
jiāo nián
  • gum;glue off;glue;viscid
胶粘 [jiāo nián]
  • [viscid] 〈方〉∶像胶那样粘

胶粘[jiāo nián]
  1. 经皮穿刺注射TH胶粘堵治疗肝、肾囊肿的初步报告

    Treatment of liver or renal cyst by percutaneous injection of TH glue into the cyst cavities

  2. 经腹腔镜用ZT胶粘补溃疡病穿孔的临床研究

    The clinical study of treating ulcerous perforation with the ZT medical glue under laparoscopy

  3. 塑料布相叠处用塑料封口胶粘起来。

    Use vinyl seam adhesive where vinyls overlap

  4. 他举着一张被撕成两半后又用胶粘在一起的一英镑的钞票。

    He was holding up a pound note that had been torn in half and stuck together with gum .

  5. 胶粘性能:胶粘剂对纸品的粘合速度和强度的能力

    Gullibility : Measure of speed of paper adhesive bonding and its strength .

  6. 他昨天用胶粘了许多信封

    He glued many envelops yesterday .

  7. 提高PVC塑溶胶粘合力研究

    Research on improving the adhesive force of PVC plastisol

  8. 阵列波导器件封装用UV胶粘接力学性能分析

    Mechanical property of UV curable adhesive bonding in packaging of fiber array waveguide device

  9. PVC胶粘带底胶和压敏胶的配方研究

    A Research into the Formulation of Pressure Sensitive Adhesive and Precoating of PVC Adhesive Tape

  10. J2胶粘堵家兔输卵管及子宫角后的病理变化

    Pathological Changes in Oviducts and Uteri Cornua Obstructed with Gum J_2 in Rabbits

  11. MQ硅树脂及其压敏胶粘带的研究

    Study on MQ silicone resin and the pressure sensitive adhesive tape

  12. 胶粘层对PU涂覆产品的影响基于有序生物膜的电容型层胶粘蛋白新型免疫传感器

    Influence of Adhesive Layer on Polyurethane Coating Laminated Products

  13. 同时新Web服务器通过其自身的胶粘功能,支持高级语言Python编写的Web程序,对系统的运行效率也起到一定的促进作用。

    Meanwhile , the new web server can support the web program of high-language compile by self-glue , which improves system operation .

  14. 借助XRD、IR和SEM等表征手段,对有机/无机复合胶凝材料的微观结构和胶粘机理进行了分析和探讨。

    The microstructure and mechanism of the adhesive materials are analyzed by means of XRD , IR and SEM characterization .

  15. 介绍了PU涂层产品加工中,胶粘层对涂覆产品的外观和内在性能的影响。

    The effects of adhesive layer on the appearance , performance of polyurethane coating products are reviewed .

  16. 粘弹模量对金属基底-胶粘涂层结构中类Rayleigh波传播特性的影响

    Study on effects of viscoelastic moduli on similar Rayleigh waves propagation in metal - adhesive coating structures

  17. 为了胶粘聚氯乙烯(PVC)薄膜及刨切微薄木饰面的胶合板,我们应用两种醋酸乙烯共聚乳液在不同复面工艺中进行试验。

    For adhering the PVC film and sliced thin veneer to wood-base panels , the laminating processes of two vinyl acetate copolymer emulsion adhesives were studied .

  18. 偶联剂KH-550对改性酚醛树脂胶粘SiC耐磨涂层性能的影响

    Effects of coupling agent KH-550 on the properties of SiC wear resistant coating adhered by modified phenol formaldehyde resin

  19. 目的:探讨经腹腔镜用ZT胶粘补溃疡病穿孔的临床价值。

    Objective : To probe the clinical value of treating ulcerous perforation with the ZT medical glue under laparoscopy .

  20. 结论:经腹腔镜用ZT胶粘补术治疗溃疡病穿孔具有与开腹穿孔修补术同样的疗效;

    Conclusions : Treating ulcerous perforation with the ZT medical glue is as effective as operation of perforation repair .

  21. 对白酒经风干后的胶粘态进行DFM分析后发现有大小不一的类圆形胶体颗粒。

    The similar-circular colloid particles of different size were found by DFM analysis of the stickiness state of atmospheric drying liquor .

  22. 为了解粘接结构中胶粘涂层的粘弹特性,进而评价粘接质量,对半无限金属基底-胶粘涂层结构涂层中的类Rayleigh波传播特性进行了研究。

    In order to understand the viscoelastic characteristics of the coatings and evaluate adhesive quality , the study of the half-infinite metal - adhesive coating structures on similar Rayleigh waves is carried through .

  23. 对TN胶粘钢加固轴心受压钢筋混凝土梁柱节点进行了试验研究,结果表明,这种加固方法是可行的。

    An experimental study are carried on about reinforced concrete beam_column joints strengthened with TN glue adhering steel under axial compressive forces . The feasibility of this strengthening way is verified by the results .

  24. SJK1500是一种单组份聚氨酯胶粘接密封胶,触变型。

    SJK1500 is a one-part , thixotropic , polyurethane based adhesive and sealant .

  25. 本文介绍了五种用于MEMS封装的封帽工艺技术,即平行缝焊、钎焊、激光焊接、超声焊接和胶粘封帽。

    Kinds of sealing processes for MEMS packaging were introduced , including parallel seam welding , soldering , laser welding , ultrasonic welding and lid sealing with adhesive , and the characteristics of different sealing processes and sealing processes selection of different MEMS devices were summarized .

  26. GB/T14517-1993绝缘胶粘带工频耐电压试验方法1000kV变压器带局部放电测量的长时感应耐压现场试验

    On-Site Long-Duration Induced AC Voltage Withstand Test With Partial Discharge Measurement of 1 000 kV Transformer

  27. 试验研究表明,偶联剂KH-550可显著地提高环氧胶粘涂层的胶接强度。耐磨性和耐水性。

    In this paper , the strengh , abrasion resistance and waterproof of the epoxy bonding coating can be strengthened by adding the coupling agent KH-550.The optimal amount of KH-550 is presented .

  28. 介绍了采用TN胶粘钢加固轴心受压钢筋混凝土柱的试验研究成果,并在试验的基础上推导出TN胶粘钢加固轴心受压钢筋混凝土柱在工程上应用时的计算公式与简化计算公式。

    This paper introduces the results of an experimental study about reinforcing the reinforced concrete columns by TN glue adhering with steel under axial compressive forces , and derives accurately estimate formulas and their simplified one suitable for engineering application on the basis of experiments .

  29. 作者认为采用40kHz采样频率、胶粘方式安装加速度传感器可以满足缸盖各激励源响应信号的测试要求。

    40 kHz , which is sampling frequency for signals , can satisfy sampling requirement for all the response signals on cylinder head .

  30. 利用Fick第一扩散定律和欧姆定律模拟了装置养分的释放,结果表明:养分的释放主要受扩散系数或物阻率、扩散面积、胶粘物质厚度等因素影响。

    The nutrients release was modeled respectively according to the Second Fick Diffusion Law and Ohm law , and the results were almost the same . The nutrients release was mainly controlled by diffusion coefficient , resistance , diffusion area and thickness of gel materials .