
  • 网络The Canada Line;Canadian Line;Cnanda Line
  1. 太阳光从很远的地方弯折向伊利湖,折射使五十英里以外的加拿大海岸线也呈现在人们眼前。

    The light from the sun had bent so far down over Lake Erie that the refraction made the Canadian shoreline visible from more than fifty miles away .

  2. 了解这班飞机航程的人士说,在飞机飞越北大西洋,接近加拿大海岸线时,机长感觉不适,由换班飞行员负责操纵。

    People familiar with the flight 's trajectory said the captain fell ill and a relief pilot took the controls as the aircraft was over the North Atlantic and approaching the coast of Canada .

  3. 还是在2013年,居住在美国俄亥俄州的人们清早醒来,愕然发现他们竟然可以一直看到加拿大的海岸线。

    Also in 2013 , people living in northern Ohio woke up one morning and were stunned to find that they could see all the way to the Canadian shoreline .

  4. 冬天,加拿大的西海岸线是最暖和的地方。

    The west coast of Canada is the warmest place in winter .