
jiāo jié cái liào
  • Cementitious material;cementing material
  1. 敦煌壁画中胶结材料老化初探

    A Study on the Ageing of the Cementing Material in Dunhuang Murals

  2. 胶结材料被移动或改变。

    The cementing material are removed or altered .

  3. RM复合胶结材料及机场混凝土道面快速修补技术

    RM Composite Cement Material and Airport Concrete Pavement Rapid Repair Technique

  4. 本文运用各类常规试验方法和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射法对由硅灰和聚合物改性的高性能聚合物改性水泥基胶结材料进行了测试研究。

    In this thesis , cementing material which modified by polymer and silicon fume was studied by usual way , SEM and XRD .

  5. 以改性EPS颗粒为保温骨料,石膏-矿渣胶凝材料为胶结材料,辅以尼龙纤维和活性激发剂,可配制保温性能良好的墙体材料。

    The wall material made by modified EPS grain as insulation material , gypsum-slag as binding material , nylon and activator had good thermal insulation .

  6. 用酸性三苯甲烷染料溴酚蓝(BPB)作为共振光散射探针,对敦煌壁画含不同颜料的胶结材料中的蛋白质含量进行了定量测定。

    Resonance Light Scattering ( RLS ) probe technique was applied in the quantitative determination of proteins in the binding media of different dyes in Dunhuang Wall Painting via the interaction between ( Bromophenol ) Blue ( BPB ) and the proteins .

  7. 在探索新方法之前,先用两种经典的液相色谱法对同种胶结材料的来源做了探索,再将其与Edman降解所得结果对比,以验证Edman降解的准确性。

    Before exploring new methods , we can use the two classics liquid chromatography and Edman degradation obtained the source of information of the two binding medias of sample separately , then proving the usability of Edman degradation through comparison .

  8. 金矿全尾矿胶结材料及工艺的实验室研究

    Experimental Study on Binding Materials and Cementing Process for Total Gold Tailings

  9. 砼胶结材料在砌石拱坝中的应用

    Application of concrete cementing materials in stone masonry arch dam

  10. 采用水泥作为矿山充填胶结材料,充填成本高。

    The backfilling cost is high if cement is used as a cemented material .

  11. 经过合理的配合比设计,可配制成胶结材料;

    Flyash can be made into cementing material by proper design of mixture ratio .

  12. 防碱集料反应的粉煤灰胶结材料

    Fly Ash Cementitious Materials Against Alkali-Aggregate Reaction

  13. 掺硅灰和粉煤灰对高性能胶结材料强度的影响

    The influences of mixing silicon ash and fly ash on strength of high-performance cementing material

  14. 对改性后的胶结材料力学性能、工作性能和耐久性能的研究;

    And to study the mechanics performance , working ability and durability of modified cementing material ;

  15. 用虚拟裂纹模型分析普通断裂力学方法对胶结材料的可用性

    Applicability of the Ordinary Approaches of Fracture Mechanics for Cementitious Materials Is Analysed with the Fictitious Crack Model

  16. 磷石膏和天然石膏制备的半水石膏胶结材料微观结构与物理性能之间存在较大差异。

    The microstructure and physical properties of phosphogypsum plaster are quite different from the natural gypsum plaster as well .

  17. 开展彩绘文物胶结材料的分析表征研究,对于彩绘文物的研究、保护和修复具有十分重要的意义。

    The analysis and characterization of binding media for ancient polychrome artworks is of great importance for conservation and restoration .

  18. 分析得出该技术的关键问题是寻找不影响植物生长的胶结材料。

    Analysis indicate that the key questions of the technology is looking for cementing material will not affect the plant growth of the .

  19. 高速液相色谱技术在壁画胶结材料分析中的应用

    The Use of the High Speed Liquid Chromatography Technique in the Analysis of the Binding Media Used in the Mogao Grotto Frescoes at Dunhuang

  20. 高性能水泥基吸声材料以水泥作为主要胶结材料,以膨胀珍珠岩为骨料,采用二维压力挤压成型。

    Cementitious materials with high performance of absorbing noise manufactured with two-dimension stress , take cement as the main connection materials and swell pearl sand as skeleton .

  21. 水泥混凝土路面的嵌缝材料已由最初的沥青逐步发展为沥青玛蹄脂、聚氯乙烯胶泥等高分子胶结材料。

    The caulking materials for cement concrete pavement are gradully developing from initial bitumen to high polymer cementing materials such as asphalt mafura tallow , PVC daub , et al .

  22. 在野外采集了研究区内的岩样,对岩样的纹理、颜色、矿物组成和胶结材料(砂岩)进行了分析。

    In the fieldwork , rock samples are collected from the study area . Their texture , colours , mineral composition and cementing materials ( sandstone ) has been studied .

  23. 由超细粉磨的自燃煤矸石配制的胶结材料与煤矸石骨料配制的无水泥熟料煤矸石混凝土,可用于刚性桩复合地基。

    Non-clinker cement gangue concrete compounded by super crushed gangue cementing material and gangue aggregation , can be used as a kind of cement in composite foundation of rigid material pile .

  24. 分别采用普通水泥和高水单浆料为胶结材料对山东某金矿全尾矿进行了胶结对比试验。

    A series of laboratory cementing experiments on the total tailings from a gold mine in Shandong Province were conducted by use of ordinary cement and polyhydrate material as binding materials .

  25. 胶结材料是矿山胶结作业的核心,它既是决定胶结体强度的关键因素,又是影响工艺成本的最重要因素。

    Cementing material is the core of cementation in the mines . It is the key factor determining the cementation intensity , and also the most important factor influencing the cost .

  26. 本文论述了与试验较为吻合的虚拟裂纹模型,并以此模型为基础,讨论了普通断裂力学分析方法对胶结材料的适用性。

    This paper presents the Fictitious Crack Model in good agreement with experimental results , and the applicability of the ordinary approaches of fracture mechanics of cementitious materials is discussed with this model .

  27. 在工程中常采用多种胶结材料植筋和锚固设备地脚螺栓,但对于大直径螺栓的锚固,由于其特殊性还需进一步分析和研究。

    Inserting bar with several binders and anchoring equipment with foundation bolt are frequently adopted in engineering . But to the anchoring of large diameter bolt need further study and analysis for its special property .

  28. 透水性混凝土系采用水泥、沥青为胶结材料掺配高质量的同粒径或间断级配骨料所组成的,并具有一定空隙率的混合材料。

    The water permeability concrete system is the cement and asphalt composed of cementing materials admixed with the high-quality same particle-size or gap-graded aggregates , and is a certain void ratio of the mixing materials .

  29. 以粉煤灰为胶结材料,以炉渣和特细砂为基料,生产出符合墙体材料要求的粉煤灰炉渣空心砌块。

    By using fly-ash as a binding material and slag and ultrafine sand as base materials , hollow blocks made of fly-ash and slag that can meet the requirements in the wall materials construction are produced .

  30. 从物理性质与抗压强度方面将粉煤灰加固土与水泥加固土进行比较,证明粉煤灰作为软基加固的胶结材料,从加固效果及经济上均优于水泥。

    It also has the comparison between fly ash earth and cement earth in physical quality and compression strength , and it is testified that fly ash , being as cementing material in soft soil base , is finer than cement both in its effect and cost .