
  • 网络film camera;camera film
  1. 他使用一种胶片相机捕捉慢镜头动作,这时候虎鲸恰巧赶来。

    He uses a film camera to capture the action in slow motion . And the orcas come right by .

  2. 数码相机的出现开始逐渐威胁传统胶片相机长期以来在摄影市场的统治地位,成为消费者的首选。

    The dominant position of traditional film camera in photography has been threatened foot by foot with the emergence of digital camera . Digital camera becomes the fist choice of the consumers .

  3. 10亿像素计划(TheGigapixlProject)正使用大画幅胶片相机拍摄高清晰度的北美全景照片,并把焦点放在城市、公园和纪念碑上。

    The Gigapixl Project is using large-format film cameras to create a highly detailed coast-to-coast portrait of North America , focusing on cities , parks and monuments .

  4. 但是,在胶片相机爱好者眼中,摄影更多的是一个过程,它趣味盎然、意义非凡。

    But vintage camera lovers view shooting film as a fun and meaningful process .

  5. 斯图加特的康提莎工厂又开始生产伊康塔和尼塔尔胶片相机了。

    The Contessa works at Stuttgart resumed production of Ikonta and Nettar film cameras .

  6. 用非散瞳状态下的数码相机和标准眼底胶片相机检查老年性黄斑变性

    Detection of age-related macular degeneration using a nonmydriatic digital camera and a standard film fundus camera

  7. 你这里用到“战役”这个词。你的敌人是别的厂商所制造的数码相机吗?或者是胶片相机?

    You use the word " battle . " Your foes were the digital cameras of other manufacturers ? Or perhaps film cameras ?

  8. 工作时我用的是数码后背相机,不过做自己的摄影项目时我喜欢用胶片相机。

    I have a digital back which I use for work , but I like to use film when I 'm photographing personal projects .

  9. 但这并非人人所愿。虽然使用数码相机的摄影爱好者人多势众,把控着摄影艺术界,但还是有一些摄影师执恋于胶片相机。

    While digital cameras have taken hold of the art of photography due to their ubiquity , some shooters still hold a tight emotional connection to film cameras .

  10. 如今的自拍杆基本沿用了30年前摄影师们在一定距离开外拍自己肖像的装置的设计,那个时候还只能用便宜的傻瓜胶片相机拍摄。

    Today 's selfie sticks are patterned along the same basic design of one patented 30 years ago that allowed photographers to take self-portraits at a distance with cheap point-and-shoot film cameras .

  11. 当时她确信相机里的所有照片都不复存在,因为落下的碎石砸坏了胶片相机的镜头和胶卷盒。

    She was convinced that no pictures had survived because the falling debris had blown off the backs of the two film cameras and the lids of the film canisters had been peeled back .

  12. 应用摄影技术中的景深理论,对胶片相机和数码相机景深的计算方法进行了探讨,对容许分散圈直径参数的确定给出了笔者的看法。

    By applying the theory of the depth of filed , how to calculate the depth of filed in film-camera and digital camera and how to decide the parameters of the diameter of the permitted circle of confusion .

  13. 近年来数字式高速相机的研制成功为兵器测试技术提供了一种得力的工具,其技术性能,已逐步取代了胶片式相机在试验中的运用。

    In recent years , the appearance of high speed digital camera has provided a right hand tool for weapon Testing technology .

  14. 在高端,可更换镜头提供图像清晰度和可编程类似传统35mm胶片式单反相机单镜头反光(或SLR)相机。

    On the high end , single lens reflex ( or SLR ) cameras with interchangeable lens offer image sharpness and programmability similar to the traditional35mm film-type SLR cameras .

  15. 胶片型空间相机的快门设计和研究

    Design and study on the shutter in a film-space camera

  16. 航空相机是为新型战术侦察机配备的可见光胶片型侦察相机设备,航空相机检测仪是为航空相机设计的配套地面检测系统。

    The Aerial Camera is a visible light film of reconnaissance camera equipment which designed for a new type tactical scout .

  17. 作品必须是作者原创,作品应是使用感光胶片或数码相机所摄。

    Entries must originate as photographs ( image-captures of objects via light sensitivity ) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally .

  18. 传统相机利用胶片,而数码相机主要靠感光芯片及记忆卡。

    Traditional camera uses film ; digital camera uses memory cards .

  19. 长焦距、大画幅、高分辨率的胶片式画幅遥感相机要求在给定的摄影周期内快速、精密地将胶片展平在片台上。

    It is required that the film in a aerial camera with long focus , wide frame and high resolution should be flattened on film board quickly and precisely during exposure time .

  20. 在靶场测试中,利用光学测量设备获得的图像,如电影经纬仪、高速摄影机拍摄得到的胶片图像,弹道相机拍摄得到的干板图像等统称为光测图像。

    In the test of shooting range , it is called optics measure image which we have gotten images through using optical equipment as film altazimuth - , high speed film equipment - . trajectory camera .

  21. 胶片摄影和胶片相机市场近年由于数码相机的迅速流行而快速萎缩,数码相机不需要胶片就可以拍摄和存储照片。

    The photographic film and film camera markets have been shrinking rapidly in the past few years due to the rising popularity of digital cameras , which can take and store photos without the need for film .

  22. 数字相机不使用胶片,于是之后其他胶片相机就不再怎么使用了。

    The digital camera does not use the film , then other film cameras will not use even more .

  23. 对数码照相和胶片照相的差异进行了比较和分析,将数码相机的分辨力转换为胶片相机的分辨力,运用目标识别概率分析模型,即可实现对航空数码照相条件下目标识别概率的分析。

    Resolution of digital cameras is converted in that of film cameras . Target recognition probability analysis models are used . Then target recognition probability analysis under aerial digital photography conditions are reached .