
  • 网络Meet The Press
  1. 但是Keen告诉《与媒体见面》节目,联合国已经逐渐开始向应对人道主义灾难过渡。

    But Keen told Meet the Press the United Nations is ing to cope with a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions .

  2. 今天早上,拉皮埃尔参加NBC电视台的《与媒体见面》(MeetthePress)节目,并表示美国人支持这项建议,用他的话说就是,他们认为如果不这么做会很疯狂。

    This morning , he told NBC 's Meet the Press the American people support this , in his words , they think it would be crazy not to do it .

  3. 民主党国会女议员洛雷塔·桑切斯做客MBC电视台的《与媒体见面》时表示,她不认为使用化学武器对美国国家安全构成威胁,这不足以成为发动军事打击的理由。

    Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez told NBC 's Meet the Press that she doesn 't see the use of chemical weapons as a threat to US national security that justifies military strikes .

  4. 麦肯恩原本计划在一个海上油井与媒体见面,但由于发生石油泄漏和飓风多莉给而落空。他只好在俄亥俄州首府哥伦布XXX(Schmidt'sFudgeHaus)前接受媒体(CNN)采访。

    McCain , his planned photo op at an offshore rig pre ë mpted by an oil spill and rained out by Hurricane Dolly , held a press gaggle in front of Schmidt 's Fudge Haus , in Columbus , Ohio .

  5. 内塔尼亚胡是在全国广播公司“与媒体见面”的节目上说这番话的。

    Mr. Netanyahu was speaking on NBC 's " Meet the Press " program .

  6. 他在美国全国广播公司“与媒体见面”节目中说,他希望更多了解佩林在各个议题上的立场。

    He told the NBC program Meet the Press that he wants to hear more about her stands on individual issues .

  7. 但是,盖茨在美国广播公司的电视节目“与媒体见面”上认为,没有必要改变撤军计划,对此他似乎很有信心。

    But during an appearance on the NBC television program Meet the Press , he appeared confident no changes will be needed .

  8. 他们将接受彻底详细的盘问,然后才能与媒体见面。

    They will be ed very thoroughly before they 'll be given any -- the media will be given any access to them .

  9. 国会议员彼得·金做客美国全国广播公司的《与媒体见面》节目时表示,美国承受不起等待沉重打击伊拉克武装分子的时间。

    Congressman Peter King told NBC 's meet the press the US can not afford to wait before hitting the Iraqi militants harder .

  10. 哈特曼将军星期三晚间在与媒体见面时谈到了整个审讯过程当中颇为引起争议的一个问题,那就是保密证据问题。

    Speaking to reporters here Wednesday evening , General Hartmann addressed one of the main controversies surrounding the process , the use of secret evidence .

  11. 上周四,当他们出现在新德里饭店与媒体见面时,巴西外务部长塞尔索阿莫里姆宣布,会议没有突破性进展,但还是取得了一些进步。

    When they emerged late Thursday to face reporters in a New Delhi hotel , brazil 's foreign minister Celso Amorim announced no breakthrough , but some progress .

  12. 马伦在接受全国广播公司的“与媒体见面”节目采访时试图降低文件中关于巴基斯坦情报机构与塔利班有关联的重要性。

    Speaking on NBC 's Meet the Press program , Mullen downplayed the significance of documents alleging a connection between Pakistan 's intelligence apparatus and Taliban forces in Afghanistan .

  13. 参议院外交关系委员会的高级成员、共和党参议员鲍勃·考克接受美国全国广播公司《与媒体见面》节目的采访时表示,美国必须做更多的事情来保护乌克兰,否则俄罗斯会合并乌克兰。

    A republican senator Senator Bob Corker , the ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee told NBC ' s Meet the Press that the US has to do more to defend Ukraine , or Russia will annex it .

  14. 英国王子哈里在他21岁生日与媒体的见面会上说自己喜欢康沃尔公爵夫人卡米拉,他还对自己穿纳粹军服的丑事表示道歉。

    Prince Harry has used interviews for his21st birthday to say he loves Camilla , Duchess of Cornwall and apologise for his Nazi uniform stunt .

  15. 他们计划于4月19日在北京与广大媒体见面,并在该见面会上宣布这部超级英雄电影在中国上映的具体日期。

    They are scheduled to meet with media in Beijing on April 19 and unveil the release date of the superhero movie in China at the conference .