
xī shēnɡ xì shù
  • Sound absorption coefficient;acoustical absorption coefficient
  1. 利用福建10种主要树种法向吸声系数(a_p)的测定结果,探讨了法向吸声系数与入射声波频率(f)的关系。

    This study was carred out by use of the determination results of normal sound coefficients of wood ( a_p ) for 10 major tree species from Fujian .

  2. 本文利用混响声场吸声系数α、立体角、平均自由程及壁面吸收声能等统计声学概念,用简单方法导出混响声场吸声系数α与统计能量分析(SEA)损耗因子η之间的关系。

    Relation between acoustical absorption coefficient α and loss factor η in reverberant field with statistical energy analysis ( SEA ) was derived using concise statistical acoustical concepts , such as acoustical absorption coefficient α, three-dimension angle , mean free path and surface absorption energy .

  3. 结果表明,在玻璃化转变区域材料的吸声系数较高,PEMA和PVC均具有特征吸收频率。

    The results showed that the sound absorption coefficient of the materials exhibited a higher value in its glass transition region due to the more sound energy lost by converting it into the heat energy .

  4. 本文介绍了MonteCarlo方法模拟室内扩散声场的原理,模拟计算了混响室声场中的能量密度衰减曲线、能量脉冲响应、平均自由程及吸声系数等。

    This paper reviews the principles of the Monte Carlo method for simulating the diffuse sound field and presents some results of the diffuse sound field in reverberation room , such as energy density decay function , energy impulse response , mean free path and absorption coefficient .

  5. 采用上压渗流法制备了泡沫铝样品,测量了其结构参数、抗压强度和吸声系数,并与用发泡法(日本)制备的FALSOAB泡沫铝样品的性能进行了比较。

    Abstract The foam aluminium specimen was prepared using upper-pressure infiltration method , its structural parameters , compressive strength and sound absorption coefficient have been measured and compared with that of Japan FALSOAB ′ s foam aluminium specimen made by bubbling method .

  6. 混响室中不同试件面积对吸声系数的影响研究

    Influence of Specimen Area on Its Absorption Coefficient in Reverberation Room

  7. 测量吸声系数的多传声器脉冲响应方法

    An impulse response method with multi-microphones for investigating the absorption coefficient

  8. 混响室法测量材料吸声系数的有效性

    The Validity for Measurement of Sound Absorption in a Reverberation Room

  9. 应用传递函数法进行吸声系数的现场测量

    Application of Transfer-Function Method in Acoustics-Determination of Sound Absorption Coefficient In-Situ

  10. 混响室中用角点传声器测量材料的吸声系数

    Use of Corner Microphone for Sound Absorption Measurement in a Reverberation Chamber

  11. 阻抗管中吸声系数的传递函数测量法

    Transfer Function Method of Sound Absorption Coefficient in Impedance Tubes

  12. 测定吸声系数的简易装置

    A Simple and Easy Device Used For Measuring Sound-absorbing Coefficient

  13. 基于倒频谱分析的吸声系数测量的一种新方法

    A measurement of the absorption coefficient based on cepstrum analysis

  14. 基于声压移相的测量吸声系数的一种新方法

    A new method to measure the absorption coefficient based on sound pressure shifting

  15. 混响室法吸声系数测量规范

    Code for measurement of sound-absorbing coefficient in reverberation room

  16. 驻波管法吸声系数与声阻抗率测量规范

    Code for measurement of sound-absorbing coefficient and specific acoustic impedance of standing-wave meter

  17. 基于虚拟仪器技术的宽频带吸声系数测量系统

    Broadband Sound Absorption Coefficient Measurement Based on VI

  18. 基于指向性声源的吸声系数测量

    Sound-absorption coefficient measurement based on the directional speaker

  19. 木材及其制品法向吸声系数的实验研究

    An experimental study of the normal acoustic absorptivity coefficient of wood and its products

  20. 基于阻尼谐振子的吸声系数模型及其应用

    A model of sound absorption coefficient based on damped harmonic oscillator and its application

  21. 给出了准多孔介质中吸声系数的理论计算公式,它是动态曲折度和动态压缩率的函数。

    Further there has been the formula of the sound absorption coefficient of grain .

  22. 更以吸声系数的频率曲线以进行详细比较。

    Absorption curves were drawn for different load resistances , of absorption coefficients versus frequency .

  23. 洗涤次数增加,吸声系数也随之增大。

    The sound absorption coefficient would be increased with the increasing of the washing time .

  24. 当声波频率增加时,多孔铝合金的吸声系数增大。

    When sound frequency increases , the sound absorbent coefficient of porous aluminum alloy increases .

  25. 每个墙面都赋予一个吸声系数,并且分成更小的单元。

    The surfaces are each assigned an absorption coefficient and are subdivided into smaller elements .

  26. 混响室法测定吸声系数计算误差分析

    Analysis on the Error of Calculating the Sound Absorption Coefficient Using the Reverberation Chamber Method

  27. 给出了一些典型结构的吸声系数的仿真结果。

    Numerical and emulational results of sound absorption coefficient from some typical structures are presented .

  28. 这也是纤维变细,吸声系数增大的本征表达。

    Which also expresses the thinner fibers are , the sound absorption coefficient increases . 3 .

  29. 麦秸/聚氨酯复合人造板的密度与其吸声系数的大小关系密切;

    There is close relationship between the density of the composite and its sound absorption coefficient ;

  30. 推导并验证了金属橡胶材料吸声系数第一共振频率的理论计算公式;

    The first resonance frequency calculation formula of metal rubber absorption coefficient is deduced and validated .