
  • 网络Welding residual stress
  1. X射线法测试1500m~3乙烯球罐焊接残余应力的现场应用

    Determination the Welding Residual Stress in a Spherical Vessel by X Ray Method in the Working Field

  2. 爆炸法消除100t转炉炉壳中腰环缝的焊接残余应力

    Relieving Welding Residual Stress of Circular Weld in the Middle of 100t Converter Shell by Explosion Treatment

  3. 焊接残余应力是奥氏体不锈钢发生应力腐蚀破坏的重要因素

    Melting Residual Stress is the main factor Causing Stress erosion damage on Austenite Rustless Steel 's Structures .

  4. 钻孔法测定焊接残余应力时的εp

    Effect of Released Platic Strain in Determining Residual Welding Stress By Hole-Drilling Method

  5. 用X射线法研究焊接残余应力的分布

    An Investigation into Distribution Law of Residual Welding Stress with X-Ray

  6. A、B标定值对盲孔法测定焊接残余应力精度的影响

    The Influence of Calibration Value A , B on the Measuring Accuracy of Residual Stresses by Hole-drilling Technique

  7. 钢管相贯K型节点焊接残余应力的数值模拟与试验分析

    Numerical simulation and Experimental Research on RESIDUAL-STRESSES in direct welding K-joint of steel tubular members

  8. 用X射线法测定焊接残余应力,目前仍处于研究阶段。

    At present the method of measuring residual welding stress with X-ray is still in study .

  9. 焊接残余应力对H2S应力腐蚀开裂影响的探讨

    Effects of Residual Stress of Welding on H_2S Stress Corrosion Cracking

  10. 焊接残余应力对PWR压力容器脆断的影响

    Effects of Welding Residual Stresses on the Brittle Fracture of PWR Pressure Vessels

  11. 爆炸消除921A钢焊接残余应力试验

    Welding residual stress relieving of steel 921A of using explosive method

  12. 921A钢焊接残余应力的数值模拟与测量

    Numerical Simulation and Measurement of Welding Residual Stress in the 921A Steel Plate

  13. 本文利用盲孔应力松弛法测定焊接残余应力,发现标定值A、B不是与应力无关的常量。

    It was found during residual stresses measurement by hole-drilling method that the calibration values A , B , parameters used for calculation of residual stresses , were not constants but dependent on the stress level at which A , B were to be determined .

  14. CF-62钢制1500m~3乙烯球罐焊接残余应力的现场测试

    The Welding Residual Stresses Measurement on 1500m ~ 3 Polythene Spherical Vessel of CF-62 Steel

  15. 本文主要研究了如何应用有限元模拟方法研究厚板焊接残余应力分布规律,模拟对象为厚度48mm的焊接钢板,焊接方式为V型坡口对接焊。

    The paper studied how to attain the distribution regulation of welding residual stress in thickness plate by finite element method . The welding plate is 48 mm in thickness , which is welded by v-shape groove butt weld form .

  16. 用Green函数法计算焊接残余应力引起的应力强度因子,运用大型有限元程序Ansys进行焊接结构的外载荷下的应力强度因子计算;

    Calculated the stress intensity factor caused by the welding residual stress with the Green function , and used the large-scale finite element procedure " Ansys " to calculate the stress intensity factor under the exterior load of the structure to the weld structure ;

  17. 本文利用ADINA非线性分析有限元程序,对低碳钢管道环焊缝接头焊接残余应力进行计算。

    In this paper , the residual welding stresses in a low carbon steel girth butt welded pipe are calculated with a nonlinear finite element code ADINA .

  18. 本文介绍了X射线应力仪用于现场测量残余应力的技术,并且给出了CF-62钢制1500m~3乙烯球缸的焊接残余应力测试结果。

    This paper introduced the X-Ray technique of measuring residual stresses in the working field and presented the results of welding residual stresses in a 1500 m3 polythene spherical vessel made by CF-62 steel .

  19. 工艺试验结果与模拟试验基本吻合,证明外加磁场能有效降低TIG焊接残余应力,为焊接残余应力与变形的研究开辟了新的途径。

    Process test results and the simulation are consistent to prove that the magnetic field can effectively reduce the TIG welding residual stress , and opened up new method for the welding residual stress and deformation studies .

  20. 运用有限元法对平板和正交接管T型接头焊条电弧焊和TIG焊的温度场进行数值模拟,试验结果验证了该方法的准确性和可靠性,可以继而模拟出焊接残余应力场。

    Welding temperature field was obtained to verify the numerical results . Temperature fields of T joints of plates and orthogonal nozzle during manual arc welding and TIG welding were simulated by finite element method ( FEM ) .

  21. 以Q345钢结构箱型柱为对象,研究了超声冲击工艺对焊接残余应力的影响。

    The effects of ultrasonic impact treatment ( UIT ) on the residual stresses of welded rectangular steel ( Q345 ) pillar were investigated .

  22. 基于热弹塑性有限元理论,建立了钛合金大厚度试件电子束移动热源的焊接残余应力三维数值分析模型,分析研究了厚度为75mm的TC4电子束焊接试件残余应力分布规律。

    Based on the thermal-elastic-plastic FEM theory , a three-dimensional numerical model is set up for studying the welding residual stresses in the thick titanium plate by electron beam welding .

  23. 利用Mises屈服条件建立了确定钢制压力容器焊接残余应力的方法,即只要测点进入屈服状态,就完全可以确定该点两个主应力方程的残余应力。

    Basing on Mises submitted condition , the method for achieving welding residual stress of steel pressure vessel is advanced . That is to say the equation of two main directions residual stress can be determined only if the test point is in submitted status .

  24. 焊接残余应力形成机制与消除原理若干问题的讨论

    Some Discussions on Principle of Causing and Relieving Welding Residual Stress

  25. 焊接残余应力是重要的影响因素之一。

    Welding residual stress is one of the main affect factors .

  26. 钢制压力容器焊接残余应力测试分析

    Test and Analysis on Residual Weld Stress of Steel Pressure Vessel

  27. 长厚板焊接残余应力释放的研究

    Deliberation on residual stress release in butt welded long thick plate

  28. 典型封闭环焊缝多道焊焊接残余应力的模拟分析

    Numerical analysis of multi-pass welding residual stress for typical closed weld

  29. Stellite31合金静叶片焊接残余应力的计算

    Study on welding residual Stess of Stellite 31 alloy static vanes

  30. 应用激光全息干涉研究焊接残余应力

    Study on Welding Residual Stress by Means of Laser Holography Interference