
  • 网络Welding Engineer;IWE;EWE
  1. 焊接工程师的主要职责是确保所提供给他的设计并未带来无法解决的问题。

    An essential role of the welding engineer is to ensure that the design offered to him does not present insurmountable problems to execute .

  2. 国际焊接工程师培训与高校工程化人才的培养中美高等工程教育人才培养比较研究

    International welding engineer ( IWE ) training and engineering senior students training Comparative Study of Talent Cultivation of Higher Engineering Education Between China and America

  3. 本科生国际焊接工程师资格培训认证初探西气东输二线管道自动焊技术培训及工程应用

    Training and engineering application of pipeline automatic welding technique in West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline No.2

  4. 分析了我国高等学校开展国际焊接培训的意义和优势;讨论了国际焊接工程师培训体系与我国高校现行焊接技术人才培养模式的互补性。

    The paper analyzed the superiority and significance of international welding training at the Chinese universities and discussed the mutually beneficial relationship between the international welding training system and the training model for welding technique talents in China .

  5. 为此,本文设计了典型飞机构件焊接热过程/应力/应变模拟系统,协助焊接工程师完成实体建模、网格划分、焊接工艺过程设计及焊接过程模拟仿真。

    Therefore , the simulation system which simulates the welding thermal process , welding residual stress and strain of typical aircraft components has been designed .