
  • 网络Absorption phenomenon;bone absorption
  1. 实验组四周时有牙龈炎症细胞浸润、牙周袋形成,在8周甚至有龈下脓肿形成;10周时牙龈仍有炎症、牙周袋,并出现骨吸收现象。

    The other groups were observed diffuse inflammatory cells , forming periodontal pockets after 4 weeks , abscesses in subgingival tissue after 8 weeks and bone absorption after 10 weeks .

  2. 结论:RA活动期有骨质破坏及骨吸收现象;

    Conclusion : There exists bone damage and bone reduce in patients with active phage RA .

  3. 制备的BN薄膜具有显著的紫外光吸收现象。

    BN thin films have strong UV absorption .

  4. 根据吸收现象分析,液体的粘度、极性及Lewis酸碱反应性都将影响木材的吸收过程。根据所记录的动态吸收曲线,文中给出了木材吸收液体的动力学模型及参数。

    Moreover , it was also found that the viscosity , polarity and the Lewis acid-base interactions of liquids were main factors to influence wood absorption .

  5. 分析得出导致发光效率降低的主要原因是:Xe原子的自吸收现象和荧光粉的受激辐射饱和。

    The decrease in luminous efficiency is owing to the self absorbing phenomenon of Xe atoms and the excited radiation saturation of phosphors .

  6. Ag@AgCl表现出贵金属特有的表面等离子体共振吸收现象,其吸收的强度与Ag@AgCl形貌以及Ag、AgCl的比例密切相关。

    Ag @ AgCl exhibited the surface plasmon resonance absorption , which is peculiar to the noble metal . The resonance absorption is closely related with Ag @ AgCl morphology and proportions .

  7. 28d较多量的新骨生成,并可见类似哈佛氏系统样组织,有吸收现象。

    At 28 days , much more new bone was found and some tissues like Haversian system , part of the TBC particles was absorbed .

  8. 厌氧-好氧周期循环条件下厌氧磷吸收现象

    Anaerobic Uptake of Phosphate Under Alternation of Anaerobic / Aerobic Condition

  9. 激光等离子体的辐射与自吸收现象研究

    The theoretical research on radiation and self absorption of laser induced plasmas

  10. 蔬菜重金属之间均存在协同吸收现象,根茎菜协同吸收最严重。

    There are co-absorbing phenomena among heavy metals in vegetables .

  11. 钛板无移位,髁突表面无明显吸收现象。

    No absorption was noted on the condylar surface .

  12. 太阳活动区上空两个微波超快速吸收现象的观测与分析

    Observation and analysis of two microwave ultra-fast absorption phenomena above solar active regions

  13. 关於流体的容变粘滞弹性理论及其在声吸收现象中的应用

    On the volume visco-elastic theory of fluids and its application to sound dispersion phenomena

  14. 微波超快速吸收现象

    The Microwave Ultra - Fast Absorption Phenomenon

  15. NO分子双光子诱导荧光的自吸收现象

    Self-Absorption of NO Fluorescence Induced by Two-Photon

  16. 有自吸收现象时谱线强度与物质浓度的关系

    The relation between spectral line intensity and concentration of the constituent in the presence of self-absorption

  17. 结果:水平阻生切牙以人工支点为移动中心而移动至正常位置,邻牙牙根无吸收现象。

    Results : All three impacted incisors were in normal position , and there were no neighbor roots absorption .

  18. 自吸收现象随着激光脉冲能量的增加而减弱。

    It was also found that the self-absorption effect had power dependence and decreased with the increasing of laser pulse energy .

  19. 对1988年6月29日云南天文台高时间分辨率射电望远镜观测到的微波超快速吸收现象进行了分析研究。

    In this paper , a microwave ultra-fast absorption phenomenon observed with high time resolution on June 29 , 1988 is analyzed .

  20. 结论钨丝弹簧圈在体内确实存在吸收现象,但吸收后血管并不一定再通。

    Conclusion The tungsten coils had been absorbed after the artery embolized , but the artery embolized with tungsten coils did not recanalize .

  21. 虽然血钨浓度明显升高,但病人的肝肾功能及电解质无异常。结论钨丝弹簧圈栓塞后在体内存在溶解和吸收现象,但金属钨对人体并不产生毒性。

    Although the levels of the tungsten elevated significantly in the patients after embolization , no differences were found in the liver function , kidney function and electrolytes .

  22. 结果大豆异黄酮治疗后,牙槽嵴边缘和颌骨骨小梁附着较多的成骨细胞,骨质较致密,未见活跃的破骨细胞性骨吸收现象。

    Results Histologically , there were more osteoblasts attached in the alveolar and mandible in group G and no osteoclastic bone resorption were observed after treated with genistein .

  23. 在实验中还研究了饱和吸收现象。当实验中光强约为0.5mw,由实验结果推得饱和参量为0.1,虽然饱和参量不大,但是这在精确测量二氧化碳浓度时还是会有很大的影响。

    The last experiment is saturated absorb study , light power is about 0.5 mw , saturated coefficient is about 0.1 by interpretation . It has big influence in precision measure .

  24. 近年来,高里德堡原子在强外场中的光吸收现象引起人们广泛的关注,它是研究和发展量子混沌概念的一个典型实例。

    The photo-absorption phenomenon of highly excited Rydberg atoms in strong external fields has attracted much attention in recent years , which is a typical example for understanding the conception of quantum chaos .

  25. 结合电磁诱导透明和电磁诱导吸收现象,详细介绍了相干布居数囚禁原理在无反转激光、相干布居数转移、量子信息存储和相干布居数囚禁原子钟的应用。

    Combining with the phenomena of EIT and EIA , the application for laser without inversion ( LWI ), Coherent population transfer ( STIRAP ) quantum information storage and CPT atomic clock is introduced .

  26. 与三能级原子系统相比,四能级原子相干效应即可导致电磁感应透明的产生,也可产生电磁感应吸收现象,取决于控制光的强度和第四个能级衰变率的大小。

    Compared with three-level atomic system , the atomic coherence effects in four-level can lead to EIT and EIA , which depend on the intensity of control light and the relaxation of the fourth level .

  27. X线观察:各时间点种植体与骨组织间均无明显间隙,种植体周骨密度随时间延长而增加,种植体周骨质无明显的吸收现象,与对照组相比,骨改建效果较为明显。

    Observation of X-ray : no obvious gap between implants and bone ; bone density increased as time increase ; no obvious resorption was found in peri-implant tissues . Bone remodelling of experiment group was better than control group . 3 .

  28. HE染色提示:实验组第一磨牙近中根可见:0天组牙槽骨及牙根可见显著的吸收现象,随着矫治器拆除时间延长,吸收逐渐停止,发生不同程度修复。

    HE staining Tip : Appeared in the experimental group of first molar : 0 day group showed significant alveolar bone and root resorption , as time elapsed , with the appliance removal , resorption gradually stoped , occurred varying degrees repairment . 3 .

  29. 本文论述从低能至高能的反质子与质子碰撞中各种现象,从介子交换理论和吸收现象,获得一个可以描述其相互作用的光学势。

    In this paper is discussed several phenomena of antiproton & proton collision from low to high antiproton energy range . From meson exchange theory and absorption phenomenon , an optical potential can be obtained which can be used to describe pp scattering process .

  30. 借鉴此技术的基本概念,利用介质吸收辐射现象,结合CT技术,本文引入了火焰温度两维分布的新测量方法&吸收发光CT法。

    Integrating medium infrared radiation absorption phenomena and CT technology , a two-dimensional temperature distribution diagnosis method is proposed , which is named as infrared radiation absorption CT technology .