
  • The Vampire Diary
  1. 看来《吸血鬼日记》的确这么做了:这个角色是Morgan第一个电视剧角色。

    The Vampire Diaries has succeeded on that front : this role will mark Morgan 's first network TV appearance .

  2. 据USWeekly称,吸血鬼日记的历史哥马修戴维斯(饰演历史老师的阿拉瑞克)和阿尔法战士的女演员阿奇塔贾尼札达已经约会四个月了,传闻说他们第一次约会是在八年前。

    According to Us Weekly , The Vampire Diaries hottie Matthew Davis ( RIP Alaric ) has been dating Alphas actress Azita Ghanizada for the past four months . They reportedly first dated nearly eight years ago .

  3. 妮娜·杜波夫在CW的剧集《吸血鬼日记》里出演的艾琳娜(有的时候也饰演凯瑟琳)。

    Nina Dobrev as Elena ( but also sometimes Katherine ) on The CW 's The Vampire Diaries .

  4. 《吸血鬼日记》的粉丝们,不论准备好还是没准备好,Klaus都要来了。

    Ready or not , Vampire Diaries fans * here he comes .

  5. 《吸血鬼日记》明星Ian和Nina在周末被拍到手牵手。

    " Vampire Diaries " stars Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev were spotted holding hands over the weekend .

  6. 与此同时,《吸血鬼日记》女主角NinaDobrev也在twitter上发了一张自己艾美奖的入场券的照片。

    Nina Dobrev also tweeted her excitement , along with a photo of her ticket to the big event .

  7. 据报道,Reed经常去《吸血鬼日记》剧组探班,他们还一起领养了很多小动物,包括一匹马和一只猫。

    Reed reportedly is a frequent fixture on The Vampire Diaries set and the two have adopted several animals together , including a horse and a kitten .

  8. 他超搞笑的,而且也很有天赋,我还在《吸血鬼日记》剧组的时候,他就是我最好的朋友之一,Claire说。

    And really talented , he was one of my best friends when I was working on that show , Claire revealed .

  9. 有知情人告诉US周刊,这对《吸血鬼日记》的合作明星分别在CW热播剧《吸血鬼日记》中饰演埃琳娜吉尔伯特和达蒙萨尔瓦托结束了三年多的恋情。

    The Vampire Diaries costars , who play Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore on the CW hit series , have called it quits after more than three years of dating , a source tells Us Weekly exclusively .

  10. 下一集播出的《吸血鬼日记》中,Elijah将会回归。

    In the next episode of The Vampire Diaries , Elijah is back .

  11. LadyGaga在Twitter上发布了一张自己试穿婚纱的照片&这让她和《吸血鬼日记》男星男友的订婚传言显得更像是真的。

    Lady Gaga shared a photo on Twitter , showcasing herself trying on a wedding gown - fueling engagement rumors and an impending wedding with her Vampire Diaries boyfriend !

  12. 在《吸血鬼日记》第五季开播前透露出最重要的一个信息就是,Damon和Elena度过了一个快乐的夏天。

    One of the most important things to know about the Season 5 premiere is that Damon and Elena start out happy .

  13. Gaga和这位出演了《吸血鬼日记》的男演员于2011年9月开始约会,当时她雇他参演了她的MV《YouAndI》。

    The singer started dating the Vampire Diaries actor in September 2011 when she recruited him to star in the music video for You And I.

  14. 这一对在吸血鬼日记的设定里可能不会有啥发展,不过走出荧屏的Nina看起来绝对站在Damon一边。

    The duo might not be hooking up on the Vampire Diaries set , but it looks like Nina is definitely team Damon off screen .

  15. 《吸血鬼日记》第三季中Damon和Elena会一起去寻找Stefan他们这一路上相较于爱情,更多的则会是友情,Williamson说。

    While Damon and Elena will bond as they search for Stefan their journey will be more about friendship than romance , says Williamson .

  16. 这是一首时尚感十足、劲歌热舞型的MV。在单曲中,Graham还凭借一段芭蕾、爵士混舞展露了自己的舞技。而且《吸血鬼日记》的其他演员似乎也都很喜欢哦。

    Graham shows off her dance expertise in a routine that incorporates ballet , jazz.Looks like her " Vampire Diaries " costars are loving the new vid , too .

  17. 也许《狩猎》是CW台利用热门影视的衍生来吸引观众的一种方式,比如暮光系列之后衍生出的《吸血鬼日记》,《黑暗骑士》之后的《绿箭侠》。

    Perhaps The Hunt will be a way for the network to capitalize ( Capitolize ? ) on the hit franchise , like The Vampire Diaries post-Twilight and Arrow post-Dark Knight 。

  18. 《吸血鬼日记》第五季将会在10月10日在CW电视台首播,而《吸血鬼日记》的衍生剧《始祖传》则会在10月15日首播。

    The fifth season of The Vampire Diaries will premiere on The CW on Thursday , October 10 , while new spinoff show The Originals will launch on Tuesday , October 15 .

  19. 《吸血鬼日记》前不久迎来了最终章,CW电视台播出了该剧第八季大结局,但是,这并不意味着故事的结束。该剧联合制作人朱莉?

    The Vampire Diaries has come to an end - The CW hit just aired the final episode of its eight-season run - but that doesn 't mean the story is over .

  20. CW电视台总裁马克?佩德维兹本周对《好莱坞报道》称,《始祖家族》不受《吸血鬼日记》的影响,所以新一季之后还可以继续。

    The CW president Mark Pedowitz told THR this week that the fate of The Originals is not tied to TVD , so the show could potentially continue beyond the upcoming season .

  21. 《吸血鬼日记》第四季在10月11日开播的时候,我们会发现对Elena来说转化成吸血鬼原来是最不需要她烦恼的事情。

    Elenas struggle to transition to a vampire might just be the least of her worries when The Vampire Diaries kicks-off its fourth season on Oct. 11 .

  22. 在《吸血鬼日记》中,PaulWesley扮演了Stefan和不死的吉普赛人Silas不过他很快又要迎来一个新角色:导演。

    Paul Wesley has played two different characters on The Vampire Diaries vampire Stefan and immortal gypsy Silas but he 's about to take on a new role : Director .

  23. 这对夫妇于2011年4月在纽约举行了低调的结婚仪式,多利也在同年加入了《吸血鬼日记》剧组,出演循环角色MeredithFell医生。

    The couple were married in a private ceremony in New York City in April 2011 and Torrey soon joined the cast of The Vampire Diaries that same year as recurring character Dr. Meredith Fell .

  24. 几个月前,当《吸血鬼日记》男星JosephMorgan说到他即将主演的衍生剧《TheOriginals》的时候,他承认自己有些紧张。

    When we spoke with Vampire Diaries star Joseph Morgan a couple months ago about his upcoming turn as the lead of the spinoff The Originals , he admitted he was a little bit nervous .

  25. 这不会是我们最后一次看到Bonnie。我们将会在《吸血鬼日记》第五季中再次看到她,只不过会有新的复杂情况。

    This is not the last we 've seen of Bonnie . She will be right there in the middle of story next season , just with a few new complications .

  26. 随着这一季《吸血鬼日记》剧情的不断发展,Stefan越来越展现他的邪恶面。这部剧集里原本的坏男孩Damon却越来越出挑越来越展示风度。

    With Stefan showcasing his evil side on this season of The Vampire Diaries , the show 's original bad boy , Damon , has had to step up and behave himself .

  27. 据跟踪有关电视社交媒体行为的Trendrr公司称,引发讨论最多的十大剧集包括《美少女的谎言》(PrettyLittleLiars,ABCFamily出品)、《吸血鬼日记》(TheVampireDiaries,CWFamily出品)等吸引年轻观众的肥皂剧。

    According to Trendrr , a company that tracks social-media activity around TV , the top 10 most-discussed dramas include young , soapy fare like ' Pretty Little Liars ' ( ABC Family ) and ' The Vampire Diaries ' ( the CW ) .

  28. 幸运的是,这部衍生剧的执行制片人,同时也是《吸血鬼日记》的执行制片人JuliePlec对这部新剧的消息不是守口如瓶。

    Fortunately , it does not seem that " The Vampire Diaries " showrunner Julie Plec is keeping quiet on her potential new series .

  29. 在《吸血鬼日记》即将播出的为衍生剧《TheOriginals》铺垫的那一集中(第二十集),Klaus将会遇到一个美丽聪明的姑娘,名叫Camile。她是杜兰大学心理学专业的学生。

    The Vampire Diaries : In The Originals backdoor pilot ( Episode 20 this season ), Klaus will meet the beautiful and intelligent Camille , a psychology student at Tulane in New Orleans .

  30. 所有关于《吸血鬼日记》衍生剧的报道都指出,Hayley可能会出演该剧,大家自然就会想知道,狼人将会怎样融入这个故事呢。

    Since all reports have included Hayley in the potential story of The Originals , it is natural to wonder how the werewolf fits in .