthesis and Spectral Properties of Stilbene Derivatives as Two-Photon Absorption Materials

  28. 用遗传算法设计宽带薄层微波吸收材料

    Design of Broadband , Thin-Layer Radar Absorbing Materials Using Genetic Algorithms

  29. 用铁砂制备的铁氧体基混合型电波吸收材料

    Mixed Ferrite foundation EM Wave Absorption Material Prepared from Iron Sand

  30. 电路模拟吸收材料&原理、特性及设计方法

    Circuit Analogue Absorbing Material Principles , Characteristics , and Designs