
  • 网络DWTS;Dancing with the Star;dance with the stars
  1. 这一季《与星共舞》里都请了哪些末流明星?

    For example : What is the list of z-list celebrities on this season 's Dancing with the Stars ?

  2. 好了我们谈谈人们对你的争议当你报名参加《与星共舞》时

    All right , so this controversy that is going on , when you signed on to do Dancing with the Stars

  3. 你们听说NancyGrace上《与星共舞》那回事吗

    Did you hear about Nancy Grace on dancing with stars

  4. 德里克还是继续他《与星共舞(DancingWithTheStars)》常胜将军的地位,而23岁的妹妹则在电影《浑身是劲》里面展示她的舞技和演技。

    Derek continues his run as the most winning DWTS pro , Julianne , 23 , showed off her dancing and acting skills in the Footloose reboot .

  5. 有人说ChazBono上《与星共舞》会给他们的孩子传递一个不好的信息

    People say having Chaz on Dancing with The Stars sends a bad message to their children

  6. 真不敢相信《与星共舞》都开播近十年了,不过更不敢相信的是,竟然能有一档节目让我们心甘情愿地忍了十年主持人汤姆·鲍格朗(TomBergeron)。

    It 's hard to believe Dancing with the Stars is almost 10 years old , and harder still to believe that there 's a show that forces us to endure Tom Bergeron week after week .

  7. 几个星期前有人宣称ChazBono将会参加新一季的《与星共舞》节目你们听说了吗

    A few weeks ago , It was announced that Chaz Bono is going to be on the new season of Dancing with the Stars , have you heard

  8. 感觉就像《与星共舞》,但是没有明星。

    It 's like Dancing with the Stars , but without the stars .

  9. 与星共舞:我们共舞!

    Dancing with the Stars : We Dance !

  10. 所以跟《与星共舞》一模一样。

    So , Dancing with the Stars .

  11. 哦那是很久之前的事了我当时参加了《与星共舞》

    Oh , it was a long time ago , I was on Dancing With The Stars .

  12. 他们呼吁其他人不要观看《与星共舞》你想对他们说什么

    that they are asking people not to watch Dancing with Stars , what would you say to them

  13. 一个谈论超级男孩的借口现在已经不复存在了。乔伊法托被《与星共舞》淘汰了。

    The one excuse to talk about * NSYNC again is now gone.Joey Fatone was eliminated from Dancing With the Stars .

  14. 该组织还上传了跳舞大赛“与星共舞”的冠军朱莉安娜霍夫的100张照片,显然是从她的个人账户上盗取的。

    The group has also posted 100 of pictures of Dancing With The Stars 's Julianne Hough apparently taken from her personal account .

  15. 专业舞者们注意咯,如果想在《与星共舞》上拿第一的话,记得要和奥运冠军配对儿哦!

    Note to all pro dancers : If you want to win on Dancing with the Stars , make sure your partner is an Olympian .

  16. 纵观整个《与星共舞》节目她都是独领风骚,但是,今天早上,她带给这个节目很多欢乐。

    Throughout the " dancing with the stars " run of hers , however , this morning , bringing a lot holiday cheer to the show .

  17. 除了他和前妻引人注目的作品《新婚夫妇》外,他还出现在《圣女魔咒》、《唱诗班大比拼》和《与星共舞》中。

    In addition to his high-profile stint on Newlyweds with ex-wife Jessica Simpson , he has also appeared on Charmed , Clash of the Choirs , and Dancing With the Stars .

  18. “我现在还在考虑给我儿子买另一款电子游戏”这位父亲在网页上补充道“或许买一个小岛公主巴比娃娃或者与星共舞。”

    " I am still considering getting him a game for his Nintendo ," adds k_lid , the seller . " Maybe something like Barbie as the Island Princess or Dancing With the Stars . "

  19. 我们可以在狭窄的道路或大路,负责电台采访,阅读之旅应有尽有……弗朗茨,老朋友……你上次“与星共舞”怎么样!??

    We can go the narrow road or go large and in charge-radio interviews , reading tours , the whole nine yards ... Franz , old chum , how about ... you on ' Dancing with the Stars ' ! ? ?

  20. 这名真人秀电视明星和她的专业舞蹈搭档托尼·杜瓦拉尼被提名为《与星共舞》冠军。莱克罗夫特曾获得过《与星共舞》第三的好成绩,这次她打败了前冠军演员凯利·摩纳哥和肖恩·约翰逊夺得这座闪光的球星奖杯。

    The reality TV star and her professional dance partner Tony Dovolani were named the champions on " Dancing With the Stars : All Stars . " Rycroft came third before , this time she beat former champs actress Kelly Monaco and Olympian Shawn Johnson to claim the sparkly mirror-ball trophy .