
  • 网络mortar;Mucilage;Mastic
  1. TLA灰分对沥青胶浆高温性能的影响

    Influence of TLA ash on high-temperature performance of asphalt mortar

  2. 铝酸酯偶联剂改性沥青胶浆的性能研究

    Study on Performance of Asphalt Mortar Modified by Aluminates Coupling Agent

  3. 本文通过沥青胶浆和沥青混合料的相关试验,全面地评价RA沥青复合改性剂的路用性能。

    By asphalt-related test , a comprehensive evaluation of RA asphalt compound modifier road performance .

  4. 请送汇编的图片并且表明哪里使用AB胶浆。

    Please send picture of the assembly and indicate where the AB glue is used .

  5. PTFE层压织物用PES热熔胶浆的性能研究

    Study on Performance of PES Hot Melt Adhesive Paste For PTFE Laminated Fabric

  6. 基于DMA方法的沥青胶浆微观结构

    Microstructure of asphalt mastic using dynamic mechanical analysis

  7. 应用DSR评价沥青胶浆路用性能的研究

    Utilization of DSR for evaluation of pavement performance

  8. 测试了沥青胶浆以及经现场老化的常规沥青的25℃针入度及其PG高温指标。

    25 ℃ penetration and PG high temperature parameter are also measured on asphalt cement and field aged conventional asphalt .

  9. 目的:考察羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC-Na)胶浆的制备工艺。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the preparation technique for CMC-Na mucilage .

  10. 以高性能涂料印花粘合剂为基材制备新型白胶浆FLD。

    A new paste FLD is prepared with high performance adhesive as raw material .

  11. 通过动态剪切流变仪(DSR)的温度扫描试验对纳米蒙脱土改性沥青胶浆的老化性能进行了流变学的分析。

    In this paper , the aging properties of nano-montmorillonite modified bitumen were studied through temperature sweep in DSR by rheological analysis .

  12. 碘水胶浆造影患者在检查后24h复查肺内无造影剂存积,但碘油造影患者在1~3个月内均有不同程度存留。

    The contrast medium wasn 't deposited in lung in 24 hours after bronchography with colloidal solution of aqua iodide , but it was remained during 1 ~ 3 months after bronchography with lipiodol in some extent .

  13. 另选WKY大鼠6只(0.5%阿拉伯胶浆10mL.kg-1.d-1)作为正常对照组。

    Additionally , six male Wistar-Kyoto rats ( 0.5 % mucilage of arabic gum , 10 mL · kg ~ ( - 1 )· d ~ ( - 1 )) were selected as control group .

  14. 鉴于影响水泥胶浆性能的因素很多,采用均匀设计法安排试验,并应用SPSS统计软件对试验结果进行回归,确定了影响水泥胶浆性能的主要因素,并确定了其最佳配比。

    Since there are many factors influencing the performance of the cement slurry , the uniform design method is used for arranging the test and the SPSS software is utilized to regress the result . The major factors are confirmed and the optimal mix scale is built .

  15. 局部应用替硝唑胶浆剂治疗牙周脓肿的临床疗效观察

    Effect of local application of tinidazole slurry on the periodontal abscess

  16. 沥青粘结料是由细集料和沥青胶浆粘结组成。

    Asphalt binder is made from fine aggregate and asphalt mortar .

  17. 粉胶比对沥青胶浆和沥青混合料性能的影响

    Influence of Filler-bitumen Ratio on Asphalt Combined Binder and Mixture Performance

  18. 泛影葡胺胶浆支气管造影500例临床应用

    Clinical application of meglucamine diatrizoate mucilage in 500 cases of bronchography

  19. 硅藻土改性沥青胶浆技术性能的评价方法

    Evaluation method for property of modified asphalt mortar with diatomite

  20. 温拌橡胶沥青结合料及其胶浆性能研究

    Study on the Performance of Rubberized Warm Asphalt Binder and Its Mortar

  21. 几种矿粉指标对沥青胶浆的影响分析

    Analysis of Influence of Several Indexes of Mineral Filler on Asphalt Mortar

  22. 服装粘合衬布用热熔胶浆的性能研究

    Study of the Property of Hot Melt Adhesive Dispersion for Lining Cloth

  23. 半柔性路面灌注水泥胶浆的性能研究

    A Study on Properties of Cementitious Grouts for Semi-Flexible Pavement

  24. 盐酸利多卡因胶浆是一种润滑剂及表面麻醉剂。

    Lidocaine hydrochloride mucilage is a kind of lubricant and surface anaesthetic .

  25. 利多卡因胶浆的制备及其在人工流产中的临床观察

    Preparation and Clinical Observation of Lidocaine Plasmagel on Artificial Abortion

  26. 盐酸达克罗宁胶浆主要成分为达克罗宁。

    Objective To establish the microbial limit test for dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage .

  27. 盐酸利多卡因胶浆尿道麻醉的临床试验

    Clinical trial of lidocaine hydrochloride jelly in endourethral topical anesthesia

  28. 纤维和矿粉对沥青胶浆性能的影响

    Effect of fiber and mineral filler on asphalt mortar performance

  29. 碘水胶浆支气管造影的临床应用

    Clinical application of bronchography using colloidal solution of aqua iodide

  30. 苯酚胶浆女性粘堵绝育术后输卵管超微结构观察

    Ultrastructural Study of Female Fallopian Tubes After the Occlusive Sterilization with Phenol-Mucilage