
  • 网络screening;jiathis.com
  1. 直接采用PostScript语言编程实现加网的探讨

    Discussion on Screening through Direct PostScript Programming

  2. 加网图像的频率传递特性与扫描分辨率设置

    Frequency-Transmission Characteristics of Screening Image and the Setting of Scanning Resolution

  3. 基于CTP制版的调频加网工艺研究

    A Study of FM Screening Technics Based on CTP Technology

  4. 根据PostScript语言有关加网的基本原理,对其定义的每种加网方式举例给予了说明。

    The basic methods and definition of screening using PostScript language were discussed .

  5. 研究表明,采用伪随机函数,对分色后的图象文件进行调频加网,再经现有的调幅加网RIP,可实现图象的调频加网输出;

    Research results show that by using the pseudo random function and RIP for AM screening , the image of separate color can be input in the form of FM screening .

  6. 研究了在彩色桌面出版系统中,借助现有的调幅加网RIP,采用乘同余伪随机数序列分布点元素,实现调频加网的基本原理和技术。

    This paper mainly deals with the basic theory and technique of FM screening with the help of AM screening RIP and the application of pseudo random series of multiplicative congruence arithmetic in color DTP .

  7. 本文在分析国际国内常用印刷墨区控制方法的基础上,提出了一种将RIP加网后的TIFF图像,作为墨区控制的基础源图像,经过数据补偿转换获得墨区控制数据的方法。

    Based on the analysis of international and domestic common printing ink zone control methods , this paper put forward a way a way which hold tiff images after RIP as basic source images , then obtain the data of ink zone through compression and conversion process .

  8. 轻质墙体加网防裂的作法比较与选择

    Methods comparison and selection of light wall crack prevention with mesh

  9. 调幅加网阈值矩阵设计方法与加网原理

    The Design Method of Threshold Matrix and Principle for AM Screening

  10. 本论文讨论的是调频加网呈色模型研究。

    This paper aims to do research on FM color model .

  11. 加网工艺对数码打样产品颜色再现的研究

    On Influence of Screening Process on Color Reproduction of Digital Proofing Products

  12. 乘同余法伪随机分布调频加网方法研究

    A Study of Pseudo Random Distribution FM Screening with Multiplicative Congruence Arithmetic

  13. 调频加网有效网点面积率计算研究

    Research of Effective Dot Area Transfer Functions with FM Halftoning

  14. 四色加网参数配置与加网干扰性结构的计算和实验

    Configuration of Four-color Screening Parameters and Interference Structure of Screening

  15. 通过调整加网网点函数,起到防伪作用。

    It can be used as anti-counterfeiting printing by adjusting screen function .

  16. 对调频加网地图印刷复制特性进行了研究。

    It studies the reproduction characteristic of map FM screening .

  17. 彩色阶调网印龟纹现象与加网角度之探讨

    Moire and Screening Angle in Multicolour Halftone Screen Printing

  18. 基于加网算法与算法适应性的半色调图像质量评价方法

    Quality Evaluation of Halftone by Halftoning Algorithm-Based Adaptive Method

  19. 基于传统印花的新型数字加网技术

    New Digital Screening Technology Based on Traditional Textile Printing

  20. 我的画多数是蚀刻画、版画或加网印刷品。

    Most of my pictures are etchings , engravings , or screen prints .

  21. 地图出版可视化中的数字加网技术研究

    The Digital Screening Technique in the Map Publishing Visualization

  22. 计算机制版中的图象加网技术

    The technique of photo halftoning in computer image formation

  23. 基于内容的图像自适应加网方法

    Adaptive Digital Screening Method Based on Image Content

  24. 数字加网新技术的研究进展

    Research on Progress in New Digital Screening Technology

  25. 加网图像的信息容量与图像的加网复制

    Information-capacity of Halftone Image and it 's Reproduction

  26. 数字加网迟滞系数的研究

    Research on Hysteresis Coefficient of Digital Screening

  27. 调频加网中的随机问题

    The Random Problem on the FM Screening

  28. 主要介绍调频加网技术的特点和网点产生的原理。

    This paper mainly introduces characteristics of the FM screening and the principle of dot appearance .

  29. 总结归纳出图像加网复制领域避免龟纹的三个定理。

    This paper summarizes three theorems of avoiding the Morie strip in the image screening duplication .

  30. 实验还证明,胶印中混合加网在改变印刷压力的条件下具有更大的稳定性。

    Experiment also proved that hybrid screening have greater stability under the variational pressure in offset .