
  • 网络electrode covering;Coating;coating of electrode
  1. 用正交设计的方法优选出焊条药皮的最佳配比,获取优良的焊接工艺性能。

    Choosing the best prescription of the electrode covering , by using crossed design method , it obtains good performance of welding technology .

  2. 本文通过在焊条药皮中分别添加微量稀土氧化物La2O3及CeO2,研究其对焊条熔敷金属在空气中和含硫气氛中抗高温氧化及腐蚀性能的影响。

    In this paper , through the adding of minute rare earth oxides La 2O 3 and CeO 2 in the electrode covering , we study their effects on high temperature oxidation and corrosion resistance of the weld metal in the air and sulphureous gas .

  3. 焊条药皮中Si-Ba合金对焊缝组织性能的影响

    Effection of the Si-Ba Alloy in the Electrode Coating on the Microstructure and Properties of Welding Material

  4. 本文采用廉价钛铁、铌铁和含碳材料等.以焊条药皮合金化,通过电弧冶金反应,获得含TiC、NbC超硬质相的堆焊层。

    Using low cost titanium , niobium ferroalloys and carbon containing ingredient , through alloying by the coating of the electrode , an overlay containing TiC , NbC super hard phases has been obtained .

  5. 虽然在改变焊条药皮组成和渣中FeO量的情况下,焊缝金属的脱磷是有限的,但合适的药皮碱度和熔渣FeO含量,焊缝金属还是可以获得较好的脱磷效果的。

    Although there was a limit to the dephosphorization of the deposited metal , it was satisfactory through suitable selection of the value of FeO in slag and coating basicity of the electrode .

  6. 遗传算法可以用于C-Cr-Mo-Ni-Mn合金系堆焊焊条药皮合金剂组分优化。

    Genetic algorithm can be used to optimize alloy additions in the coating of the C-Cr-Mo-Ni-Mn alloy system hardfacing electrodes .

  7. 焊条药皮碱度增加,焊接气氛的氧势增加,渣中FeO量增加,渣中自由氧离子活度增加,它们相互作用的结果使熔敷金属中含硫量与焊条药皮碱度呈极小值关系。

    With increasing coating basicity , the activity of oxygen ion in slag , FeO content in slag and oxygen potential of arc atmosphere increased . Interaction of them made that relationship between sulphur content in deposited metal and B 1 had a minimum value .

  8. 碱性焊条药皮组份与扩散氢的相关性

    Relativity between Coating Compounds of Covered Electrodes and Diffusible Hydrogen

  9. 焊条药皮中稀土氧化物向焊缝中过渡机制的研究

    Mechanism of Rare Earth Oxide Transferring from Coated Electrode to Welding Pool

  10. 酸性焊条药皮主要组分对熔化温度及其区间的影响

    Effect of covering components on its melting temperature range for acid electrode

  11. 5Ni-Cr-Mo钢配套焊条药皮碱度研究

    Optimal Basicity of 5 Ni - Cr - Mo Steel Electrode Coating

  12. 焊条药皮化学反应热与焊条能耗的关系

    Relationship between chemical reaction heat of coating and energy consumption of electrode

  13. 电容法测定低氢型焊条药皮湿度

    Determination of moisture capacity in fluxed electrode with low hydrogen by capacitance method

  14. 焊条药皮物质对其可吸入尘量的影响

    Influence of Electrode Coat to Amount of Respirable Fume

  15. 碱性焊条药皮组分与熔敷金属扩散氢含量的关系

    Correlation of Alkaline Coated Electrod Coating Components and Deposited Metal Diffusion Hydrogen Contents

  16. 通过试验研究了焊条药皮碱度对熔敷金属脱硫脱磷行为的影响。

    Effect of basicity of electrode coating on desulphidation and dephosphorization is studied .

  17. 熔渣碱度对焊条药皮中合金元素过渡系数的影响

    The influence of melt slag basicity to welding rod coating alloying element transition coefficient

  18. 低氢型焊条药皮抗吸潮性研究

    Moisture-resistance ability of low hydrogen type electrode

  19. 焊条药皮碱度对熔敷金属中硫磷含量的影响

    Effect of Basicity of Electrode Coating on the Content of Sulphur and Phosphorus in Deposited Metal

  20. 焊条药皮成分对不锈钢焊条工艺性能有较大的影响。

    The component of electrode coating has certain effects on the usability of stainless steel electrode .

  21. 该规律对于研究酸性焊条药皮组分对焊条药皮物理性能和工艺性能的影响有实际参考价值。

    The pattern discovered provides a valuable guidline to study physical and operative properties for acid covering .

  22. 碱性焊条药皮处理条件对焊缝金属扩散氢影响的研究

    Effect of torrefied conditions of basic welding rod coating on diffusible hydrogen ( H_D ) in weld metal

  23. 通过理论分析及实验,探讨了手工电弧焊焊条药皮中添加金属镁粉的脱硫效果。

    By adding magnesium powder into the coating of electrode , the sulphurs removal in deposited metal was satisfactory .

  24. 使用GX-高温物性仪测定焊条药皮的熔点,研究该类焊条药皮熔化特性。

    We use GX-temperature properties to measure the melting point of coated electrodes and study their melting characteristics of such electrodes coating .

  25. 指出合理的焊条药皮组分可明显提高低碳钢焊缝的低温性能。

    It points out that reasonable drug composition of welding rod can improve the low temperature properties of low carbon steel weld .

  26. 通过在焊条药皮中加入氧化硼或硼铁向焊缝渗入微量硼。

    Small amounts of boron were transferred from the electrode to weld metal by adding boron oxide or ferroboron powder to the electrode covering .

  27. 焊条药皮中低电离电位的铁粉的加入将使水下电弧温度有所下降;

    The experimental evidence shows that adding iron powder of low ionization voltage in coating causes the temperature of underwater welding arc to decrease .

  28. 在碱性铁粉焊条药皮中添加不同量的纳米稀土氧化物粉体,对焊缝进行扩散氢含量、低温冲击及化学成分的测试和分析。

    Adding the different nanometer CeO2 content to alkali iron powder electrode , the diffusible hydrogen content , low-temperature impact and chemical composition of the weld were tested .

  29. 通过向焊条药皮中加入稀土氧化物的方法,研究了在焊条药皮中加入不同种类、不同含量的稀土氧化物对焊缝金属低温冲击韧性、显微组织以及扩散氢含量的影响。

    The effect of different kinds and different content rare earth oxide added in coated electrode on low temperature notch toughness , weld metal microstructure and diffusible hydrogen was studied .

  30. 通过对钛铁矿焊条药皮的优化设计及对脱渣性的系统研究,探讨了焊缝表面粘渣的机制及其影响因素。

    The mechanism which slag sticks on the surface of weld beam and the factors influencing the sticking behavior are approached through de-slag property study and covering design optimization to ilmenite electrode .